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    1. across the drive, acting as a second line of defence, a reserve trench, behind which he

    2. reserve of strength and clarity that allowed him to remain standing

    3. We have no way to tell what fuel reserve it has remaining, theoretically it could have enough for a month's burn, giving it more 61-Cygni relative velocity that we have

    4. Through it all Beniamin, while forcing himself to join with us from time to time, seemed to be holding something in reserve, as if he could not quite let go of his inner thoughts

    5. He phrased his observation in what he hoped would be taken as proper scientific reserve

    6. He felt the oily air pull him down but gradually steadied himself, finding a reserve of strength and clarity that allowed him to remain standing

    7. Big John flew to Jakes side and told him that the Black Bull who led them had taken off to meet up with about 200 more dragons he had in reserve for Dragons Hill

    8. Terry nudged Crippler Cruncho, the reserve centre-half, pointed up at the executive box in the opposite stand, and asked, "Who's that?"

    9. He felt he had got the measure of the Reserve Defence Training

    10. based at the Reserve Defence Training Establishment

    11. used as a reserve base for qualified Guardians, as a backup to the

    12. There was a staff car from the Reserve

    13. their intake would cease to be trainees at the Reserve Defence

    14. This would give us close to a full fuel load given the required fuel reserve

    15. Ein Kenya Nature Reserve is named after its natural springs, with lots of beautiful wildlife

    16. I attended for several years out there and it got hectic at one point because I was working my Election job during the day then on Tuesdays and Thursdays, I was going out to the Police Academy to attend the police reserve classes from like 6 to 9 and then the other two days I believe Monday and Wednesday I was going to Pima College

    17. The man always had a soft spot for women, and the sweet voice from below seemed to easily melt his reserve

    18. Whatever part of the produce, or, what is the same thing, whatever part of its price, is over and above this share, he naturally endeavours to reserve to himself as the rent of his land, which is evidently the highest the tenant can afford to pay in the actual circumstances of the land

    19. little of their reserve now thawed

    20. In one or other, or all of these three articles, consists the stock which men commonly reserve for their own immediate consumption

    21. Their own distress, of which this prudent and necessary reserve of the banks was, no doubt, the immediate occasion, they called the distress of the country ; and this distress of the country, they said, was altogether owing to the ignorance, pusillanimity, and bad conduct of the banks, which did not give a sufficiently liberal aid to the spirited undertakings of those who exerted themselves in order to beautify, improve, and enrich the country

    22. A tenant at will, who possesses land sufficient to maintain his family for little more than a quit-rent, is as dependent upon the proprietor as any servant or retainer whatever, and must obey him with as little reserve

    23. Humanity may in this case require that the freedom of trade should be restored only by slow gradations, and with a good deal of reserve and circumspection

    24. But as the law for the encouragement of coinage derives its origin from those vulgar prejudices which have been introduced by the mercantile system, I judged it more proper to reserve them for this chapter

    25. The more advanced or more refined manufactures, even of the colony produce, the merchants and manufacturers of Great Britain chuse to reserve to themselves, and have prevailed upon the legislature to prevent their establishment in the colonies, sometimes by high duties, and sometimes by absolute prohibitions

    26. As was common for most ern attacks, the charge came first at night, and there was no reserve held back for later reinforcements, or a portion set aside to flank the enemy, but they came quickly and as one

    27. These days a home could be isolated from the power grid, relying on self- generated electricity, the solar and wind generators always worked on a reserve, so even in those dark winter days there would be enough, but as a safeguard his car – their car – could sacrifice it’s own power store

    28. The car lost control: the automated systems malfunctioned, reserve systems failed to kick in – according to the surviving telemetry box

    29. Once beyond the airlock, the view inside was pitch black, indicating that there was not even reserve power remaining

    30. Every part of their education tends evidently to some useful purpose ; either to improve the natural attractions of their person, or to form their mind to reserve, to modesty, to chastity, and to economy ; to render them both likely to became the mistresses of a family, and to behave properly when they have become such

    31. brain – a reserve store that appeared as the one remaining green bar

    32. The first wave would take the forward Turkish trenches and then hold them while the second wave leap frogged over them and took the reserve trenches and then we would be behind the lines and out onto open ground which would be easy going then

