Utiliser "skin" dans une phrase
skin exemples de phrases
1. ” Sam ended the call and used the rougher towel to stimulate his skin before dressing
2. Home treatment is merely a very simple and widely practiced form of interventionist treatment for mild health problems like pain, indigestion, constipation, mild diarrhea, nasal congestion, general weakness, mild skin rashes and so on
3. Our lotion protects everything from hair to skin; it’s the ultimate in fire safety
4. The hairs receded back into his skin
5. Their ghosts still haunt us, clinking on chains woven from steam-pressed skin
6. Your skin bubbles and melts
7. It was too dark to see how much skin she lost, their clattering claws on the dry gravel told her which way was west
8. She didn't have a water skin on her, they were both tied to the saddle, along with her camp roll that held her warm clothing for the dark
9. He had a thick scattering of brown freckles over his ruddy skin, what you could see of it thru the whiskers
10. As perfect as the skin
11. embroidery, to carefully add elements to the skin that would enhance her beauty, and
12. I'm only 36 years old but that's enough to remember when they were universally considered to be anti-social, trashy, criminal looking stains on the skin
13. They took a huge chunk of skin off his back, there's no way he could have survived it
14. There was nothing better in life, for me anyway, than skin
15. It's a ten penny ticket and yellow's two cents inside but I bring a skin of green in a nightcoat, I don't wear the coat, I just have that skin in the sleeve, I say the coat's for later
16. severed limbs and burned skin
17. Travis may have been the best tattoo artist in Ireland, if not all of Western Europe, but he didn't come close to the skill of this man, at least not when it came to ritual Sak Yant; sacred skin art, Thai style
18. Most people wanted photographs of beaded sweat on brown skin and slow turning ceiling fans in Bangkok, Phnom Penh or Vientiane
19. An event so important that it was worth a permanent mark on the skin, first to assure success, second to commemorate once it had taken place
20. his body was reduced to a heap of bones covered with skin with a huge
21. you with skin and put breath in you; and you shall live
22. It seemed the cancer of organized skin trade was not so new here as everyone thought
23. "I want his skin back
24. You fuckin' got that? Your son, he was worth the price of his skin, his kidneys, his heart and whatever else my team cut out of him
25. They had survived a skin attack
26. It’s a lovely deep wine-red colour which sets off her skin tones and hair beautifully
27. The sale of human body parts, particularly human skin
28. Skin that has been tattooed
29. I thought it was some kind of chemical but the doc said it was the fat from under our skin
30. Johnny’s back with her powerful talons, slicing though tweed and cotton and skin as if
31. thin scars, as if a large tom cat had raked talons across his skin
32. on the almost mineral paleness of her skin
33. "They took a little more than skin Peadar
34. "He's a loan-shark in Darklow where the skin murder and the assaults took place
35. "The one certainty we have here is the ongoing lucrative trade in skin and body parts and the occasional interception of goods in transit
36. "If it does any sophisticated skin capacitance readings or anything but the most cursory retinal scan, this android won't pass
37. He leaned forward and kissed the limpid skin of her neck gently, afraid that
38. She would soon encounter the ship, and knew that the android's skin was wired with pain sensors that she could connect up to her pain input channels
39. "I am interested in skin
40. Most disappointingly for Theo, the skin art connoisseur, this idiot had ACAB tattooed across his knuckles; All Coppers Are Bastards
41. Finally he leaned forward a little, bringing his large beaked nose and inked skin into the light and revealing the swirl of art that covered his face and neck
42. Gino's whole life is right there on his skin
43. Tattoos are inscribed with needle and ink, but the Ta Moko is a design carved into the skin using the Uhi, a traditional chisel formed from a fragment of Albatross bone
44. The purchase and sale of hi-value skin work to discerning international connoisseurs, predominantly from the wealthy countries of South East Asia, but also occasionally from Western buyers of American and European origin
45. In Australia and New Zealand no-one willingly has this mark put to their skin
46. Skin work was taking place in the middle of the shop while the other clients watched and waited
47. A cold chill to the skin
48. "Did you know that two more local men have also been assaulted on the Sunnyvale estate? They had skin removed from them
49. The trade has become so lucrative that the top buyers are now placing orders for specific types of skin
50. "I know where he has the skin
1. shepherds further up the mountain were talking about a white skinned ghost, a raven
