Utiliser "misspent" dans une phrase
misspent exemples de phrases
1. In 1996 the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory said that maybe all the hundreds of millions of dollars spent on excavation, removal of tanks treatment of soil and etc was misguided and misspent effort
2. clear from his patter that he had misspent his youth in pursuit of easy and ill-gotten
3. " Now, notwithstanding that this man's affliction had been brought upon him by his own misspent life, Jesus, seeing his faith, said to the paralytic: "Son, fear not; your sins are forgiven
4. Misspent, in your corner of the world
5. He had, in the bitterness that his misspent life had instilled in him, and, half delirious with a hangover of three days making, demanded of the universe that some meaning be revealed in this wretched life of his
6. The duo determined that this was money that was misspent and abused and, in some cases, involved fraud
7. bitten, the heart-ache ugly - ordinary people with average faces misspent hundreds of
8. How fkdup was I? In my misspent youth, and even my misspent middle age, I've had some
9. In general, the greatest cost in responding to a false alarm seems to be the energy misspent and an erosion of confidence in the signal and/or the signaler
10. As a further warning: people have no conception or idea of the pure envy and hatred that once-living entities may feel for still-living humans: after blundering through their own misspent lives and ending up in what they believe to be eternity, with a host of regrets, frustrations and hatreds that remain unresolved and unfaced
11. The only misspent life which you can profit from by re-examining is your own and those you love
12. Where did the first battle for control of Europe begin in 1914? Where did the first mass killing begin? Where was the first clash of armies? On the fields of Waterloo where a 100 years before in 1814, hundreds of thousands of soldiers had fought and died, where their rotting bones and souls still lay; yearning to fight and die again; reliving their misspent wasted lives vicariously through the new hordes of brainwashed poisoned human shells
13. If your business necessitated your seeing "the House," you were put into a species of Condemned Hold at the back, where you meditated on a misspent life, until the House came with its hands in its pockets, and you could hardly blink at it in the dismal twilight
14. He detailed all his misspent, substance abuse laden youth
15. If I shall be so fortunate as to throw a single new ray of light on this important question, I shall feel amply remunerated for my trouble, and I shall think the time of the committee not altogether misspent