    33. We stood in the reserve trenches as our Company had been designated in the second wave and as we looked foreword we could see the first wave of the 88th Brigade stood in the front line trenches waiting and at 2:20pm our artillery bombardment began

    34. And back at our lines our reserve trenches were also chocked with dead and wounded from the Turkish artillery barrage

    35. Rosemary stumbled in and pressed the ground floor button, then the little reserve of energy that had got her this far evaporated and she slumped exhausted to the floor

    36. Rosemary was aware of a certain reserve in Shelagh's demeanour and reckoned it was because of her meeting with Frank

    37. That evening orders arrived for the Battalion and we were gathered together and told that we would be relieving a Welsh Battalion and taking over their section of trenches tomorrow while they went into reserve

    38. We now had to wait in the reserve trenches and we spent the rest of the day trying to get some shut eye or smoking and talking quietly

    39. There was an open road that ran through here and the reserve trenches finished only to restart on the opposite side so the guide was sending squads of men across this open section to the opposite side

    40. We retired to the reserve trenches for a few days just in case the Hun’s launched a surprise attack at the take over but nothing happened and we left to return to our farm settlement and village

    41. Sometimes it was hell taking supplies to the front the first mile or so was alright because either the wagons or mule trains did all the hard work it was when you got close then everything had to be carried by hand food water equipment had to be shifted to the reserve trenches directly behind the front line trenches

    42. We moved up through the communication and reserve trenches a lot of which were in a poor state of repair with cave ins, flooded floors, parts blown in and some and some flooded to near enough the top

    43. This allowed us to awe some of the new replacements when they ducked down and we would stand there nonchalant knowing very well the shells would land in the reserve trenches or far behind the lines

    44. “Ask her if she can reserve us a ‘fab’ suite in the hotel for the

    45. A short time later we found ourselves in the reserve trenches and these were heavenly after being I the narrow communication trenches

    46. As we arrived at the connecting trenches that would convey us into the front line trenches we had to hug the walls as men who had been relieved stumbled past us in their haste to get to the reserve trenches where they could rest for a while

    47. The York & Lanc’s boys were glad to be going back to the reserve trenches and the small amount of comfort they offered

    48. Generally the duration of our stay in the front line was four days with a further four days served in the reserve trenches

    49. “I heard that there were casualties amongst the York & Lanc’s in the reserve trench it was hit by a ‘Flying Pig’ (a trench mortar) nasty bloody things they are

    50. We moved to the reserve trenches having completed our stint in the line it was alright in these trenches although we could never completely relax it was a lot better than being in the front line

    1. " He parks in a spot reserved for visitors next to the building

    2. reveals that “evil” and/or “wickedness” are not necessarily practices reserved only for the heathens

    3. The “Top Spot” is reserved for Jesus! “And he is the head of the body, the church: who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead; that in all things he might have the preeminence” (Colossians 1:18)

    4. Indeed, the Persephone standing before me now was the reserved and quiet girl I once knew -and I told her so

    5. Seth's mood however, is darker and much more reserved

    6. So also, if you are the silent reserved type and the other person too is the silent reserved type, the there wil hardly be any dialogue at all! The word over here is “compatible

    7. With a physical urgency usually reserved for athletes and Special Forces troops, Miss Jones launched herself into a standing position, braced her legs upon the pavement and picked up her handbag in the most menacing way that she could manage

    8. Dinner: An expensive dinner is a nice way to celebrate a first date but should be reserved

    9. Whenever I looked into the crowd and caught someone's eye they'd begin muttering and nodding and pointing in my direction and it became more and more clear not just that I was in the wrong place but also that I'd sat in a chair reserved for a guest of honour yet to appear

    10. He reserved the top berth

    11. Tyu had been placed in the largest Bay, an area reserved for the largest of the runabouts

    12. Boris immediately greeted Alfred like and old friend, though Alfred was a bit more reserved in his greeting, he still rose and clasped arms, allowed the Russian a hug

    13. There had been rumors that the Yingolian scientist was rather reserved

    14. His questions and observations of aspects usually neglected by casual admirers brought him a level of respect from the craftsmen generally reserved for one of their own, and they said as much

