Provide plenty of compost and mulching
The higher energy sources provide to the plants a quick pick me up, Higher energy food sources are easier to be absorbed then lower energy sources which require more energy to assimilate leaving the plant in a minus situation which in turn causes stress etc
This often times will provide pest and disease protection and you will not need to make any thing stronger
One has to provide a moral and spiritual compass that will guide them throughout their life
We usually do not provide the growing children with wisdom instead try to teach them what we know and believe in
If we apply ourselves to allowing these creatures to live in harmony with us, we can provide for both us and them a better life and one in which we do not immediately think of how bad they are etc
I provide a feeding station for them on another part of the property that I do not mind them being in
Good rich compost will provide the zinc
Grandchildren provide a second chance for us to do again what we may have lacked the first time with our children
Continual use of the dusts, sprays and vacuuming mentioned above will provide a form of birth control for fleas
The aim of the counseling is to provide an opportunity for the client to live a more satisfying life
Once the event occurs our cooperation to authorities, encouraging the younger lot to provide help to the needy, taking some sort of control to prevent theft and arsons, regulate the crowd that usually collects and hampers rescue efforts and the doctors amongst us to provide urgent medical aid are some of the tasks we can take upon ourselves and thus be relevant for the society even at this age
It is important not to provide food sources for them
The investment may provide for the following type of returns:
Repair all cracks in the foundation that provide access to the wood inside
Organic material contains nutrients that provide the microorganisms in the soil with the materials they need to be active
It is important that at least the near relatives and friends understand as to how they can provide better support to elders
"All you can provide me with as a reason is as a hostage to insure my sister's cooperation
The basic idea is to provide for the ants a feeding center, see Ant Cafes™ chapter one
They provide for them the means to reproduce and to grow far away from the parents
Also Foliar feeding them will provide for them the fastest source of food and energy therefore it is important that you only feed them nutrition that relieves stress; and not causes it
The idea is to provide plants with important trace minerals, bacteria, enzymes, and elements necessary for a healthy plant to grow
Always provide plenty of oxygen (by stirring pile, aerate it) and plenty of natural nitrogen and trace minerals
They will be happy to provide a lab report you
‘But it does provide a pretty strong motive for Dan
He nodded vigorously, assuming that this would provide the necessary proof
provide protection -- and the
was sure, would provide the next heir to her line
You may feel that the Lord did not provide you with the same power,
All she could really do for her was provide an example of a typical unskilled user
As a technician it was his job to provide all souls with a universe free from these simulation artifacts, but there were times when he just wasn't able to do so
"We need to provide enough weapons to the converts," Dufbin, another member of the C
Only the male technicians get to know about anything of 3D reality outside the ship, the female technicians are protected and do not, they provide essential services to the female Paradis
We have discussed the creation and the fall because of the foundation they provide upon
First I have some things to say and maybe they’ll provide you with some answers
It went only to enough circuitry to provide the instruments on the male side with the inputs they would generate if there really was a female side to the ship
There was no energy to run a pump here, in fact a wind-wheel drew their water, so the pool could hold nothing but some ornamental fish and plants to provide their oxygen
With a helmet, the user interface was 'always knew that', with a keyboard and crystal ball, you asked questions and it would provide answers, or you typed messages to someone else on the system
No universe on the market could provide cherubim as lovely as what this world provided in the flesh
Today she wished to holiday in Crete and live like they did, these people who provided succour, and tonight, she was sure, would provide the next heir to her line
She returned home only to find that her parents had been murdered and, although her brother tried his hardest to provide a home for her, the double loss was too much and she committed suicide two years later
People had found you use the least material and provide the most seats and easiest entry with back-to-back benches facing outward with a grab bar every two seats
There are a number of benefits that Instagram videos provide to business customers
But I have to ask the question: as necessary as some of these things are, is it really benefiting the common person? Who is Lord? Does our Government satisfy our deepest needs, or do they only provide (sometimes) for our external luxuries?