2. They told me that The Kid even sat with me during the dark hours, watching blood pound through the artery in my thin skinned neck as my body fought for oxygen under the onslaught of fever and infection
3. There were two golden skinned Mountain Elf girls who must have just disembarked from a lake runner inspecting the boat when he got there
4. that a sallow skinned thing crawled
5. ‘Shut up, you idiot!’ Berndt said good naturedly as a tall, thin, dark skinned man appears at the end of the anteroom
6. She was light skinned but with thick lips
7. She had less to be done here than the others because she was naturally light skinned and light skin was the style here
8. skinned hand to his eye to wipe away a solitary tear because he
9. He had skinned and cleaned it as best he could and cooked it on a large flat rock he placed in the fire
10. The red skinned host had returned and now
11. The demons lift away on red skinned wings and Billy is aware of external sounds and colours for the first time since seeing Leona's body
12. "Are you sure," Emma addressed her fair skinned, blue-eyed child
13. Hard looking men, dark skinned, long black hair, beards and moustaches
14. Small, smooth skinned, large eyes, a fuzzy crop of hair on their heads
15. Keep our eyes skinned
16. Sludge was a light skinned mulatto of Spanish extraction
17. He skinned His knees when he crawled too rapidly, but seldom cried
18. How far would that woman go to keep them apart? Jean spoke in whispers to the girls close to her own age, all dark of hair and eyes, slender and pale skinned; all of them quite pretty too
19. The dark skinned men were talking amongst themselves in a strange language
20. The dark skinned men ran about both boats, taking the adventurers boat in tow with two men aboard in case of problems
21. Instead, I investigated a few of the prickly pods that had fallen from the chestnuts trees, smashing them the rest of the way open with my stick (I had learned that this was the best way to avoid getting poked) and, carefully, I removed a few big chestnuts, unfolded my knife, skinned the shell off, and crunched on them as I headed towards the raspberry patch
22. * On the cheetah incident I may be guilty of a failing memory for it seems the cheetah was more a leopard or something and not skinned but given to a taxidermist to play with and still exists because of it
23. Before long a fire was under the suspended skinned rabbit
24. It was a running joke that the Health Center diagnosed everything from mono to a skinned knee as pregnancy unless you took a test to prove otherwise
25. He looked visibly shaken, and some of his skin seemed singed as well; his great, dragon-like wings had been reduced to skinned bones and straps of leather
26. Her pretty face was scraped now, somehow it was bleeding, but only skinned
27. And when I saw the girl, that dark skinned girl that Umberth had found, I knew it was something of his making
28. “Excuse me,” I said to a thick brown skinned chick in the group who reminded me of Countess Vaughn from The Parkers
29. noticed a light skinned woman step outside of the building where he was
30. The same black skinned woman that was inside the club
31. skinned woman holding her cream colored gown by the knees as she held her
32. profile of a light skinned woman with long hair; he thought he saw Khevasiah
33. skinned woman"s direction, and saw that it was not Khevasiah
34. He was of at least middle years (but perhaps prematurely aged), short, wiry, and dark skinned
35. She did recall that she was fairer skinned than all the others and had light hair when she was very young
36. She was not as fair skinned as I, but was much lighter than anyone I had met besides my parents
37. He opened the box and threw his team what looked like a skinned beaver
38. She was a beautiful woman, being light skinned and having symmetrical curves
39. He was as fair skinned as me and his eyes were blue when they finally opened and looked at me
40. For those who find salads very difficult to digest, it is best to begin with French or cabbage lettuce and skinned tomatoes only, or, as an alternative, a saucer full of watercress chopped very finely, as one chops parsley
41. The leading suspect was a then-current ASU hoopster, Rhea Taylor, a very light skinned black
42. plate and begged to have a crispy skinned leg all to himself
43. She stands with a dark skinned boy in a dark olive suit
44. proves nothing, except that my putative father had red hair and was as white skinned as you are, whereas, as you must have noticed, although you’ve never mentioned it, I am not just Alison Brown, but light brown
45. It is skinned knees and a baby’s cry
46. Many of her customers were darker skinned but regardless of colour they were all treated equally
47. At the door was a dark skinned female
48. While inside the compound were piles of skinned animals, ready for trade
49. I should have tracked you down and skinned you when you were a child
50. Not just because I'd skinned her father, but because I loved her, and how could she care for the creature I’d become?
