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apportion примеры предложений
1. I know how well you can apportion it
2. that you cannot apportion more than a quarter of your tax payment to the
3. The point is, as a system designer, you look for the cheapest, most reliable way to improve your system from a given one or you apportion qualities that give you the best overall bite for the buck from scratch
4. He picked up the bag, heavy with golden liras, and headed off in search of one of the clerics to ask him to accompany him in order to apportion the money among the poor and needy people according to what he considered to be appropriate
5. It was too difficult to apportion the extent each of us bore but one thing was certain: the biggest losers were the guiltiest
6. But most extraordinary of all is their mode of speaking about virtue and the gods: they say that the gods apportion calamity and misery to many good men, and good and happiness to the wicked
7. ” Just as it is difficult to apportion proper credit to a winning coach, it is hard to say how much of a company’s success is attributable to the executives
8. They don’t say quite what it is they have to fi x, but the bill is sizeable and I figure if we apportion it out to various homesteads in the town, it will come to about
9. Have you no sense to devise a system which will make you independent of all efforts, and all wills, but your own? Take one day; share it into sections; to each section apportion its task: leave no stray unemployed quarters of an hour, ten minutes, five
10. Among these intruders was one of the name of Harrison, he believed, who claimed under what was called the Tennessee Yazoo claims, and who settled on the land with his retainers, and deliberately began to apportion it among them
11. The House must know the facts in order fairly to apportion representation
12. The House resolved itself into a Committee of the Whole, on the bill to apportion the Representatives according to the third enumeration of the people of the United States
13. The constitution then had specifically made it the duty of the House to apportion the representation of each State according to its respective numbers
14. Was it not, he asked, infinitely absurd and a direct violation of the constitution, to apportion the representation before these numbers were known? When the constitution had made it a duty to do a thing according to a standard prescribed, would they do that thing before that standard could be in possession of the House? Suppose that in 1791, before the numbers of the States were known, Congress had undertaken to fix the ratio of representation—would not the Hall have rung with the exclamations that it was a violation of the constitution? And how would this bill, Mr
15. And be it further enacted, That the Secretary of the Navy shall thereon proceed to apportion the sum, which shall be equal to one-half the said valuation or estimate, as prize money, among the officers and crew making such capture, and cause the same to be paid to them accordingly
16. But he believed, when the people, who were to pay all, and receive nothing, come to see that we had spent for them the last year upwards of twenty millions of dollars, and that notwithstanding all the moneys we had received, by double duties, and otherwise, that we had increased the national debt, in that year, ten millions six hundred thousand dollars, and that we want, for the expenses of the present year, agreeably to the report of the Secretary of the Treasury, $31,925,000, exclusive of the expense of the contemplated increase of our Navy, and for losses and war contingencies—that when they should put those sums together, and apportion them to the several States, agreeable to the constitution, and see that but few individuals, and not many States, would have personal property sufficient to pay their proportions—that this delusion as to those who have eventually all this money to pay would at least vanish
17. —In the House, resolution to apportion one Representative to forty-five thousand inhabitants offered, 224;
1. More velvet window dressings, more well apportioned seating and carefully placed book shelves integral with the walls of the long cabin met his gaze
2. Thus the single surgeon apportioned to each regiment not only found before him the work of six, but he had nothing save the first-aid packages intended for application on the firing-line, to stay the life-blood that gushed from the rows of men awaiting attention
3. If you wanted to place the blame on anyone the blame should be apportioned as follows:
4. apportioned later, after the sense of doership appearing
5. Triage was performed in the emergency room and patients apportioned out according to the severity of their wounds
6. Some rich think that the debt is apportioned in equal shares amongst all
7. America’s air waves are public property and may be apportioned only to news and entertainment companies who have no personal agendas outside of fairness, truth, honesty, fun, and profit
8. The touchstone at the end is the savings of all Americans in this new system after taxes have been apportioned for personal income from all sources
9. He then wondered what his mother would now do, without skills to be a productive person in the workforce? However, he knew the monies his father apportioned her would surely last her another ten years, at least
10. Or perhaps, blame should ultimately be apportioned to everyone involved but the proportions are somewhat difficult to figure out
11. Representatives shall be apportioned among the several States according to their respective numbers, counting the whole number of persons in each State, excluding Indians not taxed
12. Representatives and direct Taxes shall be apportioned among the several States which may be included within this Union, according to their respective Numbers, which shall be determined by adding to the whole Number of free Persons, including those bound to Service for a Term of Years, and excluding Indians not taxed, three fifths of all other Persons
13. We made a very good meal by the kitchen fire, and then apportioned the bedrooms: Herbert and Startop were to occupy one; I and our charge the other