    15. Stan and Charlie were more reserved, as always, but sat wide-

    16. even here – an area normally reserved for a town’s most

    17. While food was prepared, The Rooms hostess showed the party the rooms reserved for them

    18. usually only reserved for summers at the ball field

    19. middle-aged table where my parents ate, and then our table—the table reserved for

    20. She was delicate, reserved and mild, not the athletic beauty favored by most of the native girls, though she was a smidgeon taller than Desa

    21. view over the nearby market square – was reserved for

    22. But the true accolades must be reserved for the

    23. Under the helmet she is a tall and elegant woman, very, very, reserved but childlike in many ways

    24. Their equipment was set up on Lurain's side of the main post, Parmu's side reserved for the yandrille

    25. But this prerogative of the crown seems to have been reserved rather for

    26. They’re reserved for the nobility

    27. What they afford, being insufficient for the whole farm, will naturally be reserved for the lands to which it can be most advantageously or conveniently applied; the most fertile, or those, perhaps, in the neighbourhood of the farm-yard

    28. Part of all these is reserved for the use of his own family; the rest goes to market, in order to find the best price which is to be had, and which can scarce be so low is to discourage him from sending thither whatever is over and above the use of his own family

    29. furnishings in a room which appeared to be reserved for

    30. normally reserved for the poor, you see,’ said the tall,

    31. ‘I’m sorry, the beds are reserved exclusively for the

    32. The other is that which supplies his immediate consumption, and which consists either, first, in that portion of his whole stock which was originally reserved for this purpose; or, secondly, in his revenue, from whatever source derived, as it gradually comes in ; or, thirdly, in such things as had been purchased by either of these in former years, and which are not yet entirely consumed, such as a stock of clothes, household furniture, and the like

    33. The first is that portion which is reserved for immediate consumption, and of which the characteristic is, that it affords no revenue or profit

    34. Of all parts of the stock, either of an individual or of a society, reserved for immediate consumption, what is laid out in houses is most slowly consumed

    35. Though the period of their total consumption, however, is more distant, they are still as really a stock reserved for immediate consumption as either clothes or household furniture

    36. To maintain and augment the stock which maybe reserved for immediate consumption, is the sole end and purpose both of the fixed and circulating capitals

    37. Their riches or poverty depend upon the abundant or sparing supplies which those two capitals can afford to the stock reserved for immediate consumption

    38. If it is employed in procuring present enjoyment, it is a stock reserved for immediate consumption

    39. The gross rent of a private estate comprehends whatever is paid by the farmer; the neat rent, what remains free to the landlord, after deducting the expense of management, of repairs, and all other necessary charges; or what, without hurting his estate, he can afford to place in his stock reserved for immediate consumption, or to spend upon his table, equipage, the ornaments of his house and furniture, his private enjoyments and amusements

    40. The gross revenue of all the inhabitants of a great country comprehends the whole annual produce of their land and labour; the neat revenue, what remains free to them, after deducting the expense of maintaining first, their fixed, and, secondly, their circulating capital, or what, without encroaching upon their capital, they can place in their stock reserved for immediate consumption, or spend upon their subsistence

    41. A certain quantity of very valuable materials, gold and silver, and of very curious labour, instead of augmenting the stock reserved for immediate consumption, the subsistence, conveniencies, and amusements of individuals, is employed in supporting that great but expensive instrument of commerce, by means of which every individual in the society has his subsistence, conveniencies, and amusements, regularly distributed to him in their proper proportions

    42. accent on "i" and not on "o", which is reserved

    43. The terrace was usually reserved for parties and called for a

    44. Whenever he employs any part of it in maintaining unproductive hands of any kind, that part is from that moment withdrawn from his capital, and placed in his stock reserved for immediate consumption

    45. immediately employed as a capital, either by himself or by some other person, the food, clothing, and lodging, which may be purchased with it, are necessarily reserved for the latter

    46. The borrower may use it either as a capital, or as a stock reserved for immediate consumption

    47. If he uses it as a stock reserved for immediate consumption, he acts the part of a prodigal, and dissipates, in the maintenance of the idle, what was destined for the support of the industrious

    48. If a poor workman was obliged to purchase a month's or six months' provisions at a time, a great part of the stock which he employs as a capital in the instruments of his trade, or in the furniture of his shop, and which yields him a revenue, he would be forced to place in that part of his stock which is reserved for immediate consumption, and which yields him no revenue

