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    Utiliser "fall for" dans une phrase

    fall for exemples de phrases

    fall for

    1. ‘Did he fall for it too?’

    2. Tahlmute and doostEr pretended to fall for it just to be polite until some of the local's started teasing them

    3. In fact, although even then he already had the easy confidence with women that made them fall for him today, still this girl had made him feel so vulnerable, so stripped bare of pretence that he had never been able to speak to her

    4. Bahkmar wondered at the blind gullibility of the population to fall for that

    5. I'm still not going to fall for it, Apollo thinks to himself as he lies back down on the bed, trying to stifle his appetite that's suddenly eating away at his determination

    6. I won’t fall for that one again and I’ll have Angie with me anyway

    7. They will not fall for same trick again

    8. Rather than going back to the safety of the beach, he said I might as well take lesson number two, 'Just keep hold of my hands and fall forward, kicking as you go

    9. He lets the water fall for ten minutes in a cascade of absolution, and although he can still hear odd notes and bars of the melody deep in the primeval zones of his cortex, he feels as though he is regaining control

    10. had to fall for her,” I astounded myself by going on and on, “I

    11. Let not one fall for we all shall fall

    12. Folks still fall for the hyped up sales page and letters they receive

    13. He’d be damned if he’d fall for Aspen’s doll-face tactics again

    14. Venus had asked Mars to meet her there to get him to join her cause, fully intending to let him take the fall for the demon attack

    15. “Right then you have been warned don’t fall for the trick and don’t think you will know it’s not one of us because they are very good at this type of thing even going as far as using people who once lived in England to fool us”, we saluted and he went on to the next group to pass the message

    16. I saw Elijah throw his hands up to his face and then fall forward onto his face on the ground and I saw the scream on his lips before he dropped but I couldn’t hear him for the noise that as going on

    17. 35 A continuous mist watering system would also have ensured sustained plant growth all through the year all over the earth as plants would not have been dependent on rainfall for their water

    18. Adem turned to see Jean fall forwards in the saddle with exhaustion

    19. We are rather good at this kind of thing and the West always fall for it for the western long haired liberals are always willing to believe the worst of their own and the best of us

    20. Since all my clients or most of them are affluent men I must ask you not to fall for such baloney

    21. Sharon started to fall forward and then backward hitting her head on the cement

    22. He would not allow himself to fall for such tricks of the soul, and his wary eye would be on the lookout for signs that would expose this man as a pawn of the archenemies

    23. Never again, never again would she fall for that feeling, the hope

    24. I’m always up for a bit of good natured fun but really chaps, come on!! Who on earth could possibly fall for this one?

    25. “Yeah, I really think I could fall for this guy,” I replied

    26. They all knew that their beloved leader had taken the fall for someone else, but he asked them to keep their mouths shut, so as Rangers always do, they kept quiet and watched Norm take a discharge to save someone else’s reputation

    27. Trying not to fall for Jesse while being so intimate with him was a very thin line to walk on

    28. She had it all wrong; sure it was just a mission in the beginning, but I never thought I could fall for her

    29. ” She added, then shrugged “I guess you’re a few I don’t want to fall for her tricks

    30. I’m sorry that I was stupid enough to fall for Parker

    31. you can confidently say (or at least just think): sorry, but that’s a myth; I’m not going to fall for that one!

    32. Elle might be passionate, but she would never fall for a shameless womanizer

    33. “I knew he was going to fall for you

    34. Men often fall for the beauty of a young girl

    35. “I only hope that they’re idiots enough to fall for such a ruse! With nothing to back it up, if even a small patrol cuts through the only line we have

    36. 25 The rain came down the floods came and the winds blew and beat on that house and it didn't fall for it was founded on the rock

    37. hope that they're idiots enough to fall for such a ruse! With nothing to back it up, if even a small

    38. Don’t fall for this one either

    39. Sure Calvin said he would take the fall for everyone, and he and his puppet Shen had made it seem like Intel Wing legitimized Calvin's mutiny, but

    40. Dacha almost always took the fall for her

    41. "When I met you, I was mad at my boyfriend and I guess I sort of fall for you on the rebound

    42. From then on I made it a point not to carry any writing material with me thus keeping alive the utility of the waterfall for me

    43. Practice relaxation of themuscles of the throat by letting your neck and head fall forward

    44. Who would fall for that?

    45. When he sold Ruma the idea of their joy rides, she didn’t fall for it fearing that would break her father’s back further

    46. “If it’s Vidya,” said Suresh as if he was pleading that she be made his wife, “it would be a windfall for me

    47. As he began to fall forward, she jumped to her feet and belted him in the face with the stick, which she still had clenched in her hand, knocking him backwards into the scrub

    48. What does being clumsy have to do with learning the guitar? Geez, you'd have to be an idiot to fall for that line

    49. “I guess I don’t have to remind you that someone will have to take the fall for this," the attorney added

    50. “It’s more like taking the fall for both of us

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