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    favourable exemples de phrases


    1. I know it sounds revolting but, added to soups, stews, salads or vegetables just before serving you would hardly know it was there! However, your system will know it is there and react “n a very favourable way

    2. It seems even to be favourable to generation

    3. They naturally, therefore, commend the former as more favourable to industry

    4. had a voice that, given favourable conditions, could

    5. The Spanish colonies are under a government in many respects less favourable to agriculture, improvement, and population, than that of the English colonies

    6. seems favourable for the moment, without care for the

    7. As the one mode of expense is more favourable than the other to the opulence of an individual, so is it likewise to that of a nation

    8. The expense, too, which is laid out in durable commodities, is favourable not only to accumulation, but to frugality

    9. All that I mean is, that the one sort of expense, as it always occasions some accumulation of valuable commodities, as it is more favourable to private frugality, and, consequently, to the increase of the public capital, and as it maintains productive rather than unproductive hands, conduces more than the other to the growth of public opulence

    10. so that, when the time is favourable, he mobilizes

    11. This supposition will not, I believe, be found anywhere agreeable to the truth ; but it is the most favourable to the opinion which we are going to examine; and, even upon this supposition, it is utterly impossible that the lowering of the value of silver could have the smallest tendency to lower the rate of interest

    12. Those laws and customs, so favourable to the yeomanry, have perhaps contributed more to the present grandeur of England, than all their boasted regulations of commerce taken together

    13. Being generally, too, more favourable to his power, their deputies seem sometimes to have been employed by him as a counterbalance in those assemblies to the authority of the great lords

    14. The crusades, too, though, by the great waste of stock and destruction of inhabitants which they occasioned, they must necessarily have retarded the progress of the greater part of Europe, were extremely favourable to that of some Italian cities

    15. From the beginning of the reign of Elizabeth, too, the English legislature has been peculiarly attentive to the interest of commerce and manufactures, and in reality there is no country in Europe, Holland itself not excepted, of which the law is, upon the whole, more favourable to this sort of industry

    16. The prohibition of the importation of foreign woollen is equally favourable to the woollen manufacturers

    17. The act of navigation is not favourable to foreign commerce, or to the growth of that opulence which can arise from it

    18. Notwithstanding these favourable allegations, however, the following considerations dispose me to believe, that in granting at least one of these bounties, the legislature has been very grossly imposed upon:

    19. Though, from excess of avarice, in the same manner, the inland corn merchant should sometimes raise the price of his corn somewhat higher than the scarcity of the season requires, yet all the inconveniencies which the people can suffer from this conduct, which effectually secures them from a famine in the end of the season, are inconsiderable, in comparison of what they might have been exposed to by a more liberal way of dealing in the beginning of it the corn merchant himself is likely to suffer the most by this excess of avarice; not only from the indignation which it generally excites against him, but, though he should escape the effects of this indignation, from the quantity of corn which it necessarily leaves upon his hands in the end of the season, and which, if the next season happens to prove favourable, he must always sell for a much lower price than he might otherwise have had

    20. But as corn grows equally upon high and low lands, upon grounds that are disposed to be too wet, and upon those that are disposed to be too dry, either the drought or the rain, which is hurtful to one part of the country, is favourable to another ; and though, both in the wet and in the dry season, the crop is a good deal less than in one more properly tempered ; yet, in both, what is lost in one part of the country is in some measure compensated by what is gained in the other

    21. But the political institutions of the English colonies have been more favourable to the improvement and cultivation of this land, than those of the other three nations

    22. The French colonies, indeed, are subject to the custom of Paris, which, in the inheritance of land, is much more favourable to the younger children than the law of England

    23. As the political economy of the nations of modern Europe has been more favourable to manufactures and foreign trade, the industry of the towns, than to agriculture, the industry of the country; so that of other nations has followed a different plan, and has been more favourable to agriculture than to manufactures and foreign trade

    24. On the contrary, it may, in some cases, be favourable to liberty

    25. Reputation in his profession is still of some importance to him, and he still has some dependency upon the affection, gratitude, and favourable report of those who have attended upon his instructions; and these favourable sentiments he is likely to gain in no way so well as by deserving them, that is, by the abilities and diligence with which he discharges every part of his duty