    49. notebook reserved for writing observations in science

    50. “Indeed? Which one would that be?” After her haunting conversation with Maro in Dragon Bridge, she had decided to be a bit more reserved with her words, in addition to her identity

    1. known oil reserves

    2. The black drew up his last reserves of energy and used it in one final assault with a blast so intense he hoped to destroy Collin

    3. As the couple’s time of fecundity faded, and as their reserves of money and physical strength began to dwindle, Eileen prayed to every saint under the sun for a child

    4. his reserves of inner calm before turning towards the young man

    5. time of fecundity faded, and as their reserves of money and

    6. Using his last reserves of strength he pushed

    7. This is the largest country in the world, with the largest forest reserves and a quarter of the world’s water

    8. energy reserves with yet another round of gelato, and

    9. Yeshua (Jesus) reserves this statement for only the most vile of sinners

    10. upon the value of their cargo for a license; and only reserves to itself

    11. neurotics with their abundant reserves of cash; when not wanting for any luxury to lift their mood, the only thing left that could do so was counselling

    12. Digging into their final dregs of energy reserves, they walked the last two hundred metres along the crater bottom to the ship itself

    13. “That’s where the oxygen reserves were

    14. They climbed slowly up the two ladders, the extra effort taking its toll on their already feeble energy reserves

    15. Perhaps some of the batteries still have reserves

    16. He knew, now, the ship was running on emergency reserves, never intended to go this far, hence the shutting down of shields

    17. Though the attack had taken its toll on the Division and with no reserves to spare we ended up back in our own trenches were we had started from

    18. I had heard of blokes stuck in the reserves that had offered bribes of up to a fiver to get to the front line

    19. But Autumn taught me that they also have great reserves of strength and will and queenly courage

    20. They may become tired or weak over time, though they will always have reserves of strength and magic that defies the abilities of those who have not received the gift

    21. Power from the sword and Arawn could have filled him to enhance his ability by ten, though he did not draw that much yet as he did not want to waste his Battle Angel’s reserves of ki’mera

    22. The other waves and reserves will then pass through us and continue to sweep the enemy before them

    23. The shell fire moved on to our trenches and the other waves and reserves that were crammed into them

    24. In fact there was no sign of the reserves or anything else and that didn’t bode well for us you could look back towards our trench line and see where the waves had been massacred this morning

    25. We watched but no more waves or reserves emerged from our trench lines the horror of the debacle that had just happened must still have been sinking in to those still in the trenches

    26. If not, the body will hunt the stored reserves of nutrients and when on a diet for example that will cause them to rob other

    27. “What’s happening Billy Boy were is the rest of the Battalion and never mind that were are the bloody reserves?” I replied quite brutally

    28. And why is that? Well, it reserves to the States respectively, or to the people, those rights not enumerated and specifically delegated to the United States by the Constitution

    29. Why not you ask me? Because the victor reserves the right to rewrite history! As Winston Churchill once said: “History will be kind to me for I intend on writing It

    30. They leaned over their defences to fire at the stormers almost directly below them, and being suddenly exposed, received volley after volley from our reserves, and were swept by the Gatlings

    31. The volume of currency in circulation, understood as ―money supply,‖ whether in paper dollars in the hands of the consumer or investor or held on deposit by financial institutions or the currency reserves of Federal Reserve Banks or the United States Treasury are indicators that will either stimulate or deflate investor confidence and subsequent consumer spending

    32. cles full of glycogen to allow your body to have those reserves full and

    33. · This will deplete the body’s reserves of glycogen, something that

    34. It is one of the great what ifs of the war for the South Africans were also calling up thousands of men from its reserves

    35. In this scam you are told that by law you have to pay the US dollar one which is indeed what happens in some nature reserves

    36. By the way I don’t agree with the nature reserves and see no reason why you should pay more

    37. suppliers to meet demand and noted, “We are fortunate that reserves and inventories are relatively high

    38. In addition, French petroleum company Total Fina Elf has negotiated the development and exploration of the Iraqi petroleum fields Majnoon and Nahr Umar which represent 25% of all the oil reserves in Iraq

    39. If the scheme proved viable and she could solicit his participation, her cocaine could possibly begin arriving in the United States again in time to avoid an interruption of the flow to their street dealers, considering current reserves

