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    1. The vat of water in the Women’s Brigade quarters has been tainted with a slow acting poison

    2. The entire vat needs to be replaced as the wood would have soaked up the poison by now

    3. You have a spice called Tyra; all who drank from the vat will have to chew one of the cloves to purify their bodies of this poison

    4. “We must remove the water vat here in the Hold, Tarak

    5. try and find a drop of piss in a vat of wine,’ he said

    6. “Which one of you boys fell in a vat of cheap wine on the way over here?”

    7. Larocka dumping him in a vat of molten steel

    8. “Vell, zat’s exactly vat I vanted to hear from you Bobby

    9. Zat is vat I mean,” he replied with an ever-deepening frown, and pressing another button on his chair, the screen changed back into displaying the earlier map

    10. “But of course! A demon prince no less, tasked by Satan himself to achieve vat hasn’t happened for millenia: deestroy and spoil everyzing zat is good and beautiful on zis vorld and harvest our souls to serve as his minions, for all Eternity

    11. And ask yourself if you vill, vat kind of a man names his pet hamster like zat?”

    12. And hewed out a wine vat for the vintner

    13. The red hue of the luminous vat highlighted her violet hair,

    14. the tier where the vat stood

    15. clearly, reverberating through the vat much less obscured than Ardara’s had been,

    16. He nodded with vigor, then looked up at Cinder’s vat

    17. The vat began to shine and gleam, as if with an internal light, at Orphenn’s

    18. treads in the wine vat? 3 I have trodden the winepress alone; and of the people there was none with me, for I will tread them in my

    19. Since those days were, when one came to an heap of twenty measures, there were but ten: when one came to the pressing vat to draw

    20. when his victor was pushed without warning into a boiling vat of

    21. obtain a VAT refund (15%) at their port of exit, provided that

    22. obtain a VAT refund (15%) at their port of exit, provided that all

    23. On the contrary, the two general officers frequently shared bottles of Vat 69 Scotch together, each lecturing the other about duties and responsibilities

    24. A bronze vat of special mead -- brewed with magic herbs, and only drank on this one day of the year -- was carried by slaves into the small, temporary hall that had been built on the site of the old one

    25. They put the vat on a table in the middle of the room, beside a carved, arm-length, walrus-horn statue

    26. Mark 12:1-11 A certain man planted a vineyard and set an hedge about it and digged a place for the wine vat and built a tower and let it out to farmers and went into a far country and at the season he sent the farmers a servant so that he might receive from the hired farmers the fruit of the vineyard and they arrested him and beat him and sent him away empty; and again he sent to them another servant; and they threw stones at him and wounded him in the head and sent him away shamefully handled and again he sent another one; and they killed him and many others beating some and killing some; therefore still having one son his well beloved he sent him also last of all to them saying: They will respect my son but those hired farmers said among themselves: This is the heir; come let us kill him and the inheritance shall be ours; and they took him and killed him and threw him out of the vineyard therefore what shall the owner of the vineyard do? he will come and destroy the hired farmers and will give the vineyard to others and have you not read this scripture: “The stone who the builders rejected has become the head of the corner; this was the Lord’s doing and it is marvellous in our eyes”

    27. The rest of the governmental mechanism is funded by other taxation such as VAT, capital gains tax, excise duty, etc

    28. Thus, tax officers, police, VAT inspectors and hordes of others can break into your own home and drag you off to jail for one of their thousands of victimless crimes

    29. Section and quoted me a Rate Card Price of £98 + Vat for 1 week of its

    30. So far so good, but there were a few things I needed to work out before I dove head-long into another vat of stupid

    31. That probably won’t work if you’re stuck in a vat of chocolate

    32. "Imagine we're chatting in a restaurant over something deep fried and delicious with a vat of a sauce that is so good we want to drink it all

    33. It looks like he submerged it in a fryer vat

    34. “Your vat of oil is cooked

    35. She strolled into the cold room and stopped in front of vat number four, touched a few buttons on the control pad and listened as the vat automatically moved two sample tubes into the thawing chamber

    36. Covers VAT analysis, drum-buffer-rope scheduling, buffer management, and other methods, including methods that can be used with existing systems

    37. It was there, in 1973, that a survivor saw Saddam Hussein, Deputy President of Iraq, bodily pick up a still struggling prisoner and tossing him into a vat of acid, watching fascinated as the wriggling man dissolved

    38. those boiled alive are short on choices—they are to be displayed after capture, then will be thrown into a bubbling vat along with several others

    39. They created Schmold via a large vat of all the evacuated disgustingness they’d collected from being hurtled through time so many times on our exploits to collect more Greegs! It was also likely a factor that the remaining ship they had all been crammed into was increasingly being overcrowded with all of the Greegs we had collected from around the many Universes… so perhaps there is something to be said for the ability of other Greegs to have an affect on non-Greegs become Greegs? We’ll have to wager on that sometime

