Utiliser "universe" dans une phrase
universe exemples de phrases
1. There were only fifty million males in the whole urban universe of the Yakahn, and practically all of them that he had ever met, knew Venna intimately
2. ” The second thing that happens is the universe says, “Ooh, look at this, somebody woke up, somebody knows
3. Think about all the things that would have to align in order for the universe TOM ANDERSON
4. If you're not specific you don’t give your brain and the universe an exact point where they need to end up
5. Your brain and the universe need that in order to get you what you want
6. The universe praises and rewards
7. "You don't think it's the most ghoulish thing ever invented in the universe?"
8. The laws of physical universe are cause and effect laws
9. This tiny primordial light burned across the Universe, lighting the heavens, unhindered by shadow
10. Each time the Universe completed one rotation around the star, all the gods gathered at that point
11. He watched in irritation as the others played through the endless golden plains that stretched across the Universe
12. The creation process as enunciated in our religious scriptures matches to a great extent with the evolving scientific hypothesis of Big Bang and expanding and contracting universe
13. This is the same stream of energy that that created the universe, and all things in it
14. We were aware of the fact that the universe is abundant, and that anything was possible
15. Some apprehension of cosmic processes is achieved and universe is clearly understood as a play of the cosmic forces
16. the whole universe is just
17. It is an uninterrupted flow of concentration aimed to heighten one's awareness and oneness with the universe
18. It is characterized by the state of ecstasy and the feeling that you and the universe are one
19. Their hands found their natural space in the universe
20. Actually, in that universe, I would
21. did in that universe
22. Yeah, in this universe
23. toilet rolls should be, they skipped and floated on the very fabric of the universe
24. She knew she could have as much air in her universe as she wished, it was more like social air
25. Glenelle tended to have a separate sun for each room in her universe anyway so this would just be the opening on one side of her home
26. All I've done in these automatons is rig up a little fuller model of the social universe
27. Glenelle had shaped the island where her house was docked into the last backup she had of Morg's island in his universe
28. Ava had a virtual universe set up that she said was copied from data she had gathered from the planet, animated with video and audio that is broadcast in their net
29. She had gotten used to native standards of bodily contact in social interaction in this universe and enjoyed his fingers in her soft flesh
30. "Not in this universe," she said
31. She was lying nude on her beach, though it was actually in Ava's universe, only a few steps from the magic carpet of her entry hall
32. Glenelle could do some data entry and verification, but she was not going to help with updating the foundations of the virtual universe
33. " She had to play with drivers and things on screens only visible from her side for awhile to get a voice channel open from a mortal on the ground to Ava's universe here on this idealized Carribean beach
34. Version three had introduced trans-volitional search, whereby the device would immediately seek and discover throughout the connected universe whatever topics had entered the host's little mind
35. idea, and He marvelled at the universe that crept into view with the naming of this
36. Beyond the confines of earth-time, way out beyond the fringes of the universe
37. every rising phrase, letting the maelstrom notes burn through the universe
38. universe contained any concept as simple as song, you would have heard Smith sing
39. considered the symphonic disagreement at the edge of the universe and, after a
40. harmonic resonance to the song of the universe, and thus was born the conduit
41. About the only thing he had in his universe that was at all virtual was his interface screen
42. universe a discordant note took its inevitable place in the skirl of creation
43. If he wanted to adjust the magic level of his universe he could bring that interface with him, but as it was he allowed it only at the kitchen table and the den of his house and at the desk of the main cabin in his yacht
44. He had always trusted to his friendship with Ava to keep his opinions expressed in his own universe private
45. "Ava believes that the base universe contains a huge and ancient human civilization that was given an immense technological boost by whatever third party brought humans here sometime during Earth's last ice age
46. Exodus 5:2 as though he was the supreme monarch of the universe and there is no
47. Since all souls personifications had to be evaluated to supply the eyestream of the first, Bahkmar was forced to drop the eye-stream by another clock, and when it gets two clocks behind, souls begin to notice that the universe they see and the universe they feel are out of phase
48. As a technician it was his job to provide all souls with a universe free from these simulation artifacts, but there were times when he just wasn't able to do so
49. At the entry to each person's universe there is a grand colonnade or gate as befits the man living in the universe at the end of that colonnade
50. I feel great, like being born again! Sandra Anderson is a revolutionary cosmonaut, who fights against evil all over the universe