    40. We swept his lines of communications, paralyzed the movements of reserves and inflicted heavy losses on troops marching to the front

    41. It has no forest reserves of its own

    42. Biosphere Reserves in the United States covering more than 70 million acres without Congressional

    43. With approval of this Project, the result is positive and immediate because the countries and organizations get rid of the onerous monetary reserves to pay national debts and foreign debts or to accomplish mercantile transactions with the exterior

    44. g) Elimination of the need of international monetary reserves to the Country that to adopt the new Computational Monetary System because the Countries and the organizations won’t need international currencies more to accomplish commercial transactions or of payments

    45. It will only function as guarantee or reserves for credibility and reliability of the new systematics

    46. With it, it doesn’t need checks, credit cards, coin exchanges, exchange reserves and even vinculum to the employment to receive it

    47. This new System generates CAPITUS: Universal Pattern Virtual Coin without being physical that facilitates the transactions anywhere in the world, where individual and corporation receive income and they pay its commitments national or international with the Virtual Coin, without needing of exchange or reserves in dollars or other coin to guarantee the purchasing power or of trades

    48. This eliminates the constant search for the accumulation of monetary reserves, besides satisfying creditor and debtor, it also finishes the rolling of the debt and financial dependence among countries

    49. It doesn’t need reserves, there is not print need, it doesn’t have fabrication cost, and it doesn’t need exchange rates to acquire and to sell merchandises, not even of devaluation to stimulate exportations and importations

    50. Singer suggested a reverse effect: namely, the release of huge reserves of dissolved gas from cold ocean water as it warmed and mixed, which may take four hundred to one

    1. reserving enough of the dermis to allow re-epithelialization of the dermabraded areas

    2. ‘my hero’, but the boys were reserving judgement until

    3. But when he possesses stock sufficient to maintain him for months or years, he naturally endeavours to derive a revenue from the greater part of it, reserving only so much for his immediate consumption as may maintain him till this revenue begins to come in

    4. Let us suppose, for example, that the whole circulating money of some particular country amounted, at a particular time, to one million sterling, that sum being then sufficient for circulating the whole annual produce of their land and labour; let us suppose, too, that some time thereafter, different banks and bankers issued promissory notes payable to the bearer, to the extent of one million, reserving in their different coffers two hundred thousand pounds for answering occasional demands ; there would remain, therefore, in circulation, eight hundred thousand pounds in gold and silver, and a million of bank notes, or eighteen hundred thousand pounds of paper and money together

    5. In process of time, however, it seems to have become the general practice to grant it to them in fee, that is for ever, reserving a rent certain, never afterwards to be augmented

    6. In the other English colonies, indeed, the right of primogeniture takes place, as in the law of England: But in all the English colonies, the tenure of the lands, which are all held by free soccage, facilitates alienation ; and the grantee of an extensive tract of land generally finds it for his interest to alienate, as fast as he can, the greater part of it, reserving only a small quit-rent

    7. 12 therefore the divine vengeance is reserving you for eternal fire and torments, which shall cling to you for all time

    8. Drain, reserving 1/2 cup pasta water

    9. Add the raisins, peach (reserving 1 tablespoon for garnish) and raspberries (reserving 2 tablespoons for garnish)

    10. privilege given the Communist Party's history of reserving company

    11. As I gaze at him, I notice that already, he has displayed about seven different smiles; a lower tight-lipped just before he answers a question, a standard closed while he listens, and a side smile when he feels caught up, reserving the wide grins, and the radiant smiles for the humor

    12. That’s a job I can do, thought Alison, but said nothing, reserving the comment

    13. Those on foot also charged forward in the same silence that Moshe had urged upon them, reserving their shouts for the appointed time as instructed

    14. 10 And he running up to the pans said 11 Impious tyrant and most blasphemous man were you not ashamed having received prosperity and a kingdom from God to kill His servants and to rack the doers of godliness? 12 therefore the divine vengeance is reserving you for eternal fire and torments which shall cling to you for all time

    15. reserving their shouts for the appointed time as instructed

    16. We thought we’d go by how you were feeling Ian said when she got back, before reserving at Fantinos – supposedly its best to reserve, they’ve began allowing a kind of first come first serve policy, sort of