    40. 50 When a Hebrew noun is classified as feminine and ends in v (as vat / wife, woman) does , the v is

    41. the nearest cold liquid, which happened to be a vat of "NOx Ph232"

    42. Made of oak, how do you like that? The berry mixture is four hundred degrees when the vat travels to the end of the fire pit, automatically dumping into the next available barrel

    43. Then the vat makes its way back to the start

    44. The black vat was overhead

    45. It was not unusual that less safety conscious distillers would meet their end because they kept their cooking vat inside a building

    46. Alcohol vapors would sometimes collect within a closed structure and cause horrible injury or death when the vat and building exploded

    47. and put a wall around it, and dug a vat under the wine

    48. Winefat, (vat): A collection trough beneath a winepress

    49. before ordering all their other stuff, but Gene had the answer, I will just put a large covered vat in the square and the customers can bring their own

    50. have containers when they buy beer from our vat

    1. Under a sturdy arch there were two big vats in here with little firebrick hearths under them and chimney shrouds around them

    2. She took a bottle from a rack and filled it from one of the vats

    3. with plenty, and your vats will

    4. with grain; the vats will overflow with

    5. the wine-press is full and the vats

    6. “Knume saved up for the party and had both vats bubbling, there’s almost half of this keg left and he’s got another at the feast

    7. Chiggeed had asked them to pass the word that the theirops was off the coals and the rolls were in the vats

    8. Gomorrah guzzled from the vast vats that had been

    9. Bread was baked and vast pots of stew bubbled in cast iron vats, plopping viscously like fragrant witches brews

    10. raisins, they’d be transferred into vats

    11. They piled great heaps in their vats, creating enough weight to press the grapes below… But as I was saying, they loved my poetry and feted me throughout the night

    12. “It"s thinned with water and simmered in lead vats

    13. Amaranthe had heard of wine-stompers displaying more courtesy to the grapes in their vats

    14. Behold, the vats overflow!

    15. Lining the walls there are 7 foot high, 100 year old wine vats that have been cut in half and cemented to the cool stone walls

    16. 24 And the floors shall be full of wheat, and the vats shall overflow with wine and oil

    17. At the lowest point is an ancient tannery where, in execrable stench, near naked, slim, brown young men up to their thighs in round stone vats full of steaming coloured dyes, knead with their feet the beautiful, soft Moroccan leather

    18. And to think it could be used as fertilizer or stored in vats for methane production

    19. Now that all the vines had been cut away, William was then taken into the the huge rooms which stored the vats

    20. Sampling from each of the vats and of the various tastes and textures that the wines went through

    21. Pierre saw them coming at the last minute, being busy at the time inspecting the big vats used to distill rum

    22. Honour the Lord with the firstfruits of your increase, then your barns will be fill to overflowing, and your vats will brim over with new wine

    23. Bear in mind that rogue imprisonment is a serious matter---you would relinquish all privileges and be set to labor in the culture vats

    24. Reflexively, Çrámerr's finger squeezed the carbine's trigger and shells sprayed out all over the factory floor, punching great holes into the vats

    25. Blood spurted out from his carotid artery, fountaining out, spraying the floor and nearer vats with his life-blood

    26. barracks of sorts, and two of the huge dyeing vats had been retained

    27. It was a burgundy and it was pretty good so after Austin and Byron approved he started making vats of it

    28. I practically owed my soul to private creditors, to huge National Insurance debts, back taxes and dangerously lingering, unpaid VATs

    29. The brewery, brewing, the malt, the vats, every thing that is done

    30. Here, just ten minutes from the abbey, spring has been at work, not with gentle brushes, but wild splashes from the vats of a painter gone mad

    31. She gave Peter the formula and, under her close supervision, he used all her remaining alum to dye twelve yards of best-quality wool cloth in one of his giant vats

    32. Workmen in aprons, standing on scaffolds, were laying bricks, pouring mortar out of vats, and smoothing it with trowels

    33. They were breaking up the masses of curd before putting them into the vats

    34. Angel, who was filling the vats with his handful, suddenly ceased, and laid his hands flat upon hers

    35. They ate soup all through the winter, Patty keeping giant vats of it in the freezer-locker in the garage

    36. But there’s mildew and formic acid in the vats

    37. We were taking a much-needed bath and change in the Brewery vats at Poperinghe, when Jerry started a mad five minutes' "strafe" with, as it seemed, the old Brewery as a target

    1. He's got tasty vatted thin ones smothered in a thick bean sauce

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    tub vat ad valorem tax value-added tax