Utiliser "do by" dans une phrase
do by exemples de phrases
do by
1. What will you do by meeting them? Really?' I joined in
2. 14For when the Gentiles, which have not the law, do by nature the things contained in
3. Imagine what you can do by combining physical and mental exercises
4. added teasingly, “So be done with all you have to do by then;
5. do by assigning himself as our guide on the tour? It was all a big
6. To summarise: the SAP stepped up to enforce parliaments’ laws as it was compelled to do by law
7. Horses Do What They Do by Cherry Hill
8. With the new covenant, men will not have to be told what to do by other men, because each one will have a direct relationship with God and will be able to align his will with God’s will and know what God wants
9. As I said, you wouldn‘t be in this mess if, for once, you‘d done what you were told to do by the authorities
10. live, and by the power of my kingdom, whatever I have spoken, that will I do by my hand
11. ‘It is time’ for the States to reestablish what the ‘federal’ government ‘will be’ empowered to do by holding a convention under Article 5, as noted above to:
12. did and some still do by drowning, abandoning them in the forest at a few days old) but
13. 12 For as I live and by the power of my kingdom whatever I have spoken that will I do by my hand
14. have sent Caleb back to say we've found a path? But, if they came along, all I could do by
15. And that’s what I intended to do by
16. In a word, when Socialism’s worth is propagated through aspersions of individuals and Capitalism, as socialists do by maligning and trying to discredit the system of Capitalism, then Socialism’s weaknesses are masked and are harder to detect, but the results are still negative
17. When I looked again to the couple, I received the fulminant gaze of Duprina as the flight of one thousand spears flyers, then, she took Leonardo by the arm and moved him away from my view
18. how to do by watching Tobias, and slipped it in her purse
19. Anything whatever that we do by a mantra we could do by
20. You must first recognize man as your brother, and if you honestly desire to do by him as you would have him do by you, the commonplace dictates of justice, honesty, and fairness will guide you in the just and impartial settlement of every recurring problem of economic rewards and social justice
21. At Cana on this occasion the agents of the Creator made wine just as they do by the ordinary natural processes except that they did it independently of time and with the intervention of superhuman agencies in the matter of the space assembly of the necessary chemical ingredients
22. Now, what he had failed to do by plain and personal teaching, he would attempt to accomplish by a symbolic appeal
23. Modeling (doing what you want students to do by showing them what is wanted), gesturing to prompt behaviors, and cueing with more subtle movements all provide assistance to the students
24. done in producing this book that most of us could do by making the same
25. This we can do by the following print lines:
26. The teacher, Melchor Escalona, used to knowing José Arcadio Segundo by his green shirt, went out of his mind when he discovered that the latter was wearing Aureliano Segundo’s bracelet and that the other one said, nevertheless, that his name was Aureliano Segundo in spite of the fact that he was wearing the white shirt and the bracelet with José Arcadio Segundo’s name
27. This you can do by limiting yourself to one show per night, for starters
28. Being told what to do by others will not take you as far as
29. Make it easy for journalists to learn more about your site and what you do by providing them with the information they seek
30. banishment from Paradise is a metaphor for the emergence of our self-reflective consciousness in which we no longer hear the Gods, but have to figure out what to do by our own wits
31. We saw last week in Joshua, when they were doing their first battle against Jericho, Joshua said be silent, don't utter a word for the six days, because it would be so easy for them to undo the creative miracle God was about to do by speaking negatively and critically
32. Fathers and mothers, do not forget that children learn more by the eye than they do by the ear
33. told to do by others,
34. there is NOTHING I can do by worrying that is going to change whatever the outcome of
35. When this noble messenger, our master Job (pth), called upon his Provider, He, the Almighty, responded to his call and taught him what to do by ordering him to migrate from his own country to another
36. Innuendo by the press destroyed both of their lives
37. recognize that there is nothing more we can do by ourselves
38. The neighbour is, as I told you, extremely friendly, so is his wife, though I do not set such store by her friendliness as do by his, for, frankly, I find men are best; and they have a son who is an _Assessor_ in Berlin
39. She tightened her grip around the javelin in her shoulder, knowing she must pull it out, but finding it too unbearable to do by herself
40. excited buzz fell over the floor and associates could be found emailing each other in a zealous frenzy to know what others were going to do by way of dress, escorts, etc
41. My mother tells me that I need to stop, to calm down and control my temper, that there’s nothing I can do by yelling and screaming and crying
42. Even after they have sloughed off their lower status, they still justify everything they do by typecasting themselves as victims
43. They had been kept by him in a frozen state of helpless fear and immaturity all of their lives by being told what to do by the same filth mass murderer whom they wept for so openly after he died
44. And once they are shown what to do by a leader, and the leader is killed
45. Anything living humans INTEND to do by themselves without unseen corruption poisoning their intelligent good intentions: these filth make sure that it comes to nothing
46. Some estimate that between Acts chapter 2 and Acts chapter 6 the growth of the Church was from 120 to upwards of 25,000 believers in this short duration of time! Some will caution against seeking after such growth in the Church but we must not try to hinder what God wants to do by His Spirit
47. Constantly remind your clients about what you do by posting status updates about your company
48. Most of the dwellers do by now
49. But the one to whom my arrival gave the greatest pleasure was the duke's second son, Fernando by name, a gallant youth, of noble, generous, and amorous disposition, who very soon made so intimate a friend of me that it was remarked by everybody; for though the elder was attached to me, and showed me kindness, he did not carry his affectionate treatment to the same length as Don Fernando
50. But I trust in God our Lord that the might of one malignant enchanter may not prove so great but that the power of another better disposed may prove superior to it, and then I promise you my support and assistance, as I am bound to do by my profession, which is none other than to give aid to the weak and needy