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    lp примеры предложений


    1. Bear pointed to LP, and said to Red, “Why don’t you go over to the Kombi and cheer up LP? I think he’s got the grumps for having to do most of the cooking

    2. LP asked if he understood what he had been talking about the night before

    3. Just before they left, LP pointed over to the Bora Ring

    4. The guys looked to where LP was pointing, and saw a rolled-up parchment

    5. Bear asked LP to get the scroll and put it in the Kombi

    6. LP did as he was asked, but was of the opinion that they had smoked too much pot around the campfire and it was screwing with their heads

    7. LP was driving, and was not impressed as the van started to fill up with smoke

    8. LP wound down his window, grabbed the front door with both hands, and stuck his head out the window

    9. LP jumped into the driver’s seat and clicked her over

    10. This Kombi could run on the smell of an oily rag,” said LP

    11. “No, they said to pay at registration on arrival,” LP replied

    12. “Yep, that’ll do,” said LP

    13. “We could make a living out of this, LP!”

    14. “These things are nothing more than false idols that people will stand and worship at in expectation of a greater gain,” said LP

    15. LP collected the five hundred dollars, and they headed out of the club and over to the Kombi

    16. LP returned with two cartons of Resches beer, and Cassa carried the three pizzas

    17. LP climbed into the driver’s seat

    18. LP signalled the ‘all okay’ by raising his hand

    19. As LP drove away from the police station, he looked in the rear-vision mirror and saw Cassa running

    20. LP yelled, “I’ve spotted Cassa; we can’t leave town without him

    21. As they sped away, LP looked in the rear-vision mirror, and saw the bikies in hot pursuit

    22. They were too bulky, so that left LP and Red

    23. It wasn’t long before LP had put some distance between the bikies and themselves

    24. LP switched channels, searching for the news and weather

    25. “I thought the change of government from Liberal Country Party to Labour stopped the Vietnam War,” said LP

    26. LP entered the water with the other surfers, and paddled out to find the best spot for the perfect wave

    27. LP lined up for his first wave, and started paddling for it

    28. LP needed another nine or a ten from the five judges to win

    29. Again, LP dropped down the perfect wave, and again there was a dolphin leading and finding the most power in the wave

    30. He followed it up and down the wave, then the tube covered both LP and the dolphin

    31. Covered by water, with the sun shining through, LP thought there was no way out

    32. Just then, the dolphin made a noise, and LP thought, whatever the dolphin does, just follow

    33. The dolphin had made an exit in the lip, and LP flipped out and over, still standing

    34. Someone in the crowd said, “That LP cheated

    35. LP was the winner!

    36. When LP ran up the beach with his surfboard under his arm, all the guys gave him high fives

    37. “I’ll carry on the goat hide,” said LP

    38. After the plane had landed, LP walked into Brisbane’s airport terminal and greeted his wife, Ingrid

    39. LP said to Ingrid, “We got out of there just in time

    40. I’d better contact Bear and the old gang,” said LP

    41. LP turned off the road and parked his car

    42. LP had been having flashbacks, and was not in a talkative mood

    43. LP reached into his pocket and pulled out his mobile phone

    44. LP rang Brownie and Red, and explained the situation

    45. Both agreed with Bear that it was all well in the past and LP was just being paranoid

    46. The next morning, LP was up early, and watched the 6 a

    47. Meanwhile, LP watched the events unfolding on his TV screen, wondering what was being said between the Queensland police commissioner and the leader of the Bad Meadows bikie gang

    48. LP realised that his worst fears had come true

    49. LP was trying to remember what had happened to the coins

    50. They had all been pretty naïve back then, but LP now realised how valuable the coins would be in today’s dollars

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    Синонимы для "lp"

    l-p lp