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    1. It can be a great way to relieve tension and could be as easy as renting a funny video and watching it at home

    2. Exercise also can relieve constipation and stimulate the appetite in poor eaters

    3. · Use acupressure or have a professional acupuncture treatment to relieve stress and stress-related conditions such as insomnia and headaches

    4. For example, aconite is sometimes used to relieve stress-induced palpitations and anxiety, while sepia is given for tearfulness and inability to cope

    5. · Meditation, visualisation, hypnotherapy, self-hypnosis and autogenic training have all been said to aid relaxation and relieve stress

    6. shoulder blades back to relieve the tension that he felt tightening at the base of his

    7. After all, he didn’t want to be late for the guard he was going to relieve from last night’s shift

    8. As he walked Danton straightened himself up, pulling his shoulder blades back to relieve the tension that he felt tightening at the base of his neck

    9. What manner of a man is this? Too many of us would have taken that opportunity to kill Saul and relieve self from oppression

    10. He ran the whole thing from Taunton – prospective travellers would be instructed to appear in the office there and speak to Chitter who would relieve them of the travel fee and bank it in an account held in Stowman’s name – Milli was very helpful, she’d kept records of all the visitors – stonecrack! Chitter nearly pissed himself when he found that out

    11. anything that promises to relieve them

    12. The antidote was based on limbering up the spine and keeping it supple, bending it this way and that to relieve tired muscles, and putting the feet up above the head to combat the pull and downward drag of gravity

    13. The antidote in this chapter is based on toning up the sciatic nerve and the muscles of the lower back to relieve the pain of sciatica and lumbago

    14. In stretching the spinal column to the greatest degree it helps to relieve and prevent sciatica and lumbago

    15. This tones and stretches the muscles of the thighs and legs and helps to relieve varicose veins

    16. The regular practice of the Headstand helps to relieve insomnia, tension, nervousness and anxiety, poor circulation of the blood, asthma, bronchitis, sinusitis, hay fever, headaches, female disorders, and lack of energy

    17. The bending forward and straightening movements help to relieve constipation, and as you know by now, anything that is an enemy of constipation is a friend of the body

    18. All you hurried business people take note! The Yoga Complete Breath while performed when the body is in the Fish Posture helps to remove the spasm from the bronchial tubes and also helps to relieve asthma

    19. In addition to toning and strengthening the abdominal muscles and reducing excess fat this exercise also helps to relieve constipation so it is doubly beneficial to the would-be-slimmer

    20. Here is another exercise which will not only help to relieve

    21. And now for one last exercise to relieve eyestrain, which is also a good exercise in concentration and the calming of the mind

    22. I closed the door on her and pulled down my pants to relieve months of tension

    23. This is a great way to relieve stress and lose yourself while you let go of the pains of the day

    24. Another solution is to relieve the pressure you feel by focusing on a gradual process of

    25. drugs that can relieve the symptoms of disease

    26. nothing seemed to relieve it

    27. those emotions from afar – and often, relieve their

    28. dentures forward absentmindedly to relieve the irritation to her

    29. I let out a loud belch that seemed to relieve the bloating

    30. She could only sigh about that, what could she say? ‘Then let’s relieve the pressure first?’ He clearly couldn’t handle it

    31. In fact, the only time the elf left his side was when it became necessary for Alec to relieve himself

    32. and government leaders to relieve the needless death of children in Africa

    33. The design was generous ; but the execution was imprudent, and the nature and causes of the distress which it meant to relieve, were not, perhaps, well understood

    34. In the long-run, therefore, the operations of this bank increased the real distress of the country, which it meant to relieve ; and effectually relieved, from a very great distress, those rivals whom it meant to supplant

    35. again, but still couldn’t relieve most of the ewes

    36. silver in Scotland; and the suppression of twenty shilling notes will probably relieve it still more

    37. Though no paper money, therefore, was allowed to be issued, but for such sums as would confine it pretty much to the circulation between dealers and dealers; yet partly by discounting real bills of exchange, and partly by lending upon cash-accounts, banks and bankers might still be able to relieve the greater part of those dealers from the necessity of keeping any considerable part of their stock by them unemployed, and in ready money, for answering occasional demands

    38. “Look, I realize that he’s old, but even if I were to relieve

    39. back of her wrists to relieve her headache

    40. Though bound and tethered to a thick stalagmite at the back end of the cave, Nerissa had enough room to relieve herself over a fissure

    41. Its object was to relieve the merchants from the inconvenience of a disadvantageous exchange

    42. discovered i could relieve stress at anytime I felt discomfort

    43. Some days you never knew when you were going to eat again, but if what Walt said about our diminished need for food was true, then that should relieve some of the stress

    44. By uniting in some measure the most distant parts of the world, by enabling them to relieve one another's wants, to increase one another's enjoyments, and to encourage one another's industry, their general tendency would seem to be beneficial

    45. This can help to relieve constipation and help with digestion

    46. The landscape would still contain a few clumps of grass to relieve the browns, tans, yellows and grey of the rocks

    47. Made with oil extracted from the mustard plant, it helped relieve bodily aches

    48. “There’s not much more to tell really I just heard they got pinned down and then one of the Battalions I think it was the 1st/5th Fusiliers charged forward to relieve the situation

    49. He becomes careful to instruct them, and attentive to assist and relieve them

    50. So far as he could not relieve himself from the tax in the one way, he would be obliged to relieve himself in the other

    1. He soon re-appeared, looking relieved

    2. Don was relieved

    3. Nancy couldn’t see him through the flames, but when the cannon was turned off, the man was looking unharmed and vastly relieved

    4. At first, Onidas was relieved

    5. He was so relieved he almost fainted right there

    6. Look how well he had handled the situation! Of course the boy was nothing but a civilian, and there really wasn’t much of a situation to handle, but Ackers was too relieved to think about any of these things

    7. ‘Let’s just say that we are both relieved that she isn’t living in Bridgwater

    8. ‘I’m relieved to hear we won’t be visiting you in Holloway!’

