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    1. What a very strange man he was, apparently he insists on wearing hats indoors and would only answer to the name “Famous Author” even though nobody I have met has ever heard of him!

    2. He insists we can't advance in metaphysics unless we confess our secrets to the others

    3. Yet he insists on flirting her, using me as a point of contact with Mandy

    4. He insists that what is happening in Him and through Him is greater, better, and more progressive than what they had

    5. When Gilla comes back, she insists that I snuggle under the covers and get some rest

    6. He insists on binding my thighs with soft bandages before we move on – a process which is embarrassing and at the same time bond-building

    7. Rob insists on washing up while I go and ring Simon

    8. She insists on looking her best

    9. “That one there isn't going to make it through the next winter and look how the owner insists it's such a fine animal, so ideal as a trusty mount for a lady

    10. There is gratitude on both of their faces, but Bex insists, "I know

    11. ‘She insists on caution and anonymity

    12. Cassandra, the fortune teller of Troy, insists that the horse would be the downfall of the city and its royal family

    13. He insists a lot on the élan vital, or vital force,

    14. If this dream has some profound meaning, as Nebuchadnezzar insists it does, then the true God will reveal it to His servants, if that be His will

    15. Yet tradition insists that when

    16. But he insists that the tradition of pigmonging needs to be upheld

    17. Above all, Professor Spanners insists that we cannot afford to suffer a single butterfly to live - one careless flap of a wing could mean the end of all life on the planet

    18. Song wasn't deterred, “I just mean, what's the point of being one of the most powerful individuals in the cosmos, if she insists on appearing in public as just the Elf?”

    19. She will not suffer her colonies to work in those more refined manufactures, even for their own consumption ; but insists upon their purchasing of her merchants and manufacturers all goods of this kind which they have occasion for

    20. The parliament of Great Britain insists upon taxing the colonies ; and they refuse to be taxed by a parliament in which they are not represented

    21. insists, each one will bear his own load

    22. He will reach inside of that old fridge, grab just one more beer, make his way outside to the swing and chuckle at Grandma when she still insists that this is the only beer that he can have today

    23. I understand there are two doctors among the camp’s inmates who are providing medical care, but the commander, Major Brumerson, insists that we provide Army medics to support his staff and our men from A Company

    24. If their long-held belief concerning the serpent was as a symbol for evil, why would these people feel more secure in the understanding that this representation was produced to protect them? Yet the Bible insists that God told Moses to do it

    25. Phnom Penh insists that the 4

    26. Religion insists that Man has two natures, one that is here, and one that is “there

    27. But today the everyday itinerary of the world seems to rest upon the “broad backs” of the minions of these new ideas, but still the aged patriarch insists that his wisdom of the ages be given the respect that longevity deserves

    28. When Tris encounters her old neighbor Robert after their Choosing Ceremony, he is concerned about her choice and insists, “You should be happy

    29. That Father insists his position -

    30. He insists that either B or C must accompany him otherwise he is not going to

    31. In fact I find myself somewhat reluctant about going out to dinner with him on Friday, although my wife insists that I do so

    32. It appeals to the West because it has no dogmas; satisfies the reason and the heart alike; insists on self-reliance coupled with tolerance for other points of view; embraces science, religion, philosophy, psychology, ethics and art; and points to man alone as the creator of his present life and sole designer of his destiny

    33. I think the Khakhan insists on it

    34. The other view insists that the Constitution should be “kept up with the times” by judicial innovation, rather than by amendment as provided for in Article 5

    35. But the opinion insists that this finding was not controlling in the Court’s decision

    36. He adamantly insists, not only as a matter of bioethics, but also as a matter of animal rights, that the subject animal cannot be killed as part of the act of any other animal’s (human presumably) sexual gratification

    37. Budziszewski echoes those core values when he insists there are basic and essential values “we can’t not know

    38. as the force that insists on the spirit’s return to the physical body

    39. altered concept of time and space insists on a four-dimensional reality, Space-Time, where past,

    40. She insists she is looking for the right opportunity for me and one which will utilize my talents to the fullest

    41. M: The catch is in your mind, which insists on seeing duality

    42. I smiled to myself, she know insists on picking her own clothes

    43. The present Communist Regime insists, however, in limiting that opening to a mere commercial fissure or crack

    44. “So, I’ll carry it for you”, he insists

    45. ” He eagerly insists

    46. My brother insists he is nothing like my dad – he’s terrified of

    47. “But Silaran has learned that you will both attend, since Equemev’s mother insists your presence is necessary, and that you are each allowed to be accompanied by three personal staff members

    48. “Park insists on local autonomy,” the article reported, quoting Babcock as saying, “That’s more than just a slogan with us

    49. And the subjects he insists they cover don’t necessarily excite

    50. If the pagan says that the universe had a beginning, we ask: What were the pagan gods doing before that time? If the pagan insists that the universe had no beginning, we ask: When was the first pagan god born? Who were its parents? How did pagan gods gain control of a universe that existed before them? Why do pagan gods care about human sacrifices if they already possess and control everything? Why do pagan gods allow Christian men to rule the warm European lands rich in food and wine, while leaving the pagans only the frozen lands of the north? Why is the Christian world dominant, while those clinging to primitive beliefs are a dwindling minority?

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