I was following the pathway up to the top of the mountain, and thinking of how I could provide food for Jake, we didn’t have much in the size he would require
I shall provide my own food My Lady, do not worry
that the space between them should provide
A small, open-all-hours, traditional general store and two small, occasionally open shops seemed to provide most of the basics for the villagers
He didn't keep Essone around the castle just for sex, though she was outstandingly skilled at it, and equipped with everything his labs could provide
He would provide
It should come as no surprise that Miss Jones’s experience at the forefront of integration and social inclusion should provide her with the moral courage and the fortitude to deal with her next hot political potato
Though the good earth is rich, and can provide for everyone, we have lost the way
signing up with the free online dating websites that also provide lots of fun trivia, quizzes and profiles of singles in the locality or region where you live
used for introductions and provide means of communication and, if you both wish, to meet in
service is not designed to provide you with a blind date
These are very popular, as they provide the means to see one another, allowing your first meeting to be a lot less awkward
During cleaning it became clear that at some time in the distant past part of the church had been a temple dedicated to Pallas Athena and although it was not unusual for the locals to mix their beliefs, the church authorities were rather embarrassed and the work came to a standstill until it could be determined who would provide funds for the work to continue
back yard or the fields that your partner grew up around, you can provide your love with a
Provide a way to access the elements of an aggregate object sequentially without exposing its
Ensure a class has only one instance, and provide a global point of access to it
"Is there forgiveness for one who does not provide his wife sufficient comfort in her marriage bed?" Thom didn't know where the viewpoint of Arthur's visual channel patch-thru into this cubicle was, but he looked the confessional grill directly in the eye
Think about it! With modern technology and a few million Euros this place could knock every other playground into a black hole and my dear little Kaliantikos Foundation will provide the bungs
They may also refer applicants to local or nearby technical assistance workshops or to organizations that are under contract with the Federal government to provide this kind of assistance
They may also help small groups with other challenges, such as training volunteers and staff or expanding the reach of the services they provide
Duncan, you don’t mind if I call you Duncan do you,” she purred, “my scientists tell me that they have come up with a device they can install above your planet; it should provide the shielding you will need to repel a Scather attack
protect him from it and no history book could provide a vaccine
Not only will you feel better after hashing out all the details of your struggles with this person, they may be able to provide solid objective insights that you may have missed because you were too emotionally involved in the situation
There was no need to ask Thom to provide more authentication for this note, his mother’s handwriting was all that he needed
He thought about what Ava had said, this dark matter potentially holds two orders of magnitude more compute power than all the silicon and aluminum in the galaxy can provide
Kai bent and cut out the milk sac and drained the liquid into an empty water pouch; once warmed it would provide nourishment for the baby Snotig
It was well armed, and the shields cloaking device would provide them with the ability to return and mount a resistance before the Elders knew they were there
For a food recipe blog, one could provide an hour long
forefront of integration and social inclusion should provide her
practice: Provide a desire for that change and an attainable method to its
Every bit of the Balenus was used; it’s hide would provide shoes for all, it’s fat would be refined and used in various products
that provides new membership is required to provide that new member with
Our goal is to provide the knowledge that will help
‘Bunty twisted the arms of the local health services to provide ante-natal classes on site
In clubs where people we so equipped, the club of their choice was broadcast to their brain, each user could set their room as they wished, something Ava couldn’t provide in her universe as there was only one final scene generator per soul in the basic architecture
He couldn’t make it the monetary success he dreamed of with only himself to work it, but he had enough to get by, and his expedition salary allowed him to buy whatever he wanted that this three-d reality trap could provide
“But could he provide me with something about the neighborhood at that time?”
way to provide its own illumination
She already was perfectly content to provide for him financially, he was such a cheap date that he was just about free
different points, but not all the time; to provide a larger selection of
or those with a highly technical content, it was vital to provide an
The native devices that provide audio need a pressure source
An organization of labels and directions, understandable expressions of tangibles and intangibles had to be structured in such a way to provide unambiguous communication from one person to another
provide for his wife
There were pages upon pages of questions which simply required him to provide information and data
that will help provide a satisfactory explanation
I’ve always tried to provide services to students
Three inner octaves which provide an inner framework for the whole
Yet the story doesn't end there for within each of those three, three more octaves come into existence and provide an inner scaffolding for each of those
All male children exempted according to an approved criteria, or beyond school age up to the age of eighteen years, not currently apprenticed or otherwise gainfully employed, shall henceforward be required to provide bi-annual proof of employment to this Council at the commencement of Autumn school term and at the end of Spring school term
Female children exempted according to an approved criteria, or beyond school age up to the age of eighteen years, shall have the option to assist in the education of those younger than themselves, or to provide for their own education as their family deems fit
“I am most taken with Hipolyta's handwriting and number formation, always so precise; she would provide an excellent model of instruction for the younger one's as they attempt proper letter construction and also as they move from block letters to cursive---always such a challenge for the finer muscles of the hand and wrist
Most religions provide an answer and there are two main scientific theories, the created theory and the imported theory
but wasn’t sure he’d necessarily been able to provide an