1. The sound was turned down but images of Amazonian Indians smoking jungle grass and skinning an animal filled the room with an eerie glow
2. Several fair-sized pythons also came to light, and were dispatched by the niggers, who so battered the carcases that skinning was out of the question
3. As his dead wife had been fond of saying when they faced an apparently impossible dilemma, “Alex, there’s more than one way of skinning a cat
4. There it was, the moment of disorientation passed, and a small object was revealed in the white woolly-looking stuff that made up the next layer of the ship’s outer skinning
5. "I’m here, Klim," Zoe called out from the other side of the cabin, where she was skinning the rabbit she had caught
6. "There's more than one way of skinning a panther
7. -Thereafter the feathers are plucked out or skinning,
8. When did he have time for fur trading, let alone time for the skinning of the animal? Sir William didn’t limit his sowing to oats
9. Other players choose Skinning
10. sitting next to the river bank skinning a raccoon and tearing it into
11. gutting a fish or skinning the bounty of the hunt
12. Because he had to skin the many animals that he caught in his traps he was always sure to maintain a keen edge on the blade of his favorite skinning knife
13. A trophy-head will be made out of it, and they are already carefully skinning it
14. The skinning is finished under the bluish glare of our head-flashlights, though, for John, the toughest part is still ahead
15. Most of the hunters want a head trophy, and the skinning has begun
16. What is the criminal practice of swindling but skinning someone alive of their money? The inhuman horror of killing and skinning and poisoning, and greed, and hate these first English scum were unleashing upon a virgin continent that had never been raped… the huge energy potential of the growing cancerous poisons they were infecting this land with… was so huge: that these first would-be skinners lost their own skins in the process and died horrible deaths
17. It is a token symbol of the skinning of an entire continent blood-red… ripping its skin off
18. of killing and skinning every fur-bearing animal in North America until there are no more wild animals left: until North America becomes a domesticated copy of Europe with imported European animals and all of its native species made extinct
19. This was skinning the proverbial onion
20. One day they buzzed so low over Iowa that the propellers kicked up a storm of sand, skinning the paint off the plane’s belly and scouring the legs of Pillsbury, who was sitting by the open hatch in the tail, trying to photograph their dummy bombs as they fell into target nets
21. Bilbo was too weak to help, and anyway he was not much good at skinning rabbits or cutting up meat, being used to having it delivered by the butcher all ready to cook
22. – Skinning, so that the hide or fur can be used for shelter and clothing
23. To reduce contamination from meat do NOT directly handle carcasses, wear gloves or use cloth to cover the hands while carefully skinning and washing
24. A few evenings before this, Olenin had gone to see him and had found him with a proud and happy face deftly skinning the carcass of a boar with a small knife in the yard
1. "How many water skins remain?" he asked, snapping her back from her reverie
2. God took an animal and covered the man and woman with the skins
3. slipping on their liquid skins,
4. Some forty paintings were shown on the first list, along with a good dozen sculptures … she recognised some of the names of the artists … how had he got hold of a Rembrandt? Could it be original? The second list was longer, more varied and definitely more curious – intaglio tables from the Italian peninsula rubbed shoulders with tribal masks from the African continent and animal skins from places as far afield as Asia
5. He hobbled and crawled to it and found the knife was still there, the clothing bundle and the water skins
6. For now having the skins and a chance to get clean water was enough
7. We should fill up the water skins before this puddle dries out
8. That's why wallow water is a bad place to fill water skins
9. The water skins were OK, the tent was salvageable and so was most of the clothing but they had to wash most of everything again
10. As mentioned, not all skin creams are created equal and not al skins are the same
11. Hence, there are some instances wherein some skins are really sensitive and can
12. There are people who are born with sensitive skins
13. This means that their skins will
14. In this manner, people who have sensitive skins should not resort to dermabrasions
15. There are skins that have the tendency to develop keloids or excessive benign growth
16. have skins that fall under this category, it is best not to try dermabrasion
17. “He was part of a company trading in skins: bearskins,
18. She could not have just done that, she would have had to question the skins deeper
19. “I’m sorry, I’ve just walked over three miles to get here, I don’t mean to be rude but I could use a refill of my water skins?”
