Utiliser "ice" dans une phrase
ice exemples de phrases
1. Schulz: I have some, but I keep them in an ice chest
2. However the native humans got here back in the ice age, they brought few diseases with them and almost nothing of the native biosphere could infect such an alien biology as a human being
3. They were forced to stop deep in Dawnsleep by ice, but they stayed very warm in that cabin
4. The other, an ice cream cone
5. The ice cream never melted
6. ‘But fortunately, I had an alibi and it was corroborated by the ice cream seller
7. ice in an instant
8. sparklers in the ice creams, chilled wine, the warm glow of a Cretan evening laced
9. John Hammaker, a research scientist in Massachusetts, postulates that each ice age in the history of the earth regenerated its topsoil
10. The snow builds up, and the weight causes it to pack into the ice and push southward from the north pole and northwards from Antarctica
11. When the forests again take root, they absorb the carbon from the atmosphere through photosynthesis, and the ice age diminishes
12. According to Hammaker, earth’s inhabitants have accelerated the onset of the next ice age through the burning of fossil fuels and the deforestation of large forested areas like the Amazon
13. a liaison with the ice cream man and got her alibi that way
14. his eyes, a reflection of the moon and his ice cold soul
15. You leave her nearby for a moment to buy ice cream
16. ‘I meant to ask you – is there anything they don’t eat? I’m doing chicken with salad and new potatoes with ice cream for afters … nothing controversial, but I meant to ask you before and forgot
17. She didn't want to believe a planet settled by biological humans about the time of the ice age could be part of baseline reality
18. "Ava believes that the base universe contains a huge and ancient human civilization that was given an immense technological boost by whatever third party brought humans here sometime during Earth's last ice age
19. Because it was ice, it was stuck together with something more than its gravity
20. The sea was as cold as ice but I enjoyed every moment to the fullest as I swam out, to the isolated strand
21. That was consistent with the nudging of a large asteroid a third of a billion miles deep in space, somewhere in the ice belt of 61 Cygni C, 'Cynd' to a native
22. Ice: If you see ice in your dream, you will face hostility at work
23. If you are walking on ice, it means that you risk a lot by chasing futile pleasures
24. If you are sliding on ice, you have invested in unprofitable enterprises
25. She caught a brief reflection from within the hood, a pale white howling light cast back at her from his eyes, a reflection of the moon and his ice cold soul
26. pitted by frost and chipped by ice,
27. and scratch away the ice upon the window
28. I scratch away the ice upon the window
29. There stays my hand above the ice upon the window
30. to warm those within and melt the ice upon the window
31. Touched once the ice will thaw upon the window
32. Shut out by regiment, the ice clawed horde persisted,
33. She was totally different from the cold distant ice witch he remembered in camp
34. or hands sticky with melted ice cream
35. Bottles of Budweiser, ice cold,
36. dismayed, searching vainly for the reassurance of ice
37. The carved, melded space in the ice
38. She lies in ice,
39. on the ice tomb that encases her shape
40. Ice in November, mud in December, another year without snow
41. “Thank you Professor, an ice tea would be great
42. scoured clean by frost and ice, streak the walls of slowly
43. I preferred to lay under my towel within the safety of the shore, enjoying an ice cream and watching my uncle struggle with his wet suit before he curved into the sea like a dolphin only to reappear sometime later and regale me with stories of seals, gentle basking sharks, forests of stunning pink corals and walls of bright coloured jewel anemones he said he saw on his dives
44. It was Kate who finally broke the ice
45. It was flanked by two huge ice buckets, if indeed that's what they were
46. As soon as he said this there was a sound like thunder at the back of the stage, followed immediately by the appearance of a towering wall of smoke and dry ice
47. Take it hot if you wish, with flavouring added, but never, never drink it ice cold
48. He took down a large bag of oranges and lemons hanging from a nail and began slicing and juicing some into a big jug already filled with ice and limes
49. Daniel took a swallow of his ice tea and then continued
50. There was a welcome quiet until a voice broke the ice
1. They appear minutes later, Nick carrying a beautifully iced Christmas cake – I’d not thought of that
2. A large urn of iced sweet tead
3. Well-meaning relations and friends hand us heavily iced sweet cakes and sandwiches made with that unwholesome substance, white bread
4. "What, oh yes, love, do tuck in, didn't I say so", said the old tart holding out the plate of iced buns towards him
5. She smiled a gap toothed smile at him as she lit an unfiltered cigarette and blew smoke all over his iced bun
6. either hot or cold, but please never iced
7. They introduced themselves as Maggie and Felix and once they'd joined me on the sun loungers and sipped their iced tea and calmed down a little, they were fun and easy-going