The sixth form should provide some challenges and he relished the prospects, hence his residency of the library and reading rooms of the College
Advertising can take place on or off the Internet using newsletters, e-mail automation techniques, or by following leads that are provided by your existing customers
had no wish to be a “circus freak” provided for the entertainment of the ensuing crowd
It is often said that man can achieve anything provided he has confidence in himself
· To believe that almost anything can be achieved provided one has enough will power
When people become sedentary, they lose the natural visceral mobilization provided by functional exercise
Recognising the void that suddenly lands on the senior citizen in terms of emotional support hitherto provided by joint families, Government, NGOs and Associations of senior citizens can institute this highly effective “treatment” programme
Neither was willing to accept enough of the native culture to leave the familiarity they provided each other
Small loans are provided of around CNY 1,000 (USD 120) to families that include an elderly relative
and, after the Moor had provided a match, the Marchese waited, wreathed in blue
Theo sat down in the one rickety chair provided in the reception area and checked his phone
There will be supper provided
"It's all we have," Ava said, "and you have to admit that provided a different experience than you were used to
Under the broad limbs of an oak, in a deep hollow that provided both shade
The NatSurv quickly provided Ginger with information that Kandhi could have used the night before - Leonora entering Sarah Watson's car and driving it out of the Trinidad rest area
Any heaven would do at that point, even one provided by the theocracy
As a technician, he provided infrastructure, not oversight
The basic reason for the divorce is hunger: If Anthony provided his family with a minimum sum of money, Alice would never leave him
We are using the large room behind the stage area for changing … men on the left and women on the right with a row of mobile clothing racks down the middle, where we each have our personal designated areas to hang our costumes, giving some sort of modesty division, though to be honest, who the hell wants to gawp? As the play takes place in the present day, the clothes are not really costumes anyway, but, all the same, my character has certain things she has to wear – some my own and some provided by wardrobe
write this chapter; he provided the computer to accomplish the writing; his Christian love for an old man
If God has provided the rule, pattern, authority for the operation of his church, man
To the non-technical, she was a holy spirit provided by God as a reward for a good mortal life
The glass was embedded in a network of roots instead of lead, the columns of the door were carved in sensuous curves, but the window provided a small alcove that Herndon could back him into
As the android swam in space toward it, he saw the ship because the video that its android's eyes provided to the Angel who animated it, could also be projected to the crystal ball on his desk down here in the chaparral below Gengee City
No universe on the market could provide cherubim as lovely as what this world provided in the flesh
Today she wished to holiday in Crete and live like they did, these people who provided succour, and tonight, she was sure, would provide the next heir to her line
Plough: It is a symbol of success in business and financial affairs, provided that you work hard
Shells: Full shells indicate success, provided that you work hard for it; empty shells bode vain hopes and loss of money
Just when Abram is about to run the knife through, an angel cries out, “STOP!” and a ram caught in a bush is provided
Jesus is the same God that provided for Elijah and the widow
Under the broad limbs of an oak, in a deep hollow that provided both shade and yet was open to the breeze that continually blew in from the sea, the old man lay down at midday, mopped his brow with a red, paisley handkerchief, and reached into his bag for the hard, round goats cheese and the hunk of heavy bread that he had picked up this morning when leaving his hut at first light
She picked up the small fork that had been provided and tried a small piece
Without the instructions provided by the ever efficient Wiesse, Kara would never have found it even though she’d been there before
Poopsie and Lardyme had indeed provided a feast
The barge provided for our journey is much newer than the ones Berndt and I travelled on – but I should not be surprised at that, I suppose
It had produced titans of industry; leaders of legend, and far thinking scientists who provided this country the advances she enjoyed
Before I go on to your next exercise I would mention here that the CAMEL POSTURE or UTRASANA described in chapter six in connection with backache should also be practiced by women suffering from displacement of the uterus and fallopian tubes provided that the displacement is not of a serious order
What Gilla has provided will keep well enough for that
There is nothing wrong with flirting at bars and nightclubs, provided some safety measures are
This service is provided so that
Without a mortgage to worry about, the funds that they had received from the sale of their previous, modest abode provided them with a solid foundation on which to base their daily activities
Lord Dorsal was master of Sea Hold; his people built the large fishing ships that fished the large seas and provided food for the different Holds
He also grew the grapes that provided the sweet wines of Aura
Lord Justin was master of Tailor Hold; his people provided clothing for the population; seamstresses and tailors for the different Holds
Lord Gustav was master of Knowledge Hold; he kept the Hall of Records of the People and provided the teachers for the different Holds
For seating he had provided plush plumes with ornately carved wooden arms, ergonomic for one percent gravity, invisible of course
was provided with the finest tutors, all of whom made sure that the
These shall be provided at the visitor’s convenience of
“Bloggingehow was my one source of inspiration that i could easily connect to, unlike other big corporate blogs that, although provided the information, lacked the intimacy a beginner needs in order to get the wheel turning
Then there's the complications caused by free meal kids who have to have a packed lunch provided by the school kitchen
Her careful handling of the Scather female was exemplary, she told her, and may have just provided them with a way to end the war with the Scathers
Rayne was greeted warmly at Tailor Hold and complimented on the designs she had provided previously
sale of their previous, modest abode provided them with a solid
work, provided they are still connected energetically
There was plenty of landscaping, most shade was provided by olive and grape
Bunty appears to have given up her very economic style of writing and is now cramming in a lot more into the space provided, putting down her feelings
whose shall those things be, which thou hast provided?