    26. The first reformers found the Greek text of the New Testament, and even the Hebrew text of the Old, more favourable to their opinions than the vulgate translation, which, as might naturally be supposed, had been gradually accommodated to support the doctrines of the Catholic Church

    27. In free countries, where the safety of government depends very much upon the favourable judgment which the people may form of its conduct, it must surely be of the highest importance, that they should not be disposed to judge rashly or capriciously concerning it

    28. This system of church government was, from the beginning, favourable to peace and good order, and to submission to the civil sovereign

    29. He does not even despise the prejudices of people who are disposed to be so favourable to him, and never treats them with those contemptuous and arrogant airs, which we so often meet with in the proud dignitaries of opulent and well endowed churches

    30. It had left Danny with a favourable impression

    31. If we keep these possibilities in mind, we could reach a point of equilibrium where water could be suspended above the Earth’s atmosphere: If a spherical layer of water’s distance from the Earth was such, that the force exerted on it through the Earth’s gravity equalled the repelling force of a strong enough magnetic field that repelled the water with as much force, we would have a favourable result and water would be able to exist in a suspended condition above the atmosphere

    32. These factors would all have contributed to very favourable life-supporting conditions on Earth

    33. Letting his gaze sweep the clear sky, he studied the stars for a favourable sign

    34. When speeding along at ninety or a hundred miles per hour, a pilot has little time for astronomical observation, even when weather conditions are favourable

    35. He had worked out it was like getting a twenty percent discount off the drinks, because of the favourable exchange rate of the Australian dollar

    36. 26 He shall pray to God, and he will be favourable to him, and he shall see his face with joy, for he will render to man his

    37. The baker thought that the interpretation of his dream would also be favourable, so

    38. power, since all was oppression around; but they encouraged them in their troubles, and expected a favourable turn of affairs; 9 He

    39. with their becoming and ingenuous mien, smiled on them, and calling them near, said: 4 O youths, with favourable feelings, I admire

    40. 6 Therefore did the cherub think that God was favourable to them, and was bringing them back into the garden

    41. 11 They were glad, because they thought that God was favourable to Adam, and wished him to return to the garden; and wished to restore him to the gladness he once enjoyed

    42. 4 For he said within himself, "Now that when they had fulfilled the forty days' fasting and praying, God would restore them to their former estate, but if He did not do so, He would still be favourable to them; and even if He had not mercy on them, would He yet give them something from the garden to comfort them; as already twice before

    43. An enemy of our own species was far more favourable than one of another’s

    44. 22 And it shall be, when their fathers or their brethren come to us to complain, that we will say to them, Be favourable to them for our sakes, because we reserved not to each man his wife in the war, for you did not give to them at this time, that you should be guilty

    45. 6 Therefore did the cherub think that God was favourable to them and was bringing them back into the garden

    46. 11 They were glad because they thought that God was favourable to Adam and wished him to return to the garden; and wished to restore him to the gladness he once enjoyed

    47. 4 For he said within himself "Now that when they had fulfilled the forty days' fasting and praying God would restore them to their former estate but if He did not do so He would still be favourable to them; and even if He had not mercy on them would He yet give them something from the garden to comfort them; as already twice before

    48. 53 And again we begged our Lord as touching these things and found him favourable to us

    49. 8 Nor was this unexpected uproar and sudden conflux of people unobserved by the Greeks who lived in the city concerning men who had never harmed them yet to aid them was not in their power since all was oppression around; but they encouraged them in their troubles and expected a favourable turn of affairs; 9 He who knows all things will not they said disregard so great a people

    50. 3 Whom when the tyrant beheld encircling their mother as in a dance he was pleased at them; and being struck with their becoming and ingenuous mien smiled on them and calling them near said: 4 O youths with favourable feelings I admire the beauty of each of you; and greatly honouring so numerous a band of brethren I not only counsel you not to share the madness of the old man who has been tortured before 5 but I do beg you to yield and to enjoy my friendship; for I possess the power not only of punishing those who disobey my commands but of doing good to those who obey them

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    Synonymes pour "favourable"

    advantageous favorable favourable golden lucky prosperous