8. Kate brought a platter of biscuits and honey and placed it before him along with some iced tea
9. shandies and a plate full of iced buns
10. holding out the plate of iced buns towards him
11. “You’re getting into this, aren’t you?” Cordra asked as she sat in the chair I vacated to get a glass of iced tea
12. show the most prolific displays of iced fish
13. “This is Iced Tea,” answered White Feathers simply, “May I get you some?” he offered in a humble voice of service
14. They were drinking iced tea and smoking 'Black Russian' cigarettes
15. Iced tea and Balkan tobacco was what they had settled on
16. in campaign contributions, he of course maintained that he had had to excuse himself to visit the restroom due to having drank too much iced tea
17. He was having an iced chocolate with a vanilla ice cream in it
18. I ordered a burger with the works, some fries and an iced tea
19. Karla felt as though she’d been plunged into a bath of iced water, hardly able to breathe, even think
20. �Oh, I think someone would have iced her before she got even close to those plans of hers,� the Captain replied
21. A sober Shorty iced the babble
22. Kubo-san selected two tuna rice balls and a can of iced coffee
23. Sachie came into the shop and took out an iced tea from the fridge and looked at
24. Nigel went to the restroom as they were leaving, giving Terry the impression he was alone when he stopped for his iced tea, but Nigel could very well have followed him and swapped the headphones while Terry was getting his Super Big Gulp
25. But there was not enough space for a person getting an iced tea to notice someone in the parking lot out of his peripheral vision
26. You knew Terry would be stopping there for his usual Super Big Gulp of iced tea
27. One lay indoors and hoped for some blessed cool air to blow now and then and longed to drink iced lemonade or just eat those ice cubes straight from the freezer of a rare and expensive fridge that only a rich household in the colony had; and where even an air conditioner was uncommon to have
28. “One Martini and one iced tea coming
29. Every dish was delicious, and new ones arrived constantly, most steaming hot, some warm or cold, a few iced
30. He saluted with a iced drink
31. I chugged the remainders of my melted iced coffee
32. While one of the workers rolled case after case of iced fish onto the conveyor, the other lifted and stacked them inside the car until it was full
33. The valuable hunk of fish that remained was carefully sliced into four or five-pound chunks, rinsed with a small hose, and sent on a conveyor belt to be iced
34. I ran outside where, minutes before, the cutting crew had finished loading the last of the iced crates into the rail cars
35. A light lunch—mostly iced tea—and a brief snooze meant he didn't start on the garden till after two
36. They sipped iced tea and spooned chocolate pudding
37. Dip cotton in iced water and apply it on your
38. Iced tea is always good to have as well
39. It said he had no family, no possessions and no home, and that his iced hand held a single ticket
40. “Just a couple of slices of cheese pizza and two iced teas, please
41. “One Long Island iced tea,” Bob says and slides the drink down the small bar to you, trying to put on a show without the space to do it
42. The iced water was level with the footpath, it being about six inches deep
43. Aside from that, iced coffees can also be loaded with calories that you don’t want
44. Our world is similar to yours although our northern hemisphere is now entirely iced over causing a drain on air, which is being trapped in the ice
45. wine, but even a glass of water or iced tea
46. The iced tea
47. Hap immediately took a sip of cold iced water from the
48. "I drove over from Albany, it's lovely country," he responded as he sipped the iced water
49. The fishermen iced the cod and then discarded the rest
50. Adam took a few sips of the watered down, instant coffee and a couple of bites out of a chocolate flavoured, iced doughnut
1. Yet again, Kara felt the impact of the massive divide between her culture and that of Earth – something the exploration of the seaside resort had highlighted; the sheer volume of … words failed her … stuff that was on sale in the shops … most of it completely superfluous … badly made, cheap (in every meaning of the word) ornaments of no practical use whatsoever and precious little artistic merit, deliberately manufactured to clutter up somebody’s home … and then there was the food and drink on offer! Everywhere she’d looked there had been foodstuffs on sale and people eating … battered fish, hot savoury smelling sausages, the tart scent of vinegar on chips fresh from the fryers … and ices of every conceivable flavour … and those unbelievable sweets in all shapes and sizes … and, according to Iain, this particular seaside resort was a relatively small one … by the time Iain turned off the motorway at the Taunton interchange, she had concluded that although it had been fun visiting, really, when it came down to it, she preferred her own world
2. in of ices, which may be anywhere in the world and
3. pink and white ices, and the cakes with sugar castles and flower