14. As far as I know, the last time was when her father’s estate was to be apportioned
15. The unfortunate delay can be apportioned between a blundering pilot and an intrusive sandbank
16. Sitting on a log in front of the slab-sided shack that was their sleeping quarters were four of the five convicts Scarlett had apportioned between their ankles when they moved tiredly, and there was an air of apathy and to Johnnie’s mill
17. Then we could have apportioned some of the money from the sale of our home to stocks and the rest to bonds based on our preferred investment mix as we entered retirement
18. Then the booty was apportioned out, but only a ducat was given to the little tailor, for that was as much as he could carry
19. But in Julie’s presence, looking at her red face and chin (nearly always powdered), her moist eyes, and her expression of continual readiness to pass at once from melancholy to an unnatural rapture of married bliss, Boris could not utter the decisive words, though in imagination he had long regarded himself as the possessor of those Penza and Nizhegorod estates and had apportioned the use of the income from them
20. The idea of being made a fool of and of having thrown away that whole month of arduous melancholy service to Julie, and of seeing all the revenue from the Penza estates which he had already mentally apportioned and put to proper use fall into the hands of another, and especially into the hands of that idiot Anatole, pained Boris
21. Of this preparation a tolerably abundant plateful was apportioned to each pupil
22. Ahab well knew that although his friends at home would think little of his entering a boat in certain comparatively harmless vicissitudes of the chase, for the sake of being near the scene of action and giving his orders in person, yet for Captain Ahab to have a boat actually apportioned to him as a regular headsman in the hunt—above all for Captain Ahab to be supplied with five extra men, as that same boat's crew, he well knew that such generous conceits never entered the heads of the owners of the Pequod
23. Hath fate apportioned unto thee
24. On the other hand, the police of the Casino were an able body of men; and though to escape the crush was an impossibility, however much one might wish it, the eight croupiers apportioned to each table kept an eye upon the stakes, performed the necessary reckoning, and decided disputes as they arose
25. Even so, the amount apportioned to the church servants is what they now receive in the majority of cases
26. Jesus tells us to take up the cross and follow him, to bear submissively the lot apportioned out to us
27. But in Julie’s presence, looking at her red face and chin (nearly always powdered), her moist eyes, and her expression of continual readiness to pass at once from melancholy to an unnatural rapture of married bliss, Borís could not utter the decisive words, though in imagination he had long regarded himself as the possessor of those Pénza and Nizhegórod estates and had apportioned the use of the income from them
28. The idea of being made a fool of and of having thrown away that whole month of arduous melancholy service to Julie, and of seeing all the revenue from the Pénza estates which he had already mentally apportioned and put to proper use fall into the hands of another, and especially into the hands of that idiot Anatole, pained Borís
29. There was accommodation for four in the ambulance, and this was apportioned between two Frenchmen, a Cockney gunner, and myself
30. "Representatives and direct taxes shall be apportioned among the several States which may be included within this Union, according to their respective numbers, which shall be determined by adding to the whole number of free persons, including those bound to service for a term of years, and, excluding Indians not taxed, three-fifths of all other persons
31. treated the idea of this bill's being unconstitutional, as altogether unwarranted by fact; for it did not fix the apportionment, but merely the ratio, according to which the Representatives should be apportioned among the States when their respective numbers were known
32. better if the bill declare that the House should consist of a certain number of members to be apportioned hereafter, 316;
1. Again she paused, apportioning to McManus the length of rope he needed to hang himself
2. Always careful to be even-handed in apportioning roles, he offered Terry the part of Apollo
3. There should be some automatic apportioning of some of the federal budget for state’s use that the congressman and his home state legislature have to help state projects
4. Maybe some apportioning (by time presented relative to other types of programs) should be made for programs presenting sex, violence, bad language, smoking, drug use, and drinking to be respectful of first amendment rights while avoiding the brainwashing of our people in these areas, as is currently done, in my opinion
5. This was the eleventh hour and Wolf, Scully and Delmage convened in the study where the fourth member, the main player, of this seriously depleted team had appeared and was seated at the desk apportioning the contents of the brief cases
6. Hanor was safe was one thing, now accountability needed apportioning
7. Adjusting for the recovery rate (but ignoring downgrading bias or rolling down the spread curve), and apportioning the losses evenly across years, gives us the break-even yield spreads that would have exactly offset the default losses
8. Dawson, the House resolved itself into a Committee of the Whole, on the bill for apportioning the Representatives among the several States, according to the third enumeration
1. That is the way God apportions things
2. The school council, that is, a person authorized by it, of whom I shall speak later, upon receiving that information, invites the transient to come to him, asks him what he knows and how he teaches, and, if the transient is the least bit educated and does not represent anything harmful, apportions to him the amount determined upon by the County Council, one-half, one-third, or one-fourth, in precisely the same way the school council proceeds in reference to a clerical person hired by the Commune at five roubles per month, or in reference to a teacher hired at fifteen roubles per month