Utiliser "sonant" dans une phrase
sonant exemples de phrases
1. and the consonant without edge
2. Staring out at a wild and dissonant sea,
3. Heavy vowels and consonants drip in the high heat,
4. consonant starved, the quietude of the bed-sit,
5. Consonants build stone towers
6. During this alteration certain of the resonant vibrations within the seven's series came into contact, once and for all time to come, with the separated forces at one third and two thirds, one of the trio having already from the outset retained its original contact with the series; our DO, if you will
7. “Here's how they go together, this is key, the early consonants are on the left if they're harsh, top if they're soft, vowels and glides roam toward the middle, later consonants on the right and bottom, R, L, Y and W can also be vowels
8. poet’s voice was deep and resonant
9. At her slightest touch, the Elf felt the resonant power of the planet course through her, and suddenly she was suspended over the most incredible
10. length of the name in letters; number of vowels; number of consonants and many other properties used in this genealogy that stretches from Abraham all the way to Jesus Christ; the language and numbering system that would be employed - would finally fit like small pieces of a jigsaw puzzle, that would only reveal a masterly constructed design, once the final piece was fitted
11. On top of this however, you also have to make use of words for which vowels and consonants, respectively could be evenly divided by 7
12. You are also asked to ensure that the number of nouns you use, are evenly divisible by 7; the number of words that appear in more than one form should be exactly 7; words starting with either a vowel or a consonant should be divisible by 7
13. -- The number of words beginning with a consonant is 21, or 7 x 3
14. -- The number of consonants is 126, or 7 x 18
15. Some adjectives of nationality which end in a consonant do not,
16. Words which end in a consonant, EXCEPT –n or –s have the
17. ” The chiefs seconded this remark with a resonant cry of “Yeo! Yeo! Yeo!” - “Good! Good! Good!”
18. If one allows that worldly values are the off-springs of worldly customs, (alone); that is to say, restricted to non-spiritual matters, and that eternal values are necessarily eternal in meaning; neither limited by space nor time, which would otherwise render them meaningless and incomprehensive in form; universal or eternal Values must necessarily embrace all existence, including the ―Material‖ that (always) was, is and will become, without exception; the expression or starting point of God‘s own Creation, in His own Image consonant with His own laws or (Eternal Values), whose impressions have been (indelibly) stamped on all things potentially eternal
19. What is generally referred to as National Sentiment is a composite of all the essential features (or values) embodied in a society‘s political and social institutions reflecting the consonant viewpoints embraced by every member of that society as well as its single-minded regard for its traditional customs and practices
20. Natural Law, while consonant with this essential quality or Equality of ―Being‖, does not recognize equal capacities or talents
21. In fact, it may be correctly argued that these aren‘t societies at all, however dimly perceived masses of people who have adopted a survival instinct rather than learned how to live a meaningful existence; to behave reasonably, within socially defined parameters, in his or her own manner, to pursue his or her (own) interests or to develop his or her (own) underlying potential or render informed judgments in consonant compliance with his or her Conscience
22. Written expressions are not (merely) impartial bystanders indifferent to an author‘s tireless efforts to create something meaningful or consonant with the author‘s intended designs; exhausting its own emotional and intellectual energies by sustaining elements of singular merit however dire or tiring such efforts might (otherwise) be
23. Any number of individuals, as indicated above, enjoying equal rights and privileges consonant with the legal requirements of a free society, may differ in a variety of ways; materially, intellectually, physically, morally, spiritually, by temperament, motivation, its expectancies, the list is endless
24. Ours is a generation that nourishes a morbid and irrational fear of growing old…and death, perhaps; thereby occasioning (a) need to retain its youthful appearance(s) at whatever cost; inconsonant with age, at the expense of its (own) dignity, ―eternally young,‖ ―young as one feels,‖ (youthful) fashions and lifestyles, (adolescent) designs, the accomplices of artificial youth, pining for what is no longer 73
25. Exalted characterizations of the modern athlete are consonant with neo-prejudicial impressions and lack of historical perspective
26. God does not ―think‖ in (the) conventional sense; that is to say, He neither ―reflects‖ nor ―imagines‖ in a manner otherwise inconsonant with a Being Perfect in Thought who ‖visualizes‖ every event ―before‖ its time and who, unlike His creation, neither relies on Reason nor Experience before embarking upon some ―pre-determined‖ course
27. A Cultural War waged by determined ideas is a much more subtle, deceptive and formidable form of warfare inasmuch as it craftily conceals its (unstated) purpose; a social and cultural conversion cutting at the (very) heart of a society‘s traditional belief system; a gradual, however determined process that oftentimes goes unchecked until an awakening society (roused from its slumbers) suddenly finds itself in the midst of altered customs and norms no longer consonant with that society‘s accustomed practices
28. In this manner an individual must tend to his or her moral development; that is to say, seek proper guidance in a way that reinforces principled rules of conduct; what an individual should do and avoid doing consonant with ―what the heart teaches‖ (Natural Law)
29. Whenever legal revisions are inconsonant with the underlying assumptions of Original Intent, such modifications are improperly considered and, in some instances, morally objectionable (Abortion) once their conceptual designs have been improperly
30. Such opinions do not admit the possibility of rational thinking human beings capable of achieving a higher order of spiritual and intellectual awareness consonant with their (own) determined designs
31. It did and it gave him the consonants that he needed
32. “Whoa, what the heck happened?” His left arm felt like a bee had stung it, with a deep resonant ache down in the wrist
33. Words that end in consonants other than -n and -s have their stress on the last syllable
34. But her train of thought was interrupted by the resonant thud in her chest
35. He had a rather resonant voice but was deliberately restraining it so it would not carry beyond the room
36. apart than was duly consonant with the strictest dictates of modesty, and with a
37. The consonants only
38. As the resonant sympathetic
39. Like most of the words in our language, if you try to pronounce it without any vowels between the consonants, you’ll be pretty close
40. The colliding brought forth more than Morgan cared to hear, but it was a single resonant voice that grabbed his interest, it was that of the girl who had been with Dryan that day in the forest
41. This lesson is an outline of the vowel and consonant sounds
42. Find some old magazines and cut out pictures beginning with each consonant sound
43. Say that dog, for instance, begins with the consonant sound /d/
44. See if you both can invent a consonant game
45. Say the consonant sound /m/
46. Say the consonant sound /n/
47. Say the consonant sound /s/
48. Say the consonant sound /t/
49. Most consonant blends have only one spelling and can be recognized at the beginning, middle and end of words
50. Beginning and ending consonant blends: You can copy the next two pages