Utiliser "untrained" dans une phrase
untrained exemples de phrases
1. He is untrained and almost went mad because of it, only his sheer force of will has kept him sane
2. ' And then he began whistling the anonymous soulful tune he'd played earlier - but in keys not yet appreciated by the untrained ear
3. Yellelle was with him, and to Ava’s untrained eye she appeared to be raping him
4. Untrained in the Arts, she was
5. To the untrained man, to the casually aggressive, violence is a blunt instrument wielded on a whim and a skin full, but to Alex it is a tool employed with the loving care of a master craftsman
6. Until that untrained operative stepped on her heels she had no idea she was being watched
7. of an untrained arm and the mechanics of a six-year-old girl
8. This matter, because it is transparent, can remain invisible to the inexperienced and untrained eye and mind
9. But, with untrained elders or laity teaching churches,
10. Martha still seemed somewhat awed by the Sons of Odin, even though she treated the Daughter of Thor like an untrained lapdog as she said, “You may release terael for your short break
11. If it is closed or untrained, we cannot
12. It really looks impressive to the untrained eye but is utter rubbish in the sense that it is totally unnecessary information
13. An untrained hostage is in much greater danger than a trained one
14. Even to his untrained, and admittedly inexperienced eye, it was clear that if nothing else came along and obliterated it, the footprint could be pretty old news
15. There was plenty of evidence, even to an untrained eye, to suggest that this was indeed a popular place to party
16. Untrained and inexperienced, but that will all come with time
17. To any untrained observer it simply looked to all intents and purposes some creational overtime but they weren’t to know that this belt
18. In addition, I inherited untrained manpower and was faced with no reserve of professional billposters, construction people, or painters
19. He told Correlli about how Shawn's untrained eye mistook the holed hull of the M113 command vehicle for a bus and the VC in the open as the passengers
20. "You know how to use that thing, Sir?" he asked, thinking Wolf was a pilot untrained in such low-caliber plebeian things
21. To Lorna’s untrained eyes, the jeep looked just fine and she was sure that it was the best that money could buy
22. While to the untrained eye the behavior of the
23. While to the untrained eye the behavior of
24. It was obvious to her untrained eye that Eva’s back was giving her a great deal of problems
25. The absolutely untrained man has practically no communication with the
26. 4 When your records refer to these messengers of the kingdom as being "ignorant and unlearned," it was intended to convey the idea that they were laymen, unlearned in the lore of the rabbis and untrained in the methods of rabbinical interpretation of the Scriptures
27. Trained budgies can quickly lose their training if placed into a large cage with several untrained budgies, as they revert to bonding with other budgies
28. This bond is essential if you plan to handle and train your budgie, but an untrained budgie can still be a delightful pet
29. To Travis's untrained eyes it seemed as if the boat was being blown off-course by the driving wind and rain
30. The untrained Greyhound has a strong hunting drive; it’s a
31. A five-year old untrained German shepherd named Buddy, who is a resident of the city of Anchorage, Alaska, showed how smart he is in the spring of 2010
32. To the untrained eye – a silencer
33. (unless they are untrained and really bossy) but the norm is that
34. Even to Tom’s untrained eye, it was obvious they were surrounded by armed men, behind nearby cover
35. He leaned over the pram and inspected it carefully, but to his untrained eye, it was simply a very ordinary pram
36. To the untrained ear it was chaos, but to Garcia it was this magnificent mathematical formula needing to be comprehended and solved
37. The ordinary untrained man of the world generally attends to several things at a time
38. untrained eye, someone might think he was genetically altered, but in reality, he is the product of selective genetic sampling
39. untrained swordsman can defeat this creature, whatever weapon he may have at his disposal
40. To the untrained eye it appeared to be an oddly shaped puddle
41. ‘Specially seeing how our current mankind has outdone all of his predecessors for cruelty, injustice, greed and wasting all he was given! No woman (untrained by man) would do or order to be done all that is going on in the world today, which is more of, and worse than, what went on in the last few millennia
42. Mitch had volunteered to head up set construction for the show, which meant wrangling all the untrained help
43. An untrained domestic pet is a wild child that is a luxury item of convenience – it's a spoiled kid you can also abandon at home
44. In addition to the floodlights, there were several security surveillance cameras, scattered all around the house and property, which were virtually undetectable to the untrained eye
45. every untrained kid did his best impression of how to stand at attention,
46. The objects never seemed out of place and never appeared too obvious to the untrained eye
47. I’m telling you now, what you see is a goddamned illusion! It looks blue and pretty to your untrained landlubber eyes, but I can see the truth
48. What do German women know of such things? Quite untrained and uneducated, how are we to judge rightly about anybody or anything? All we can do is to jump at conclusions, and, when we have jumped, receive with meekness the information that we have jumped wrong
49. The unconscious or subconscious mind is a very powerful tool, but when untrained, can
50. In the parlourmaid's untrained phraseology there had been a good deal of billing and cooing during luncheon, and even in the hall before luncheon there were examples of it, but what she found going on in the library was enough to make anybody stop dead and upset things,--it was such, she said afterwards in the kitchen, that if she didn't know for a fact that they were really married she wouldn't have believed it