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anomalous примеры предложений
1. “That’s difficult to say for sure without getting a proper look at it,” she replied, “But my guess is that, given we're looking for explosive charges and that’s an anomalous device, it’s an explosive charge
2. sublight ship the transit points that were the gateways to this network were merely anomalous
3. In his digging, he came upon what he felt was a puzzlingly anomalous condition
4. Only the Antarctic Peninsula was warming; an anomalous finding that could not be
5. red an anomalous stain on the cold floor
6. Of authentic medieval architecture, something anomalous and unique in the New World, it
7. Evolutionary implications of typical and anomalous secondary growth in arborescent Ipomoea (Convolvulaceae)
8. and Anomalous Studies Team), a science-based research group that studies anomalous
9. and Anomalous studies team), a science-based research group that studies anomalous
10. blobs have been detected in the form of anomalous accelerations of spacecraft during fly-bys and orbits
11. microwaves can generate heat in living tissue and anomalous sounds within the human cranium if the
12. the form of anomalous accelerations of spacecraft during fly-bys and orbits of Earth
13. microwaves can generate heat in living tissue and anomalous sounds within the human
14. Calorimeters could be used to detect anomalous heat
15. What seems anomalous is not
16. the anomalous satellite activity
17. It was a risk, seeing as how the anomalous signals would attract attention
18. there was a female perspective in this situation anomalous
19. Where the equally anomalous Choco, gang leader of the bunyus such as Zak and Adi, held court
20. Even stranger to recognize just how anomalous was the position of his country of birth; one of the poorest on the continent yet a model of social, political and cultural integration; of forged nationhood
21. However, they didn’t feel particularly at home in our house, mainly because of the sheer size of the place, The one exception was Stephanie, who was in an anomalous position, being the daughter of an employee, but a friend of the Lord of the Manor’s daughter
22. As a result, she was left rudderless, an anomalous situation for a party with the most entrenched vote bank
23. Now, what is the true cause of this anomalous state of things? It is one which may easily be detected
24. He should lie, but frankly, he’s a little fed up — fed up with not being in charge of what went on at his station, and fed up with the Department of Anomalous Devices of Unknown Origin for not filling him in on what the Hell is going on
25. This allows for minor personal perturbations – Pick Your Color Revolutions – whose accounted for anomalous fluctuations are reabsorbed back into the telemetry of the culture, e
26. On demand, iNstant Transcendence is a transitory suffocation-defying, fantASy anti-gravity ride with the temporary vacating exhilaration of exotic places, never staying, falling back, reeled by cultural behavior ruling the symmetry breaks and anomalous transformations domesticating us to the brochured expectation of being liberated without lifting a finger to stop the slave train of consciousness chained to iT's sole purpose: ilikenment
27. Along these endless highways of formation, people portal their soul at nodes of random solicitation hoping to be transformed by the next anomalous comment, accidental suggestion, or accumulated point total
28. It was a phrase that stuck in my head, so apt was it in describing the anomalous state of things we found as the case unrolled
29. At the same time, I must note that a multiyear stay in other anomalous geographical zones, where the density of Time Flows is considerably below average for our Reality, on the contrary, slows down greatly the processes of biological ageing
30. The energy-information processes that happen in the temporal ethereal constituent of the group of Stereo-Types, the rotation Cycle of which has coincided with the stay in such local anomalous zone of this space-time Continuum, are instantly subject to a powerful influence of the increased frequency typical of “the rotation Coefficient” of this zone
31. By undergoing the anomalous manifestation “there” in the form of their dynamic biological integrity (that is, as “a personality”) for some chronological time, the NUU-VVU-Configurations currently focused by Us and adapted to the vibrational conditions of existence only in the current Formo-system of Worlds are subject to much more powerful (than ours) energy-information Flows, which considerably accelerates ageing of cells (each cell can divide only a certain number of times; anomalously intensive “filling” with Information is perceived by the bio-Creators of the cell that take into account a definite rhythm of its intake as additional intervals of time)
32. In cases of mechanical visits to anomalous zones with a higher-frequency Space-Time, there is an anomalous (unnatural, but in strict compliance with a given scenario of development!) “shift” of NUU-VVU-Configurations of the biological “personality” that are used in the rotation Cycles of current Formo-systems of Worlds
33. As I haven’t yet understood the true mechanism of such space-time “perturbations”, I call these phenomena system “failures” (from the point of view of our limited SFUURMM-Forms!) which are typical of some places of our Planet with an anomalous magnetic activity constantly generated in them
34. I chalked this weight reading up to an anomalous data point and focused more on a trend with the weight
35. anomalous state brought about by death, as the consummation to be earnestly looked for [2 Cor
36. not look for the anomalous state brought about by death, as the consummation to be earnestly looked for (2
37. not look for the anomalous state brought about by death, as the
38. Even if I try to discard I know things like this are a psychological imbalance, you think it’s an anomalous dream, supposedly a manifestation of extrasensory perception, that information is given that we could not have obtained otherwise but its our sub consciousness that piece together bits of information
39. look for the anomalous state brought about by death, as the consummation to be earnestly looked for [2 Cor
40. Scripture does not look for the anomalous state brought about by death, as the consummation to be earnestly looked for (2 Cor
41. Scripture does not look for the anomalous state brought about by death, as the consummation to be earnestly looked for [2 Cor
42. Something anomalous in the prayer arrested her
43. Elfric had failed to prevent townspeople from employing Merthin, but he continued to block Merthin ’s application to join the carpenters’ guild – leaving Merthin in an anomalous position, illegitimate but accepted
44. He maintained that the poverty of Russia arises not merely from the anomalous distribution of landed property and misdirected reforms, but that what had contributed of late years to this result was the civilization from without abnormally grafted upon Russia, especially facilities of communication, as railways, leading to centralization in towns, the development of luxury, and the consequent development of manufactures, credit and its accompaniment of speculation—all to the detriment of agriculture
45. ‘Oh, it’s a long and tedious story! The whole business is in such an anomalous position with us
46. placed him, and chose what I must consider the anomalous course of studying at Heidelberg
47. With the glow-worm lights of country places, how could men see which were their own thoughts in the confusion of a Tory Ministry passing Liberal measures, of Tory nobles and electors being anxious to return Liberals rather than friends of the recreant Ministers, and of outcries for remedies which seemed to have a mysteriously remote bearing on private interest, and were made suspicious by the advocacy of disagreeable neighbors? Buyers of the Middlemarch newspapers found themselves in an anomalous position: during the agitation on the Catholic Question many had given up the "Pioneer"—which had a motto from Charles James Fox and was in the van of progress—because it had taken Peel's side about the Papists, and had thus blotted its Liberalism with a toleration of Jesuitry and Baal; but they were ill-satisfied with the "Trumpet," which—since its blasts against Rome, and in the general flaccidity of the public mind (nobody knowing who would support whom)—had become feeble in its blowing
48. This seems to have been one of the anomalous incidents of the highly speculative atmosphere at the time
49. Anomalous Prices and Price Relationships in the History of the I
50. Second was the expansion of the fixed income markets and the proliferation of innumerable fixed income securities that created opportunities for value investing in the bond market for those willing to sift through vast numbers of similar instruments in search of anomalous pricing