they were later to discover, housed a diary or provided stabling for
gear neatly in cubby-holes provided for that very purpose
engines, provided by a roving band of engineers which had,
This provided an opportunity for this season’s
“This envelope has the card for my lawyer and five hundred dollars for you to give to Joyce for the retainer fee she provided
It was loud with conversation and music provided by an excellent band
been provided, and emerged to a hearty pub breakfast, served with
provided water for the occupants
“I guess you could say your school provided a lasting education even shonggot couldn’t erase, but I’d hate to think there was any such market where you could use that as advertising
Mickey’s unsubtle comments to Sheila, with the usual counterpoint provided by Kev, was ignorable
provided some protection from the elements for the crew, one of
She knew the breed of coriax that provided his bed furs
Both islands and cliffs provided roosting spaces for thousands of
George then continued to Harry, “Titania and Hipolyta will be added as signatories as they reach adulthood, so that should anything unforeseen occur to your mother or me, you each will be provided for directly
On top of that, he provided a delicious breakfast, made by his servant, on a deck overlooking a yacht basin right back of Third Canal
“He paid for the last two terms at ol’ Northie, he provided all her food and spending money
“I see,” Yorthops said, “it’s like, as soon as one was wanted, it was provided
This has provided us with leads that we are pursuing, but again, there are no names I want to release at this time because this work is still preliminary
The moon still provided light, though the mist was turning to legitimate
They had been able to trace Tdeshi’s father Leand, thru information Ava provided
be seen and provided a break from the day to day
After all, they provided me with an education
enquiringly at his wife, who provided him with another
Provided that we pass the graduation examination that was mentioned as a possible exemption
The date for the initial round of testing was published and all hopefuls were provided a cursory outline of the subjects which were to be assessed
” She handed them to Belle with a broad smile and added rather sheepishly, “I never expected anything like the results they provided on their examinations from any children of their age, or any other for that matter
” At least Harry provided the two women a new subject with which to practice their wit
He was soon rejuvenated through their company and the restorative succor passively provided by the Sierras, and her crown jewel, the great Tahoe
“Please use the provided slips of paper and write down your own personal choice for our inaugural production, as well as what role you would envision yourself playing in that endeavor
would be provided by the man’s widow and saved the
protected and provided for us, he is
Glenelle knew that part of her friendship with Ava, and part of Morg’s security was due to the entertainment she provided in universes like that owned by Morgan Evans
Miss Hill remained oblivious to the tiny cloud before her eyes, except to notice her table mates had become very interested in the bowls of nuts provided at each setting
Thanks to the description provided by the Innkeeper, Jean
Jean provided them with a brief description of the events
Brancetrabble shared in the answers the crystal provided, they appeared as memories that felt like you’d always known them
Neither she nor Marcel have provided us with
Rodney Wenz of your Salem office provided the beneficiaries foreign address, and notice of approval was cabled to the United States Consulate Gen
provided, the more likely it would be to catch him if he
The music in here was provided by a group long ago burnt-out and each using one hand to hold onto the rail, except for the lween player who was slumped over the rail motionless
This provided enough light to see that most of the people in this room were beyond the group
Once they wound their way in, there was a little toll booth that said due to the entertainment provided within there was a ten penny toll
town’s pipers provided the music
us to call the free call numbers provided by our Bank for
High energy soil provides greater balance that reduces stress and reduces the pest activity
He showed that a reasonable level of stress provides challenge and creative stimulus and motivates us to action
They lay their eggs in the host body, which provides the young with a source of food
This sticky substance covers the leaves and provides nutrients for the mold to grow
Repair loose or cracked siding or stucco, peeling paint and gaps around windows and doors that allow moisture into the wood that provides an attractive environment for them to live in
Manure provides organic matter and trace minerals to the soil
But the best top dressings are made from well made compost because it provides a complete and varied food source as well as varied bacterial sources
This sharing of resources provides for an ecologically balanced system
This provides for deep watering, encourages root development, provides oxygen to the soil
We are here for a higher purpose which, when discovered and fulfilled, provides permanent peace of mind and lasting soul fulfillment
This site enables on line puja in many temples and provides information about the type of pujas that can be performed
This site provides information about all the recent government announcements and important judgements related to direct and indirect taxes and related laws
This is the home site of BBC and provides links on various topics of interest apart from news and views
One can select magazines, newspapers, sites and TV channels for whom the site provides on-line linkage
(A salon that provides beauty services)
God provides a way for us to have faith
He Provides For the Sheep (Psalms 23) - He doctors the sick and the needy
I suppose it was some kind of narcotic – taking into account that Zisis often provides Aphrodite with hashish, and who knows what else
I can believe that God provides, but that doesn’t mean I have faith
Regardless of al the benefits vitamin C provides, one should note that it is important not to get stuck on just one antioxidant alone
This provides an
NET provides helper function to check for Ajax requests which internally inspects X-Requested-
