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    nobel prize

    1. Professor Steven Weinberg, a Nobel Prize winner has said “There are an infinite number of parallel realities co-existing with us in the same room

    2. lesson a teacher started telling the class about a physicist who had been researching the possibility of wormhole technology: the Nobel prize winner had been able to create a micro-wormhole for all of two and a half picoseconds

    3. He was given the Nobel Prize, along with two others, for inventing the transistor, and with his company, helped to create Silicon Valley

    4. The Nobel Prize was awarded to Swiss chemist Paul Muller in 1948 for pioneering work he did to help bring about these astonishing results

    5. That earned them the Nobel Prize in 1962

    6. The work with William would give us the Nobel Prize, but a few hours advancing my “relationship” with Toby could be worth some moments away from the work

    7. The Nobel Prize for this partnership and the world being saved – that was the deal nothing less and nothing more

    8. You need all your strength for the Nobel Prize, remember? Eyes on the prize

    9. ” He held my sight with his eyes “You’ll become rich and famous and win the Nobel Prize

    10. I know of no Catholic theoretical physicist who has won a Nobel Prize; Nobel Prize winners in this field are largely Protestants, Jews and Asians

    11. Nobel Prize winner in the field of physics

    12. lar brain? Karl Pribram, who won the nobel Prize for his research into

    13. He grew up in Kansas, not exactly a hotbed for budding Nobel Prize winners and left as soon as he turned nineteen

    14. “I can almost see the Nobel prize hanging on my wall

    15. winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1938, the

    16. the Nobel Prize in Physics for this work, which

    17. the Nobel Prize in Physics for this work, which was the first indirect evidence for

    18. being awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1993 for their work, which was

    19. He had won new acclaim with the Nobel Prize in Literature

    20. In 1948, the year when the King of Sweden gave him the Nobel Prize and the King of England the Order of Merit and two years after the publication of The Dark Side of the Moon, a book to which he supplied the preface, he published his Notes towards the Definition of Culture

    21. an Olympic gold medal and relatively few persons have received a Nobel prize

    22. 11) Marie Curie was 35 years old when she got nominated for a Nobel Prize in Physics

    23. "91 Nobel Prize recipient for brain research Dr

    24. readily agreed to hold it’s second flight for the Nobel Prize winner as they

    25. All the other Nobel prizes are given out in Stockholm

    26. In 1907 he received the Nobel Prize for Literature

    27. why they don’t win any Nobel prizes

    28. He was awarded the Nobel Prize for literature for

    29. It probably won’t win a Nobel prize, but it’s information that may be useful to us in the future

    30. From 1903 to 2006, only 12 of 516 Nobel Prizes Science were awarded to women

    31. awarded the Nobel Prize, what Prof

    32. Real nice! Forget Bill Clinton's recent Nobel Prize nomination—his country's whole population should be up for one

    33. What if the most recent winner of the Nobel prize in physics was to

    34. It is the true story of the Nobel Prize-winning mathematical genius whose formulas established the principles of the

    35. He was finally recognized in 1994 when he received the Nobel Prize

    36. Chandrashekar got a NOBEL PRIZE for the same theory he had proposed

    37. of the earth who has got TWO NOBEL PRIZES IN THE SAME SUBJECT-

    38. He had been awarded a NOBEL PRIZE in Physics for his work on

    39. Anyone who wants to can verify this and receive a Nobel Prize for explaining just how ‘Gravity’ actually works and why it exists

    40. World War II, for which he later won the Nobel Prize

    41. The whitewashing of Science’s true destructiveness was cunningly reversed by Nobel creating a public relations gimmick, an award ritual that is now a household name: the Nobel Prize Awards hailing the worst inventions of hell as greatest leaps forward for the benefit of all mankind

    42. It was the time when Steinbeck was awarded the Nobel Prize

    43. received the Nobel Prize in physics in 1971

    44. Nobel Prize winner in chemistry, and over two-thousand other medical and scientific

    45. Linus Pauling, one of the most applauded scientists of our time, and Winner of two Nobel Prize, repeatedly stated in his works:

    46. You’re a Nobel Prize winner I think you should know that

    47. In fact, I gave an impromptu speech supporting the country’s current leader, President Ellen Sirleaf, who I greatly admired (and the next year would win a Nobel Prize), and loudly railing against the possible return of the regime of Charles Taylor, the former president who was awaiting trial for war crimes

    48. We are also indebted to: Kathryn Schulz, “Stress Doesn’t Cause Ulcers! Or, How to Win a Nobel Prize in One Easy Lesson: Barry Marshall on Being

    49. Marshall, Autobiography,” The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2005, Nobelprize

    50. Altman, “Two Win Nobel Prize for Discovering Bacterium Tied to Stomach Ailments,” The New York Times, October 4, 2005; and Lawrence K

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