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    Utiliser "coup de grace" dans une phrase

    coup de grace exemples de phrases

    coup de grace

    1. It was said in some quarters that the drama of the finale had been arranged as the final coup de grace in the search for the ultimate televisual experience

    2. the drama of the finale had been arranged as the final coup de grace

    3. “Those two gentlemen you met in the Park today allowed for the coup de grace, you might say, of the slow inroads I've made into the grip these northern New York manufacturers have on the markets in New England

    4. “We already caused a split in the house of David and now the coup de grace

    5. His head was bowed, but he didn’t have the luxury of a loyal servant or designated second for the coup de grace---a sharp, swift sword to cleanly slice it off

    6. That wasn‘t too effective since most horse owners abhorred the idea of ending old dobbin‘s misery with a coup de grace and these owners would be served, Jack‘s needs notwithstanding

    7. She then gave the coup de grace to the two men with her knife

    8. For good measure, he fired two more torpedoes at the destroyer once his forward tubes were reloaded again, giving the coup de grace to the destroyer

    9. Those extra bombs proved enough to finish the job and give the coup de grace to the Japanese ships

    10. Pearl Harbour proved to be a fatal blow to western imperialism and facilitated the coup de grace that was administered at Singapore

    11. The second intruder, on its part, was able to withstand nine missile hits before continuing on its original course with heavy damage, and that after giving the coup de grace to Commodore Barbanzon’s ship

    12. invisible opponent, who Louie then knee-dropped for a coup de grace

    13. However, the God’s coup de grace appears to be in the psychological arena of the Islamic dogma

    14. Just when the Dutchmen think they will get away scot free, Mikhail will pounce and deliver the coup de grace

    15. However, Prime Minister David Cameron who had threatened for months to make great cuts to the benefit system, and the criteria for all social benefits even tougher; finally delivered his coup de grace

    16. Nonetheless, I would sometimes find myself outside of my professional comfort zone: playing judge in a live weigh-in contest to determine which Chihuahua was the world’s smallest, competing in a gingerbread house–making contest with my fellow anchors, and—the coup de grace—dancing on live television with a box on my head, dressed up like the Shuffle Bot from the hip-hop band LMFAO

    17. Yet on two of these occasions someone realized that he and his presumptive male companion did not go to the bar but to a room, and the already tarnished reputation of Florentino Ariza received the coup de grace

    18. ” She knew it was, because she had seen the white lumps in the mouths of the sweltering corpses, but she noted that none of them had the coup de grace in the back of the neck as they had at the time of the balloon

    19. In order to add even greater poignancy to their memories, she had brought her copy of the portrait of them dressed as old-fashioned ladies, taken by the Belgian photographer on the afternoon that a young Juvenal Urbino had delivered the coup de grace to a willful Fermina Daza

    20. " Dolgorowky, here is the rouble nous vous rendons avec beaucoup de grace

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