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    1. Safe and sound on the outside and aided by the proceeds from Danny’s own bank account, together with funds received from an unwitting, Canadian ice hockey player, Annie and her great-aunt employed the services of a very expensive legal practice in the heart of Manchester’s business district

    2. In the late afternoon September sun, the train swept along a curve in the valley amid the US Montana Rockies, heading towards the Canadian boarder

    3. The institute’s database contained all seventy-eight million Canadian residents, shared with general medical records

    4. A true alien but with a Canadian accent

    5. But then there were many questions to answer: the space agency having to face legal proceedings from the Canadian government they were contracted to

    6. One advantage Deanna’s new recognition had brought her was a direct line to the Canadian Independent Space Agency’s official representative

    7. ‘Do you know who I am?’ he asked, in an accent that was not fully Canadian

    8. A research project commissioned by the Canadian government into the emerging religious sect, The Transcenders; studying their media-net output, the testimonies of those who had been rescued from their clutches

    9. The US and Canadian governments viewed this as defiant of what was considered these days to be the cultural norms of a settled and contented (mostly) society

    10. He was registered at the Canadian institute

    11. advocates even demanded the transfer of all Canadian territory to the United States as a fair price for all the damage done

    12. Jack’s inspiration was a godsend for Canadian homeowners

    13. There is a settled United States and Canadian population large enough that one restaurant

    14. 1 For a country that’s known for their beer, it’s kind of ironic that you can’t cross the Canadian border if you’ve been convicted of a DUI in the past ten years

    15. A British, Canadian, or Israeli conservative who demonized poor people dying from lack of healthcare would not last long in office

    16. And on CrapTV News Channel, surely the disgrace of Canadian journalism; coming in from the cold, over the airwaves and out of the screen, causing him to hit the ‘mute’ button:

    17. A former member of the Canadian Forces, he always held himself with great dignity

    18. They were both Canadian, she explained while snuggling in: she from Ottawa and he from the other side of the continent, Victoria, BC

    19. TCNS — Alarm bells are ringing as radioactive waste is detected in an increasing number of Canadian landfill sites

    20. In documents obtained by The Canadian News Service, it was found that several radioactive devices wound up in landfills, or in the hands of scrap metal dealers

    21. There is no way to tell how much radioactive waste ends up in Canadian landfills

    22. And as a Canadian, who really gives a shit? I got a perspective too, you know

    23. Every single Canadian bear has hibernated, in secret caves I will never know about, twenty-three times

    24. “So; that’s how I ended up in the British army as opposed to the Canadian army,” which seemed to settle an unasked question, and Mrs

    25. “Then I was transferred back to the Canadian Army

    26. He needed to clear himself of any involvement with forging checks especially since he was hiding from Canadian warrants, but he couldn’t take sixty thousand of the casino’s cash without it being noticed and any irregularities in the casino’s balances could cost him his license

    27. It seemed highly unlikely that the Canadian government would go to such lengths over a man who was already in prison

    28. He was shot down in combat, either by Captain Roy Brown, a Canadian in the RAF, or by Australian machine gunners

    29. Having joined the Royal Army, and finally transferred back into the Canadian Army, having finally gotten into a good unit, the strange thing was that I was somehow comfortable

    30. for seeing much of the bustling Canadian port

    31. I have to be paid this way because I"m a Canadian citizen without a green card

    32. After commenting that I was a Canadian and making some innocuous comment about how cold the winters were in Canada, Cooper wrote my name, current address and phone number in a little black spiral wire hinged notebook

    33. Chilkoot Pass and also at White Pass, the Canadian Mounted

    34. He said that he thought you might be a cheap Canadian scam artist down here on a vacation

    35. The first represented a man he’d learned of through a background inquiry of Caroline with the Canadian police

    36. “So you"re the Canadian cop that Stu told Fred about

    37. He saw stacks of crates with stenciled labeling that he assumed to be Italian wines, cardboard boxes marked Schenley’s and Old Granddad, and other containers that he recognized as brands of Scotch, Irish and Canadian whiskies

    38. In it was some ice, Coke from the galley fridge and a triple shot of Canadian Club from his cabin

    39. Crack one open, this time a Black Label, a nice Canadian lager, and ice cold too

    40. “Apparently they have a Canadian subsidiary

    41. Cataracts of meltwater poured out of the Canadian Shield into huge holes gouged in the earth by the glaciers that were, at that time, in full retreat

    42. Is it likely that the bureaucrats involved in these actions would turn reasonable? Consider the case of the Canadian lynx

    43. He’d been in Canada for ten years now so he qualified for citizenship and a Canadian passport, valued in those years when South Africa was becoming a pariah state

    44. from McGill, a Canadian passport and the South African government was paying all the costs of moving

    45. He had a Canadian wife and baby

    46. Of course my Canadian accent was noticed every time I opened my mouth (it still is), so I didn’t have to do much to emphasise the point

    47. The site was cleaned up after that by a Canadian company

    48. My Canadian accent (interpreted by him as American, “the great Satanic influence”) didn’t help either

    49. My Canadian teaching qualifications (the best, as my father had ensured) count for nothing until the bureaucrats of my host country are satisfied that their requirements have been met

    50. Outside, I cleared the mess and planted trees – a cluster of white birch trees surrounded by Chinese maples, calling this group of saplings my “great Canadian forest

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