country dreams about a cushy job that gives a steady salary and provides
Undercut banks are a great location to find trout since this location provides them with excellent cover from predators
Meridian and all other meridians, it provides the most
Muscle testing provides a real window into what is
Cold-heartedness at times provides an unmatched liberty
com provides me with a brilliant map of Naples … the Villa dei Mille, where the Embassy was … and still is for that matter … is in one of the older quarters of the city so it is likely that the area hasn’t changed much in the last fifty odd years
Holy The solution to evil which God provides to all creation
that provides new membership is required to provide that new member with
love provides and hate does not in any way wishes to be known or have
In an age as fast-paced as ours the commodity of time provides wealth
(as far) provides her or his own testimony with a new expression of the 16
They love the holiday season as it provides them with a chance to wear singlets and impress dumb blondes
She walks over, watched by the crowd and the comic, who provides a running commentary
Broadband comes as part of the cable package, and it provides Ted with a window on the world and hard porn comfort when he is sober enough to be interested, which is less and less frequently these days
Snuggle's provides her with as much alcohol as she could possibly want
He feels like a goldfish in a bowl, peering out at a world that he can’t understand, a world for which his own experience strangely provides no point of reference
'Then the arrest of Guichard provides me with such an
41Who provides food for the raven when its young cry out to God
"I would be able to, my simulated skin provides all sensations that will result from contact with the personification I present
inexpensive way of eating, but it provides an opportunity
Among nations of hunters and shepherds, therefore, whose food consists chiefly in the flesh of those animals, everyman, by providing himself with food, provides himself with the materials of more clothing than he can wear
These, though they do not increase in the same proportion as corn, which is altogether the acquisition of human industry, yet multiply under the care and protection of men, who store up in the season of plenty what may maintain them in that of scarcity ; who, through the whole year, furnish them with a greater quantity of food than uncultivated nature provides for them; and who, by destroying and extirpating their enemies, secure them in the free enjoyment of all that she provides
That provides you with the perfect excuse for
We eat her food, sleep under her roof, dress in clothes that she provides
In that rude state of society, in which there is no division of labour, in which exchanges are seldom made, and in which every man provides every thing
So far as it is employed in the second way, it promotes industry ; and though it increases the consumption of the society, it provides a permanent fund for supporting that consumption; the people who consume reproducing, with a profit, the whole value of their annual consumption
problem, one should rather revert to relatives, friends and other help that our modern society provides
turned to her mother and said, “God provides
provides valuable information for those playing the SEO game
Industry, indeed, provides the subject which parsimony accumulates; but whatever industry might acquire, if parsimony did not save and store up, the capital would never be the greater
Sally the Sleepy was a typical resident of this cluttered city and thus provides us with a good example of the lifestyle and mind frame that had become so common in those parts
example of the help that comparison provides
A martial artist is a light that provides the darkness with purpose
Having a larger purpose in life provides a smorgasbord of goals to meet in accomplishing that purpose
In The How of Happiness, the author points out that having goals provides distinct benefits that contribute to happiness:
"Here speaks a man with a devoted wife," he said, jabbing the drumstick into the air to punctuate his speech, "an adoring family, and a position which affords him the respect of the district, invites the jealousy of his inferiors and provides for a most comfortable mode of living indeed
As explained in Chapter 2, this provides us with conditional happiness, which is inherently transitory
The Earthly condition provides a huge test for the souls and through reincarnation, the level of energy of the planet itself is impacted
One of the main benefits of using kale in your juice blends is that it provides a large nutritional punch with one of the fewest calorie counts per cup of any other vegetable
This provides authenticity of the reliability of the text and also of events that are yet to happen
When reading the surface text in the original language, one can find information hidden within the text, which provides further validating proof that the Bible was designed outside of our dimensionality
This 187-letter code provides a string of letters that contain multiple messages that lead to a total of 666 letters forming 85 sentences and all of this making use of the original 187-letter code with letters in the specific order in which they are found
The New Testament, especially the Gospels, focuses on the life of a Man and provides information in the other Epistles regarding God’s church and the principles for living under his grace that he provided free for those who would recognise him and accept his gift
If the Bible anticipates events that would happen in the future, should we not then measure information, doctrines and “facts” that are forced onto us in today’s world, against that which is written in the Bible? Should we search for truth and answers to questions about eternity anywhere else, if this Book is the only document on Earth that can be proven to have originated from beyond our space-time and provides ample information about the topics we would like to know about? Would it be wise to adopt beliefs that are based on human hypotheses and theories alone - especially if there is mounting evidence against those theories? Would it be wise to risk one’s eternal destiny to follow after conjured up human fantasies and philosophies that have no provable basis for authenticity?