4. ices at each branch office
5. merging into water and other "melted ices" over a heavier,
6. While it is close to the Sun, these ices thaw, rise, and
7. This universe with what it contains of sun and moon, planets and stars, rains and ices, clouds and winds, earth and heavens, animals and plants, even the earth in its running and circulation, the four seasons in their changers and succession, Night and Day in their differences and alternation:
8. That Duchess who had wanted her eldest son to marry Judith tapped Ingeborg on the arm with her umbrella as she passed her followed by her daughter and said: "Little pale child, little pale child," and shook her head at her and frowned and smiled, and whispered to Pamela that it looked very like jealousy; and Pamela said Nonsense to that, and tried to linger and talk to Ingeborg, but her mother, filled with the passion for refreshment that seizes all persons who go to parties, dragged her along with her to where it could be found, and on the way she was seen by the Bishop, who at once left the old lady who was talking to him to enfold Lady Pamela in his care and compass her about with a cloud of little attentions--chairs, ices, fruit; for not only had he confirmed her but he felt a peculiar interest in her particular kind of clean-limbed intelligent beauty
9. She was forced to, however, by her own public opinion, and she did it vigorously, thoroughly, blackly, all the rest of the day, all the way home; and neither cakes nor chocolate nor ices earnestly and successively applied to her by Ingeborg at the pastrycook's were allowed to lighten the gloom
10. The scientific celebrities, forgetting their mollusks and glacial periods, gossiped about art, while devoting themselves to oysters and ices with characteristic energy; the young musician, who was charming the city like a second Orpheus, talked horses; and the specimen of the British nobility present happened to be the most ordinary man of the party
11. The footmen were hastening through the rooms with waiters loaded with ices
12. At this moment two women entered, bringing salvers filled with ices and sherbet, which they placed on two small tables appropriated to that purpose
13. At half-past three in the winter the fire was lighted by the discreet servant, who had the superintendence of the little apartment, and in the summer ices were placed on the table at the same hour
14. Before the ices, champagne was served round
15. But much as all the rest laughed, talked, and joked, much as they enjoyed their Rhine wine, saute, and ices, and however they avoided looking at the young couple, and heedless and unobservant as they seemed of them, one could feel by the occasional glances they gave that the story about Sergey Kuzmich, the laughter, and the food were all a pretense, and that the whole attention of that company was directed to- Pierre and Helene
16. He came back with the ices and sat down with her
17. They then asked for a recital of the most unusual ices and when the fountain man said, "Old fashioned lime-vanilla ice
18. This particular laughter was made of climbing high rocks and plucking the greenest blades and drinking the headiest vintage from the morning ices and eating of the rock-fruits and tasting of young lips in new appetite
19. The new ice had formed around and under the bubble, so that it was included between the two ices
20. The hospitality was as cold as the ices
21. Follow me; I seek the everlasting ices of the north, where you will feel the misery of cold and frost, to which I am impassive
22. He had escaped me, and I must commence a destructive and almost endless journey across the mountainous ices of the ocean, amidst cold that few of the inhabitants could long endure and which I, the native of a genial and sunny climate, could not hope to survive
23. On the pavement, in the shade of some trees overhanging a fence, he saw two schoolboys standing over a kneeling man who sold ices
24. One of the boys was already sucking a pink spoon and enjoying his ices, the other was waiting for a glass that was being filled with something yellowish
25. But much as all the rest laughed, talked, and joked, much as they enjoyed their Rhine wine, sauté, and ices, and however they avoided looking at the young couple, and heedless and unobservant as they seemed of them, one could feel by the occasional glances they gave that the story about Sergéy Kuzmích, the laughter, and the food were all a pretense, and that the whole attention of that company was directed to—Pierre and Hélène
1. thirty-five patchwork years on royal icing,
2. Archibald turned to offer her his profile while she fingered the buns to find the one with the thickest icing
3. buns to find the one with the thickest icing
4. ‘As for children, I don’t know … it would be the icing on the cake, but it’s not why I’m moving in with you
5. The ladies were of course very pleased already; it was icing on the cake to receive such praise from the two men whose opinions mattered most in the world to them
6. If the evening before was to have taken the cake, Christmas day was the icing
7. "And this is icing!" exclaimed Gretel, putting another piece of wall in her mouth
8. but his remark was the icing on the cake!