20. It was still close enough to easily converse and her kitchen hose ran slow enough that it was going to take minutes to fill these skins
21. “We could both use our mind eased about the Kassikan it seems,” he said as he slung the skins again
22. Once Jorma had finished eating and filled his water skins, he set off on the hike
23. Once back at Knume’s she washed some clothes she would be taking, while they soaked, she squeezed and strained the lvinch, filling three big skins with the juice
24. The Father is looking for new wine skins to put
25. They were made from skins and finely crafted archwood
26. The skins of the larger animals were the original materials of clothing
27. Their features were all fine and sharp, their skins smooth and fair
28. five ox hides at twelve shillings ; five cow hides at seven shillings and threepence ; thirtysix sheep skins of two years old at nine shillings; sixteen calf skins at two shillings
29. That of sheep skins is a good deal above it
30. That of calves skins, on the contrary, is greatly below it
31. Their skins, therefore, are commonly good for little
32. The price of raw hides is a good deal lower at present than it was a few years ago; owing probably to the taking off the duty upon seal skins, and to the allowing, for a limited time, the importation of raw hides from Ireland, and from the plantations, duty free, which was done in 1769
33. He told the thief, who listened with fascination and silent amusement, that he had been very close to putting the girl in her place after she confronted him about the treatment of what he called “the good-for-nothing Gray Skins”, but was stopped when “Bleeding Heart Brunwulf” needlessly threw his weight around and intervened
34. Off to the side, she thought she noticed a gleaming object hidden partially by animal skins and bones
35. The rest were mere objects of vulgar wonder and curiosity ; some reeds of an extraordinary size, some birds of a very beautiful plumage, and some stuffed skins of the huge alligator and manati ; all of which were preceded by six or seven of the wretched natives, whose singular colour and appearance added greatly to the novelty of the show
36. 15, which puts hides and skins among the enumerated commodities, and thereby tends to reduce the value of American cattle
37. Of this kind are all naval stores, masts, yards, and bowsprits, tar, pitch, and turpentine, pig and bar iron, copper ore, hides and skins, pot and pearl ashes
38. One study found that rats fed an extract from apple skins had a 43 percent lower risk of colon cancer
39. Research found that rats fed an extract from apple skins had a 57 percent lower risk of liver cancer
40. The importation of sheep's wool from several different countries, of cotton wool from all countries, of undressed flax, of the greater part of dyeing drugs, of the greater part of undressed hides from Ireland, or the British colonies, of seal skins from the British Greenland fishery, of pig and bar iron from the British colonies, as well as of several other materials of manufacture, has been encouraged by an exemption from all duties, if properly entered at the custom-house
41. In the book of rates, according to which the old subsidy was levied, beaver skins were estimated at six shillings and eight pence a piece; and the different subsidies and imposts which, before the year 1722, had been laid upon their importation, amounted to one-fifth part of the rate, or to sixteen pence upon each skin; all of which, except half the old subsidy, amounting only to twopence, was drawn back upon exportation
42. The same successful war put the country most productive of beaver under the dominion of Great Britain ; and beaver skins being among the enumerated commodities, the exportation from America was consequently confined to the market of Great Britain
43. From the cabins we took a nice windowed bookcase, a beautifully crafted wood dresser, a large sturdy trunk, a world globe, game boards, books, clothes, shoes, pistols and sabers, towels, blankets, pillows, soaps, lanterns, lantern oil, matches, a clock, pocket watches, writing paper, pens, ink, and wine skins
44. As the third day passed, we walked up hill and down, over rocks and pebbles, stopping at caravansaries when possible to fill our skins and to water the animals
45. At the oasis, we filled all the skins with water, then turned off the main caravan route toward Abdullan
46. The captain motioned for the men to alight, water their horses and fill their skins
47. That of beaver skins, of beaver wool, and of gum-senega, has been subjected to higher duties ; Great Britain, by the conquests of Canada and Senegal, having got almost the monopoly of those commodities
48. The fetish priest, on being consulted, arrived with an elaborate apparatus of skins, idols, &c
49. They tended to have thin skins, and resented any implied criticism of the system which paid them the big bucks unquestioningly
50. showing mostly their bare skins