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    marine corps

    1. Nathaniel had been seconded from Marine Corps Alpha Company into embassy duty

    2. The few and the proud was one of the Marine Corps mottos

    3. Marine Corps Shame, n

    4. He served 25 years in the Marine Corps, including two combat tours in Vietnam

    5. As a former Marine, I am ashamed at the way the Marine Corps treated this grieving father and war veteran

    6. It is now listed on the Marine Corps Professional Reading Program and is recommended to be read by all United States Military Intelligence personnel

    7. It is now listed on the Marine Corps Professional Reading Program

    8. The plot was exposed by General Smedley Butler, former Commandant of the US Marine Corps

    9. That evening, Steve and Maureen were found lying on a picnic blanket at the base of the Washington Monument listening to a concert put on by the United States Marine Corps Band

    10. So it is not clear why internal security forces would have to be “just as powerful, just as strong, just as well funded” as the existing forces of the United States Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marine Corps

    11. Believing that no student nor group of students have a right to deny other members of the college community the freedom to choose whatever vocation they wish, including the Marine Corps service, and piqued by the words “Communist” and “thinkers”, Roger decided to write a response to the challenging column

    12. From my having been recruited for Marine Corps PLC (law) at Emory, I knew that the future JAGs did the same 16-week gig at Quantico as combat officers

    13. Litton, whose other components were non-defense, had recently purchased the Ingalls Nuclear Shipbuilding Company from Joe Ingalls, a Pascagoula native, to bid upon and win two Firm Fixed-Price Total Package Procurements for first, the 30 vessel DD 963 (Spruance) class destroyers; then the nine ship class of Light Helicopter Assault (LHA) smaller, conventionally powered helicopter carriers for the Marine Corps (but sailed of course by the Navy)

    14. just shot down my taking a lateral transfer to the Marine Corps Supply

    15. The Marines were so paranoically adamant about only using Marine Corps air although they would accept, from time to time, Navy air

    16. Fifteen CG-16 crew members and Lieutenant McPhail received the Navy and Marine Corps medal for bravery (Willoughby, pp

    17. Women served in the Army Nurse Corps, Women"s Army Auxiliary Corps, Women Air Service Pilots, and the Marine Corps Reserves

    18. Several thousand reservists from the Air Force (10,000), Marine Corps (7,500), Navy (3,000) and Coast Guard (2,000) were called to active duty (Schafer, AP, September, 2001)

    19. Navy, Marine Corps and National Fisheries Service

    20. United States Armed Forces: a collective term for the components of the Army, Navy and Marine Corps, Air Force and Coast Guard

    21. Swann offered, tongue-in-cheek, "Tell the Marine Corps you're planning a movie about them, and need a hovercraft

    22. for the United States Marine Corps in 1999

    23. 21 The Bell Helicopter Textron UH-1 Iroquois, commonly (or officially in the United States Marine Corps) known as the "Huey", was a multipurpose military helicopter, famous for its use in the Vietnam War

    24. of his back injury, the Marine Corps gave him an honorable

    25. The Marine Corps immediately ordered Bill to South

    26. We all knew that his son was in Vietnam, in the Marine Corps

    27. In the rifle in service with the United States Army and Marine Corps in 2051, the Colt-storm CRGL

    28. The USDA inspector assigned to me was partnered with a woman USDA inspector who was actually a former Marine Corps drill instructor

    29. When Marine Corps Staff Sgt

    30. Marine Corps had the largest

    31. The best place for that would be the United States, but who would then help and support her there? She then thought about Captain Kenneth Dows, the Marine Corps officer that had worked with Mike Crawford at the American embassy and had visited many times the Tower of London as a neutral country liaison officer

    32. Ken came to attention and saluted the Marine Corps lieutenant colonel than stepped out of the car

    33. The nearly 200 Navy and Marine Corps officers packing the fleet main briefing room got up from their chairs as one when Admiral Hart entered the large room with his main staff officers

    34. My husband is Major Kenneth Dows, of the United States Marine Corps, who is presently posted to Manila

    35. Before leaving London, I married a major of the Marine Corps and followed him to his new post in the Philippines

    36. Her heart jumped in her chest when she saw as well a Marine Corps major that she knew very well, waiting besides Brereton

    37. In fact, the logistics officers from the Marine Corps, Navy and Army units represented in Espiritu Santo were all jealous of her and had repeatedly tried to convince her to let them borrow the services of her UH-3 heavy helicopters in order to unload their own cargo

    38. I was married to a Marine officer who was killed in the Philippines and I have only respect and admiration for the Marine Corps

    39. Eden, Menzies and Nancy sat in a sofa forming a �U� with two other sofas in which already sat Secretary of War Stimson, Secretary of State Cordell Hull, Secretary of the Navy Frank Knox, Vice-President Henry Wallace, Presidential Counselor Harry Hopkins and the chiefs of staff of the Army, Navy, Army Air Corps and of the Marine Corps, plus Admiral Leahy, the President�s chief of staff

    40. � Mike Crawford was also present, along with Marine Corps Captain Ken Dows and six of the Marine guards from the American embassy, invited as neutral personnel for the benefit of the seven German women

    41. Captain Kenneth Dows, Assistant Attach� for the Marine Corps at the American embassy in London, was nearly immediately surrounded by excited German women in the great hall of Gaoler�s House

    42. � In truth, Kenneth Dows could have been used as a recruiting poster for the Marine Corps, being a 187 centimeter-tall handsome athlete

    43. Marine Corps in several roles – his last as Chief of Individual Combat Training,

    44. Vietnam, when, at the age of eighteen, he had enlisted in the United States Marine Corps, and

    45. for the entire Marine Corps, which was geared towards the old system of ‘Judo’, Karate, and

    46. so prevalent in the Marine Corps - and a strength of purpose that gave them courage and

    47. only thing that mattered to him, was the Marine Corps

    48. getting whacked by a Marine Corps I had come to love, that had suddenly bush-whacked me and

    49. Marine Corps emblem with the words, ‘Semper fi!’ – which I try to live by

    50. Units of the 24th and 25th Infantry Divisions will start arriving soon and parts of the 5th Marine Corps regiment is now coming off transport ships in Inchon harbor

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