Используйте «account statement» в предложении
account statement примеры предложений
account statement
1. * Reconcile bank, credit card, and other account statements
2. anything yet?” And he showed Tony the account statement of one of the bank
3. Then Bernard’s personal savings account statement arrived in the mail; that,
4. they were monthly account statements
5. a 24/7 phone number on the back of a billing or bank account statement
6. Can I see a sample account statement? (If you can’t understand it, ask the adviser to explain it
7. Look, we all love opening our stock account statements and seeing our account balance on the rise
8. Should you wish to silence them, I suggest simply requesting to see their account statements
9. Note that your investing statements will show up about 10 days after your chequing and savings account statements – and for your first statement the placeholder for investment funds won't appear until about two weeks after the end of your first month with Tangerine