This information provides instructions on what to believe, how to make the right decisions and how to live a life in which we can experience a loving personal relationship with the Creator of all things
thing to assert that his money and his cleverness provides for me
It provides an eyewitness and true account of the event
This keeps you focused, keeps you on pretty much the same schedule, but also provides your body with the de-load week it needs
“Could you find us a place to set up our operation? We’ll need more room than the packed icehouse provides, and I’m not convinced someone won’t walk in to check on the stores before we finish
The First Amendment provides extraordinary advantages for many reporters and journalists in the news media pre-disposed, for a variety of reasons, to distorting (the) news in whatever manner considered appropriate in advancing either a social or political agenda that they may (otherwise) support
The former provides operating guidelines to orderly processes while the latter assigns some level of authority to those processes
Reducing academic standards provides a free pass to underachieving students while undermining the (potential) progress of talented students (otherwise) capable of taking ―it‖ to a higher level
The family is the basic societal unit that provides structure and meaning, character and substance to (a) society
This tea comes from the estates of Zululand South Africa and provides a brisk, light, bright and refreshing experience
Although I don‘t question the advantages of time; nevertheless, I can‘t help feeling that our ―personal‖ interactions have been compromised somehow; have become less intimate and perhaps less cordial operating in an environment where the ―letter‖ writer has become a quasi extension of the apparatus it utilizes to compose its ―letters‖; such mediums of thoughts and emotions flowing together, whose spontaneity no longer provides sufficient time to assimilate what‘s been written
―aberrant‖ or unusual forms of behavior, provides a margin of freedom in interpreting ―sociopathic‖ or ―anti-social‖ forms of behavior otherwise considered offensive to conventional customs and manners
In this manner, a society will often settle on some inscrutable ―mean‖ or center point, conceded by popular opinion, that, however lacking the essential requirements of Truth, provides credible examples for others to follow
An individual who provides for another individual in need, in whatever capacity, with the kindest and noblest intentions and in a manner consistent with the highest regards that his or her abilities will allow, has successfully satisfied the requirements of good works
That the Present is constantly redefining itself provides meaning to the expression ―the Future is now,‖ in the manner in which it has become progressively anticipatory
A belief, on the other hand, is predicated on intuitive impressions that, although not factually proven or supported by (observable) evidence, nevertheless provides Reason sufficient grounds to advance faith-based assumptions affirming its truth
…rejecting the notion that virtue or (goodness) is an applied rather than a natural condition…that the will toward moral excellence or (goodness) is not (necessarily) assigned by (formal) conventions…(although a society scripted in exceptional manners would likely encourage lofty manners)…that seeks its (own) goodness for its (own) sake… rather than goodness‘ sake…(that nevertheless offers its own special rewards)…that, notwithstanding, would (equally) satisfy universal sentiments…and that a society, however primitive or advanced, seeks its own goodness because it is considered good for that society to do so…that it naturally follows its (own) immanent understanding of what is good, whatever its form, to begin with…setting aside, for the moment, such advantages that might otherwise accrue to that society…(and) that…such goodness, however, should never be confused with eternal standards of goodness or (moral excellence) that naturally evolve in communion with Humankind‘s (inherently) perfectible nature, that, properly informed, provides meaning and (further) insight and guidance into the essential nature of things or ideas or what it meant by ―Good‖…
―unintended‖ results justified in every manner that oftentimes provides a convenient outlet for informed individuals who were (consciously) aware of the probable affects of their actions to begin with
I would not under any circumstances, however, support Embryonic Cell research that 1) is unnecessary in that SCR is generally considered by (most) specialists in this field a more effective means of targeting DNA, and 2) provides a forum to Abortion Rights Advocates who are disingenuously using this issue (ECR) to add ―legitimacy‖ to their anti-life agenda
That we may desire something that appears useful or of immediate service does not necessarily constitute a ―philosophical‖ good or that which provides moral value or meaning or (otherwise) accrues to our moral excellence but (rather) some thing we might otherwise consider ample or sufficient to satisfy our ―needs‖
On the other hand, the latter provides instruction for the Present that establishes the guidelines for uncertain (Future) events
‖ It provides the framework that governs our motives, informs our decisions and provides legitimacy to our beliefs
It provides food for rational thought grounded in Experience that, whenever properly applied, without prejudice or bias, grasps the Intuitive, as well
The components of Absolute Truth consist of a collection of partial truths woven together to form a completed truth, much in the manner of working out the solution to a geometry problem consisting of postulates, theorems and axioms, each a mathematical law (or truth) in itself however an (incomplete truth) as each relates to a (higher truth) that having been brought together, however, provides the solution (Absolute Truth) to the problem
I believe that you are incorrectly assuming that possessing a soul provides an automatic passport to heaven
Despair is a catharsis of the soul that, on some level, provides meaning to the spiritually challenged
The ability to economize words provides oral structure and meaning to scattered thoughts and opinions without having to navigate the mudding waters of unintelligible speech