9. The furry, tan-coloured fedora, with the green feather in the band, was just icing on the cake to a casual spectator
10. But, as if that were not enough, they were given an extra layer of icing on the cake
11. A few stars; the Big Dipper, just icing on the cake
12. Beneath, patches of creamy gauze, icing
13. Fandangos’ pointing at all of the HHB’s with a taunting and frolicsome look on his face was just the icing on the cake
14. “Call me when you’re ready for the icing
15. Banner’s eyes flashed with angry fire before icing over with cool contempt
16. Press into a shallow slice tray and ice with chocolate icing
17. Rosie was baking one of her homemade yellow cakes with egg-white icing
18. This is it, the proverbial icing to your much anticipated cake
19. ” Is that even possible? I stabbed eight glittery candles into the icing
20. made me conclude that too often reported history is just tasty icing
21. “Casey, we have four Chinese cutters who cleen and slice our feesh before icing them for shipment
22. I strolled past the icing area, down to the far end of the building
23. She lays out the dough, then covers it will a cream icing, then slices of strawberries, kiwi, peaches, and blueberries
24. It would be icing on the cake if that turned out to be my fault
25. A few remnants of paper plates and plastic sporks and foons with crusty bits of cake icing or ice cream on them still littered the back yard, mementos of yesterday’s festivities
26. And my physical beauty is icing on the cake
27. The icing on the cake would be the ability to pursue UVS through the US courts where compensation settlements would be significantly higher
28. Like icing on a cake or polish on silver, consider it the last essential ingredient to the whole “new you” package
29. By the time we had eaten the last icing topped Persian, drank
30. Persian buns smothered in white and strawberry icing, who would
31. icing stuck to the end of her nose
32. lathered with angel-white icing,
33. ‘Well alright, so the icing on the cake
34. They have to close the road to motor traffic you know, due to icing on
35. As the oven started making a sound, Akito took off the cake out of the oven and put it on the circular plate and put all the chocolate icing in the first cake then a strawberry in the other
36. Joey, sitting on the ground before her in leather shorts a yellow shirt, said, “It’s about time we got to the good stuff—eat the icing and leave the cake!”
37. cookies, and vanilla cake with icing
38. Ripping that fucker apart would be the icing on the cake for me
39. Icing Method: Combine sugar with a little warm water and stir quickly
40. Sprinkle with icing sugar just before serving
41. “Confession eh, Lewis, I suppose that could be important, that would be the icing on the cake, wouldn’t it
42. “Yes,” she confirmed, “I saw him shoot at something there, so I figured that would be the icing on the cake in a manner of speaking
43. cakes with a lemon icing – again, all local
44. To add the icing on that cake, she is now known to be able to benefit from 7,000 years of accumulated life experiences
45. Nazi helmets and swastikas added an ingredient of distasteful icing to a thoroughly unpleasant cake, thought Rudolph, as the two biggest members of the gang advanced the full distance between the barricade and his car
46. Icing on cake was Koel-Tani’s Africa returned brother Vikky who had developed some unexplained and illogical hatred towards Tarana and was poisoning the whole Agarwal family against her
47. A final visit to the warehouse of the big merchant mentioned by Omar proved to be the proverbial icing on the cake, with another 700 tons of rice and 500 tons of wheat bought from that merchant
48. filled icing and to enjoy a nice small slice of that same cake
49. stil had traces of chocolate icing on it
50. - Couplers: Coupling nozzles are needed to hold the icing tips in the bag