of Scotland, of Geneva, and of several other protestant churches, may satisfy us, that in so
In England, accordingly, the church is continually draining the universities of all their best and ablest members; and an old college tutor who is known and distinguished in Europe as an eminent man of letters, is as rarely to be found there as in any Roman catholic country, In Geneva, on the contrary, in the protestant cantons of
Switzerland, in the protestant countries of Germany, in Holland, in Scotland, in Sweden, and Denmark, the most eminent men of letters whom those countries have produced, have, not all indeed, but the far greater part of them, been professors in
protestant countries, particularly in all the protestant cantons of Switzerland, the revenue which anciently belonged to the Roman catholic church, the tithes and church lands, has been found a fund sufficient, not only to afford competent salaries to the established clergy, but to defray, with little or no addition, all the other expenses of the state
What may be the amount of the whole expense which the church, either of Berne, or of any other protestant canton, costs the state, I do not pretend to know
The greater part of the protestant churches of Switzerland, which, in general, are not better endowed than the church of Scotland, produce those effects in a still higher degree
In the greater part of the protestant cantons
In some parts of Switzerland, accordingly, where, from the accidental union of a protestant and Roman catholic country, the conversion has not been so complete, both religions are not only tolerated, but established by law
His parents would disapprove of him going out with a Protestant girl, even in those days
A great man who almost single-handedly started the Protestant Reformation with the nailing of his ninety-five theses on the door of the church at Wurtemberg
White Anglo-Saxon Protestant, probably equal to a stinging insect with a very nasty sting
But longstanding bigotry taught in many Protestant churches forced many Irish underground
Many chose to deal with bigotry by converting to Protestant faiths, calling themselves Scotch-Irish, and then hiding their Irish ancestry
He was one of a small group of largely Protestant and pro-capitalist rebels who had fought against the Japanese
In spite of the Reformation, the Protestant churches in many respects followed the Roman model; only the players were different
Since at least the time of the Reformation, religion in the Protestant west has been highly cognitive
), seen as the originator of the Protestant movement, taught that Eden was guarded by angels, from discovery and consequent profanation, until the Deluge, when all traces of it were destroyed
I compared the beliefs of the Sikh caste in India with those of a fundamentalist Protestant sect…the Nazarenes, if I recall correctly
They appear in the Vulgate (Catholic scriptures) as an appendix but do not appear in most Protestant versions
For me it was this typical Protestant conundrum: It’s all true or none of it is true
Raised in Canada in the 1940s and 50s by evangelical Protestant parents, she was the oldest of five children
Some protestant churches accepted cremation without any reservations
would call a Protestant for about fourteen years
employed by him, did endeavour to subvert and extirpate the Protestant religion and the laws and liberties of this kingdom; By
Protestant sects, alone, number way over 200
“the ties that bind,” as the Protestant hymn has it
Bob Bartlett, the-then Protestant chaplain at L&M
I attended three or four Protestant denominations and met mostly very friendly people
When someone goes to a Catholic college or university, it is not to become a Protestant or a Moslem
I will discuss in future chapters the split, initiated by Martin Luther in 1517, between Catholic and Protestant confessions that also will follow this cultural divide, with Catholic France to the west, and Lutheran Germany to the east
The lightning strike that ignited the Protestant Reformation occurred on Oct
It is the Protestant branch of Christianity that will be our chief interest
One point relevant regarding the Aufklarung is that most of the men who are so defined went through either the German university system or were educated in Stiften, Protestant seminaries
To a large degree, the invention of the printing press with the associated spread of literacy made the Protestant Reformation inevitable
Having every man became his own ultimate authority on the word of God became the Protestant way, and
wrote a seminal book on this topic, entitled The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of
In the early 19th century, the New England Protestant elite decided to use God to render unto Caesar the power to “fix” society
The religious motivation impelling the Protestant elite to create a nanny state is clearly stated by Timothy Smith:
In fact, in the mainline Protestant churches, in which God is either dead or on life support, the promotion of social causes is all that remains
Some of the recent and present causes supported by the mainline Protestant churches have been forced bussing for racial balance and Section Eight Housing
4 I must give Fichte credit for stating openly his plan for scotching religion in the state; the New England Protestant elite was soon to do the same, but was too
Another source of friction between Prussia and Bavaria was that Bavaria is overwhelmingly Catholic, whereas Prussia is largely Protestant
The change paralleled that seen in the Protestant religion among the New England elite
Another Protestant, Andrew Carnegie (1835–1919), was born in Scotland, but migrated
The Protestant religion of the elite in New England and New York was to have an impact far in excess of the numbers of its
Numerous other Protestant denominations have taken the
He lists the five fundamentals of Reform Protestant religion which he denies:1
No small number of today’s Protestant Left (White Jews) are disillusioned descendents of these missionaries
There was also large support from the Protestant Left
them who is not Jewish comes from the Protestant elite
However, its rise and demise were noted by powerful forces: the Jewish Left and the Protestant Left
was founded by the Protestant and Jewish Left, with almost no Negro membership
It reads as a Who’s Who of the Jewish Left and the Protestant Left
”4 When assessing the threat to liberty posed by the Jewish Left and the Protestant Left, one is hard-pressed to state from which quarter the threat is greater