Its legalization and subsequent dispensation under the auspices of trained professionals operating in a controlled environment, provides a plausible counter-argument to costly efforts aimed at apprehending and bringing drug dealers to task; not to mention promoting cleaner, safer and healthier communities by eliminating criminal incentives and (profits) associated with its unlawful procurement
Our imperfect nature(s), given all its multiple complexities, provides unlimited possibilities for such transgressions whose absence would otherwise belie our human condition
Legislation provides the prosecuting authority with the power to institute criminal proceedings on behalf of the State
The OWP provides a support service by protecting threatened or intimidated witnesses and related persons by placing them under protection
The Office of Interception Centres provides a centralized interception service to law enforcement agencies involved in combating threats to national security
Yellow honors the direction of the East, provides clarity and honors the
Black honors the West, provides healing and honors
She didn't say anything more, but looked around the camp, noticed the planks providing privacy around the digester and seemed to approve
I would probably be advised by the local “boys in blue” that I was providing information liable to promote discrimination
This solves two needs at once: buying groceries, and providing dining companionship
The Invisible Gardener says: “You can avoid many problems associated with high nitrogen use imply by understanding the organic system of providing nitrogen as the plant needs it
Providing housing, food and water for our bird allies will help insure good insect balance
So right from the beginning we are providing them with the wrong inputs
This is done by providing your soil with plenty of good rich compost, by regular mulching and by promoting a biological diversity
Leaking pipes or water faucets will keep the wood moist causing damage to the wood and providing access to the termites
DE is one of the safest methods of providing termite control
Understanding the components of the lawn’s ecosystem and providing a more suitable environment for the types of grasses and microorganisms that grow best there while decreasing the conditions for pests and harmful bacteria’s, is the “ideal” and more natural, less toxic method of providing yourself with a beautiful lawn
By providing them a food source, we can begin to retrain them to come for food here and to stop looking for food in the kitchen, or on the roses, etc
One farmer tells us that providing food for his family all the year round ‘shouldn’t be a problem’, but that meat is only served once every two months
I am providing you with Natural alternatives to chemicals, but nature’s chemicals can be dangerous if misused
It also produces a constantly updated compendium of current environmental reports providing an essential tool toward understanding the battle against -and alternatives to - polluting chemicals, which is available for free to ClubIG members on his website
quiet and, frankly, pretty boring, providing a thin string of tavernas and bars set back
They got down there to find that dolphins had quite a bar down here set up on the shelf corals with schools of glowing fish lighting the party and a school of drumfish providing the rhythm that the dolphin's girlfriends squealed to
Preachers, be sure and give the congregation credit for providing a list of men that
Indiana while providing for his family by selling insurance
against the elements providing feed for the flock
Providing they kept them
‘Yes, in fact Drens suggested that we should … he doesn’t want to have to think about providing meals until this evening
There was a storm crossing the desert, huge streaks of lightening raced across the night sky providing her with her own private show
No sandy beaches just small pebbled bays providing a clear sea and I could see no bars or tavernas on any of the beaches
Berndt is providing all the items we need in the tent (!), sleeping bag and provisions line, though I shall be responsible for my own clothing and personal requirements
From the takings her husband was able to recompense his mate for the ruined cards, put enough cash in his pocket for a good night in the pub and leave Cyberia with enough housekeeping to keep them going for nearly a whole week, providing, of course, that she shopped frugally and avoided anything expensive like fresh bread and real butter
After providing services to those who needed
For Ken and Lucy the wall to wall air play of the song was a great boon, providing them with many moments of peace and calm in their otherwise tormented lives
Once again he was amazed that this personification was able to do such a good job providing these sensations to his soul
nearly a whole week, providing, of course, that she shopped
Services are basically all about providing a
It could be only eight or ten of the crew, driving many different cherubs, that were providing the society around her
But she didn’t seriously entertain that notion, she would recognize one of any group of eight or ten on the crew with the power to pull this off, even if Alan was providing the code behind it
Both men discussed the ramifications of Naria’s foresight to providing a sanctuary for the young Scathers
building with stone arches providing covered walkways on every
A single candle hung from a reflector providing all the light in this wing of the catacombs it seemed
“Seeing as it’s now late in the day, I would be glad to help you in that cause by providing a little nutrition
Providing the investigation into his own past gave him that chance
are not providing every assistance they can
The facilities there are very well designed, giving the occupants a high degree of privacy while at the same time providing a community within which they can live as full a life as their age or infirmity permits
areas by providing them with narcotics at wholesale prices
coded, providing the date, time, and location of the meeting
trouble of providing a bucket for ablutions, Jean noticed
fisherman along the way, and providing them with a
The tower itself was surrounded by a scaffold exoskeleton, with rigging, ladders and several lift platforms providing transitions from one level to the next
"I've told you what more I know, but you want proof of their power over the Instinct? I don't want Alan to die providing that proof
galling when you’re providing the bulk of the labour -