    17. Drain the rice, reserving the

    18. I was not included although Connacher gave me leave to eat, even supplying me with a small goat that he drained reserving the blood for me and the meat for the men

    19. The masters wore normal clothes, reserving cap

    20. They occupied mainly rooms giving on the rear of the building, reserving the street-side rooms for firing positions

    21. The fate the Chinese were reserving to Tri was too obvious to Liem, who started running towards them, hoping to be able to dissuade them

    22. I did saw her while she was still naked and I have to recognize that her wounds did not bleed: it seems that her tormentor went relatively easy on her, possibly reserving something worse for later

    23. Here in Europe, the British are still refusing to coordinate with us or with the German authorities the flight plans of our respective planes over Germany, even reserving for themselves exclusive air corridors

    24. “We know about Jasmine Hardy, who doesn’t?” Asia was still reserving her judgment

    25. dermis while reserving enough of the dermis to allow re-epithelialization of

    26. Chase is meeting us at the school and reserving seats

    27. But she would call him the next day, she was tired and she still had to call the apartment she was reserving

    28. calling, and I want to thank you for reserving this time

    29. Repeat layers, reserving one-third of wafers to

    30. only egg yolks, reserving the whites

    31. Drain the pears, reserving the liquid

    32. Just like they were using tools too much every day; instead of reserving their use only for crisis situations

    33. van had been reserving his energy for just such a moment

    34. Keep your early work both in monochrome and colour quite solid, but as thin as you can, reserving thicker paint for those occasions when you wish to put a touch that shall not be influenced by what you are painting into

    35. reserving me for greater sorrows, if such there be, so ordered it that just then I had enough and to spare of that reason which has since been wanting to me; and so, without seeking to take vengeance on my greatest enemies (which might have been easily taken, as all thought of me was so far from their minds), I resolved to take it upon myself, and on myself to inflict the pain they deserved, perhaps with even greater severity than I should have dealt out to them had I then slain them; for sudden pain is soon over, but that which is protracted by tortures is ever slaying without ending life

    36. And my Illinois fields, and my Kansas fields, and my fields of Missouri, The Continent, devoting the whole identity without reserving an atom, Pour in! whelm that which asks, which sings, with all and the yield of all, Fusing and holding, claiming, devouring the whole,

    37. only reserving to himself such goods as he might trade with on the road

    38. sleep, and reserving her lectures and instructions till the next morning,

    39. overture of, reserving, to feast myself with the surprise of it to him, in

    40. Although secretly amazed at the facts communicated by the speech of the aged father, he permitted himself to ask no questions, reserving his inquiries for a more suitable moment

    41. Was Adam reserving his judgment until he saw what was on it?

    42. Were there marks of hospitality which he contemplated but suppressed, reserving them for another and for himself on future occasions to complete the act begun?

    43. She was still reserving the right to reject him

    44. My fortune, you will please to observe, I had not entered upon any overture of, reserving, to feast myself with the surprise of it to him, in calmer instants

    45. reserving for himself only twenty-five thousand a year from it

    46. People growing up in eastern Europe learned how to give the ‘correct’ answer to questions, while always reserving judgement in case it later turned out they’d been told a pack of lies

    47. In 1820 he was known to have a sum of six hundred and thirty thousand francs lodged in his name with Laffitte; but before reserving these six hundred and thirty thousand francs, he had spent more than a million for the town and its poor

    48. He succeeded in disappearing, sold the Bishop's silver, reserving only the candlesticks as a souvenir, crept from town to town, traversed France, came to M

    49. At night, when the boat was anchored and most of the passengers walked the decks in despair, he perused the illustrated novels he knew almost by heart under the carbide lamp in the dining room, which was the only one kept burning until dawn, and the dramas he had read so often regained their original magic when he replaced the imaginary protagonists with people he knew in real life, reserving for himself and Fermina Daza the roles of star-crossed lovers

    50. It could be Boston Chicken, a big winner for us in the 1990s, lending money to franchisees to cover losses and not reserving for the receivables

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    Synonymes pour "reserve"

    reserve reticence taciturnity modesty military reserve reservation second-stringer substitute backlog stockpile allow appropriate earmark set aside book hold silence self-restraint constraint restraint retention coolness assets stock resources security store supply hoard retain keep back set apart keep bank schedule