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    1. of Scotland, of Geneva, and of several other protestant churches, may satisfy us, that in so

    2. In England, accordingly, the church is continually draining the universities of all their best and ablest members; and an old college tutor who is known and distinguished in Europe as an eminent man of letters, is as rarely to be found there as in any Roman catholic country, In Geneva, on the contrary, in the protestant cantons of

    3. Switzerland, in the protestant countries of Germany, in Holland, in Scotland, in Sweden, and Denmark, the most eminent men of letters whom those countries have produced, have, not all indeed, but the far greater part of them, been professors in

    4. protestant countries, particularly in all the protestant cantons of Switzerland, the revenue which anciently belonged to the Roman catholic church, the tithes and church lands, has been found a fund sufficient, not only to afford competent salaries to the established clergy, but to defray, with little or no addition, all the other expenses of the state

    5. What may be the amount of the whole expense which the church, either of Berne, or of any other protestant canton, costs the state, I do not pretend to know

    6. The greater part of the protestant churches of Switzerland, which, in general, are not better endowed than the church of Scotland, produce those effects in a still higher degree

    7. In the greater part of the protestant cantons

    8. In some parts of Switzerland, accordingly, where, from the accidental union of a protestant and Roman catholic country, the conversion has not been so complete, both religions are not only tolerated, but established by law

    9. His parents would disapprove of him going out with a Protestant girl, even in those days

    10. A great man who almost single-handedly started the Protestant Reformation with the nailing of his ninety-five theses on the door of the church at Wurtemberg

    11. White Anglo-Saxon Protestant, probably equal to a stinging insect with a very nasty sting

    12. But longstanding bigotry taught in many Protestant churches forced many Irish underground

    13. Many chose to deal with bigotry by converting to Protestant faiths, calling themselves Scotch-Irish, and then hiding their Irish ancestry

    14. He was one of a small group of largely Protestant and pro-capitalist rebels who had fought against the Japanese

    15. In spite of the Reformation, the Protestant churches in many respects followed the Roman model; only the players were different

    16. Since at least the time of the Reformation, religion in the Protestant west has been highly cognitive

    17. ), seen as the originator of the Protestant movement, taught that Eden was guarded by angels, from discovery and consequent profanation, until the Deluge, when all traces of it were destroyed

    18. I compared the beliefs of the Sikh caste in India with those of a fundamentalist Protestant sect…the Nazarenes, if I recall correctly

    19. They appear in the Vulgate (Catholic scriptures) as an appendix but do not appear in most Protestant versions

    20. For me it was this typical Protestant conundrum: It’s all true or none of it is true

    21. Raised in Canada in the 1940s and 50s by evangelical Protestant parents, she was the oldest of five children

    22. Some protestant churches accepted cremation without any reservations

    23. would call a Protestant for about fourteen years

    24. employed by him, did endeavour to subvert and extirpate the Protestant religion and the laws and liberties of this kingdom; By

    25. Protestant sects, alone, number way over 200

    26. “the ties that bind,” as the Protestant hymn has it

    27. Bob Bartlett, the-then Protestant chaplain at L&M

    28. I attended three or four Protestant denominations and met mostly very friendly people

    29. When someone goes to a Catholic college or university, it is not to become a Protestant or a Moslem

    30. I will discuss in future chapters the split, initiated by Martin Luther in 1517, between Catholic and Protestant confessions that also will follow this cultural divide, with Catholic France to the west, and Lutheran Germany to the east

    31. The lightning strike that ignited the Protestant Reformation occurred on Oct

    32. It is the Protestant branch of Christianity that will be our chief interest

    33. One point relevant regarding the Aufklarung is that most of the men who are so defined went through either the German university system or were educated in Stiften, Protestant seminaries


    35. To a large degree, the invention of the printing press with the associated spread of literacy made the Protestant Reformation inevitable

    36. Having every man became his own ultimate authority on the word of God became the Protestant way, and

    37. wrote a seminal book on this topic, entitled The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of

    38. In the early 19th century, the New England Protestant elite decided to use God to render unto Caesar the power to “fix” society

    39. The religious motivation impelling the Protestant elite to create a nanny state is clearly stated by Timothy Smith:

    40. In fact, in the mainline Protestant churches, in which God is either dead or on life support, the promotion of social causes is all that remains

    41. Some of the recent and present causes supported by the mainline Protestant churches have been forced bussing for racial balance and Section Eight Housing

    42. 4 I must give Fichte credit for stating openly his plan for scotching religion in the state; the New England Protestant elite was soon to do the same, but was too

    43. Another source of friction between Prussia and Bavaria was that Bavaria is overwhelmingly Catholic, whereas Prussia is largely Protestant

    44. The change paralleled that seen in the Protestant religion among the New England elite

    45. Another Protestant, Andrew Carnegie (1835–1919), was born in Scotland, but migrated

    46. The Protestant religion of the elite in New England and New York was to have an impact far in excess of the numbers of its

    47. Numerous other Protestant denominations have taken the

    48. He lists the five fundamentals of Reform Protestant religion which he denies:1

    49. No small number of today’s Protestant Left (White Jews) are disillusioned descendents of these missionaries

    50. There was also large support from the Protestant Left

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    protestant protestant church