the people of the early Church were so concerned with providing
By this statute, the necessity of providing for their own poor was indispensably imposed upon
She approached him in secret, convincing him that she felt a passion for his cause that was similar to his own and conscripting him into service, providing him will all the necessary resources the man would need to carry out his quest
It took him time and trouble to get over his shock and disappointment in her at providing such a stupid answer, especially when she told him it was a ghost ship
Among nations of hunters and shepherds, therefore, whose food consists chiefly in the flesh of those animals, everyman, by providing himself with food, provides himself with the materials of more clothing than he can wear
The other half, therefore, or at least the greater part of them, can be employed in providing other things, or in satisfying the other wants and fancies of mankind
somewhere to rest - and for providing such good
Providing water to the inhabitants alone
This can correct most defects in a person's genetic material providing they have a sufficient number of sex partners
Along with providing energy, fats help the body absorb the fat soluble vitamins A, S, E,
It had a pair of cables strung from bow to stern, providing a taut construction without adding weight
Yet unfinished, it required another tier of brick to create the crenellation, thus providing the defenders narrow gaps to fire upon their enemies far below
Offering and providing help to others has a double benefit
providing general prosperity – is to keep the
their competition while still providing a quality product or service
The judicious operations of banking, by providing, if I may be allowed so violent a metaphor, a sort of waggon-way through the air, enable the country to convert, as it were, a great part of its highways into good pastures, and corn fields, and thereby to increase, very considerably, the annual produce of its land and labour
is based on providing you with good service
‘Birth’ into life… providing me with all the elements for a desired End: saturating… my life’s context… to facilitate their desired ends: A murder of the freedom of my soul, Dr
Your customers are happy to buy, providing the ‘extras’ are directly
people you are providing value
Providing customer support can be a stressful job
“Symbiosis” normally suggests that certain animals or plants depend on one another equally, each providing benefits to the other for their on-going existence
To dream that you are providing a service symbolizes your willingness to share or help others
The dream symbol is providing you with reassurance that you are on the right track
Martial Arts has been providing the way for many years, hence the word “Do”, which in many ways refers
However, instead of providing particulars, he taught mainly in parables
However, the practices I suggest in this book have been providing the ways and the means for thousands of years
Soon one of the nurses would come and mop her brow, providing a comforting arm
Don’t worry, the sales will come providing you offer value and honesty
water ratio providing all
Providing of required workability of mortar mixtures without segregation can be reached by adding of plastizing admixtures and fillers
[of an insurance policy] all-inclusive; providing complete protection
providing whatever information golfers need to improve their game
Some of its merchants will find it for their interest to reside in the East Indies, and to employ their capitals there in providing goods for the ships which are to be sent out by other merchants who reside in Europe
The Thane looked up, his eyes providing the answer as clearly as his words did
So Roidon had become crucial in overriding their monitoring systems and providing them with false feeds
But here the ship was providing him with total immersion space; that burgeoning sense of a body – the ship’s hull
Behind the cockpit the cabin space widened considerably, providing an open space down the centre of the craft with a row of six seats along each side wall
The well we had fought the Turks for in the village was still providing water but we needed a lot more than that and even the other wells that had been found and was still a continuing problem
if the state imposed upon this order of men the necessity of learning, it would have no occasion to give itself any trouble about providing them with proper teachers
It took me a while to put this sentence together so that it would both make sense when reading the sentence itself, as well as providing the appropriate letters in the desired positions for conveying the hidden message
It would be illogical to assume that his explanation of starting with a clean canvas and providing the sequence of his actions to arrive at a finished product, actually implies having removed (erased) an earlier painting
one day in her cycle when she was gagging for sex, providing he
I entertained much anger against both of my husbands for not providing protection and support to me
Waddell apparently gave a satisfactory reply and following that, the pilot boat directed the Shenandoah to the rather small channel providing entrance to the bay
This revived Adem’s strength, providing new levels of endurance and enhancing his ability to wield
They tried to argue that it was pointless providing them with food and water though Adem insisted these were the terms of Carl Wilder, the will of one of the Chosen
Three thousand years ago, Medai Corderant, High Seat of House Corderant, was Ship Captain of the Fleet of Wavewardens, hundreds of Great Warships that sailed the coasts, providing protection from potential invaders
The following day Simmonds received a communiqué, amongst the thousands of delayed messages on a standard channel, passed to him by his private secretary to his wafer-stand comm-link – providing a comfortable separation (and could easily be turned away from his focus if the caller got heated)
settled with England in 1846, providing for the forty-ninth
The man who runs Belsen, Vince Brennan, wanted to spend their budget on improving living standards for the existing inmates – providing medical supplies, clean bedding, decent sized cells
Connected to a TIAR interface and using the life memory of Jimmy Findral in the hope of providing some insight into Earth’s governor monitor net, its core functioning process