Protestant elite, I will digress momentarily to remark upon this couple
himself jealous, the conjoint forces of the Jewish and Protestant Left use the misery they have spawned to multiply the evil
It is also the Protestant Left
One of the chief organs of the Protestant Left is the foundation
8 He came from an old New England Protestant family, went to Harvard, and had all the connections necessary to advance in public service
Protestant Divine who rejected the rigid predeterminism of classic Calvinism
The traditions of the Catholic Church had been changed and altered to fit the Protestant views
Such lewd and immoral behavior is a direct result of the evil that is the Protestant way of thinking
: Whereas the late King James the Second by the assistance of various evil counsellors judges and ministers employed by him did endeavour to subvert and extirpate the Protestant religion and the laws and liberties of this kingdom; By assuming and exercising a power of dispensing with and suspending of laws and the execution of laws without consent of Parliament; By committing and prosecuting divers worthy prelates for humbly petitioning to be excused from concurring to the said assumed power; By issuing and causing to be executed a commission under the great seal for erecting a court called the Court of Commissioners for Ecclesiastical Causes; Continued (As per U
throughout the church's history, especially protestant history
necessary consequence of Catholic and Protestant teaching that only Christ
"Aren't there some Protestant churches?" He halted, stymied
With that in mind, I'd like to share a conversation I had with a volunteer protestant minister that came to the front of my cell and offered me a Baptist newspaper
fundamentalist Protestant Puritanism decreed that men should hide their thighs with Bermuda shorts
Every problem, harassment or other misfortune caused by customs, border police and other erring, non-white, non Anglo-Saxon Protestant officials, was detailed with mind-numbing precision
In the middle of the square stood the Protestant Church
Matthew knew that both his parents were Irish, but what he did not know was that his mother was a Protestant from Northern Ireland
“Well the reading of the Bible in our time in our part of Ireland was considered to be something connected with the Protestant ethos” she replied
She explained the cultural differences in her own hometown where she knew some Protestant families that were a minority who belonged to the Church of Ireland
He told him of the deep division that existed there between Catholic Nationalists and Protestant Unionists and how it affected everyday life
The feeling of isolation for them was compounded by the ensuing troubles there, they being Catholic’s in a predominately Protestant region
Bridget stated that she thought Priests should be allowed to marry as in the Protestant tradition
Paul was the Catholic church and JC Presbyterian was the Protestant church
had in this Protestant church within a week
“Reverend will do,” the Protestant clergyman corrected
But the blind old wom-an, contrary to what everyone expected, saw nothing reproachable in Meme’s going to the dances and making friends with American girls her own age as long as she kept her strict habits and was not converted to the Protestant religion
In the 16th Century, for example, Martin Luther arose like a potential spiritual vanguard of faith in the Protestant Reformation
4 With other reformers, the Protestant church leader preserved the class structures and prejudices from the Medieval Roman Catholic system
Why would we want to reform missions under the same demobilizing prejudice and power issues which the first Protestant reformation left intact and passed down to us to all? Why would we think working within our present Christian structures will suddenly mobilize African Americans for missions if they have failed to do so for the past 200 years of our modern missions movement? You possess more opportunity, in my opinion, to mobilize African Americans through spiritual revolution not reformation
In 1917, and when my missionary grandparents served in Africa, 119 protestant missionary societies had more than 5,000 in its white missionary force there while keeping African Americans at home
Your own histry it is and the more shame to me although none to you the innocent child, for the children are not to blame for the sins of the parents, even if they say so in the Holy scriptures, although that’s probably the Protestant scriptures with them not having the Grace of God and the Holy Mother Church
He was an uneducated Irish protestant, several years older than the president, who cared for the first lady and felt sorry for her because of Jack’s philandering
Christianity begat Lutheran then Anglican then Protestant then Methodist and so forth
say that Protestant or Baptist are daughters of Christianity
� It is a protestant chapel, by the way
He paused as he recalled the everlasting debate at college about the work ethic in particular and the Protestant ethic in general
interpretation since the direction of the apostate Protestant church appears to be back towards
whole Protestant Christian world slowly back towards Rome and the Papacy
terminology is misused to support New Age ideas, and it's notable that, just as the protestant
In that respect he partly mirrors a quote attributed to the Protestant reformer Martin Luther in a letter to Philip Melanchthon in 1521, “
He was however not surprised by that: experience had shown him that many rich and powerful Muslims were often quite liberal when in private about the Islamic restrictions concerning alcohol, the same as some supposedly righteous Catholic and Protestant preachers who abused children or cheated on their wives
In the aftermath of Protestant reformation continental Europe was gripped by tension of
The printed edition of their documentary on Yeshua, like the others on the evolution of man, is selling like hot cakes all around Europe despite it being blacklisted by the Catholic and Protestant Churches
�It is he who walks up and down in Protestant countries, and stirs up party spirit, and bitter political strife, setting class against class, and subjects against rulers, in order to distract men's minds from better things
Few men, perhaps, did more for the cause of the Protestant Reformation, and shook the power of Rome more completely in this country, than the two noble bishops who were burned back to back at one stake in Oxford, and would not let go their faith to save their lives