    9. ’ She said, clearly relieved – whatever can be the problem, I wonder?

    10. ‘I think he is as relieved as I am that the stalemate between us has been resolved

    11. ’ I said relieved as I grasp the gist of what she is saying

    12. From what we have seen of the way the young man lived, I was rather relieved when Stephen told me that he had fitted bolts to the doors … just in case those keys had gone wandering

    13. Relieved, he sits on the edge of the bed

    14. Boy! Was I relieved! It was my friend Sam!

    15. ’ I said, relieved to hear that he is going with her, we don’t want another accident

    16. As I relieved myself the sound of liquid hitting the sides of the bucket burst the bubble of silence in my cell

    17. He idly relieved his personification on a couple of the houris and was unmoved

    18. I don’t know whether to be relieved or ashamed by his comment

    19. Angie was relieved when they reached their destination

    20. ’ She said calmly, relieved that he’d stopped struggling

    21. He was quite relieved to see that the falling snow was covering the

    22. When Wiesse arrived, she’d been pathetically relieved to see him … handing over responsibility for my welfare to her brother gratefully

    23. By this time Luray was relieved to get a cup of anything

    24. relieved, the wheels beneath them

    25. The Indians claim that people who are afflicted with arthritis or allied complaints should keep a raw, unpeeled, winter-crop potato—yes, I did say a potato!—close to their skin day and night until the condition is relieved

    26. Nuran relieved her as it got toward Noonmeal

    27. They were not meant to be riders at this time; and they seemed relieved that they had not been chosen

    28. By inverting the body and holding it in poised stillness, all downward pressure is relieved

    29. Their mother, who hadn’t yet hit the cans, made a real fuss of them and told the assembled figures of authority that they were always running away and she was so relieved they had been found

    30. ’ I said, relieved

    31. "It was Lmore that finally relieved me," he said

    32. ” The doctor seemed relieved at this bid of news; a reaction Daniel found puzzling

    33. After all of the questions were done with and the lady from social services was satisfied that all was well, he was simply relieved to have his little princess back at home, safe and sound

    34. ’ I said warmly, relieved that I am not expected to dash off somewhere else immediately

    35. I’m stunned at his attitude but relieved that I don’t have to run the gauntlet of trying to justify the unjustifiable

    36. I tuck in, relieved that my nerves are finally letting up

    37. ’ He is relaxing now and I am relieved to see it

    38. She looks relieved and once again addresses herself to her dinner

    39. She obviously knows him very well – I am relieved about that

    40. Duncan noticed she seemed almost relieved that he understood

    41. behind a glassless bus shelter as he relieved the pressure in his

    42. Tarak was almost relieved that someone else had finally seen and guessed what he had seen and questioned

    43. relieved to see that her grandchild was still in one piece, having

    44. it was over she was greatly relieved, but exhausted and

    45. ‘Of course, if I have to carry it on the plane myself!’ he rashly promised, greatly relieved

    46. thoughts about that day still made me tremble, I was relieved to have fully paid

    47. I am quite relieved about that – she is a nice girl but a student could well be a liability

    48. ‘Gary! I’m relieved to hear that!’

    49. The Hausa were moved to an area off to the side and well back from the entrance; there they were relieved of their burdens, and watered and fed

    50. and she was so relieved they had been found

    1. This relieves stress and produces endorphins in the brain that make you feel relaxed and happy

    2. Also Foliar feeding them will provide for them the fastest source of food and energy therefore it is important that you only feed them nutrition that relieves stress; and not causes it

    3. This tones the deep and the superficial muscles of the back, and also relieves backache, helping to keep the spine young and supple

    4. Cedarwood oil benefits the skin by its sedating ability which relieves itching

    5. It relieves the tension

    6. Irish moss: This can be taken internally for its soothing and protective coating properties it can be used for colds and coughs plus it also relieves minor irritation in the throat

    7. Also, it relieves the justice of the penal cases that involve robberies, corruption and frauds, finally all the cases directly linked to the anonymous possession of the money

    8. 9 The Lord preserves the strangers; he relieves the fatherless and widow, but the way of the wicked he turns upside down

    9. learn to trust Him and that trust is what relieves fear

    10. sleep patterns and relieves stress

    11. The stern-first icebreaking capacity relieves the strain on the vessel hull and engine structure involved in the traditional method of ramming ice bow-first, letting the weight of the cutter crush the ice, and then backing off full astern

    12. It also helps improve sleep patterns and relieves stress

    13. or cold, but it relieves the symptoms

    14. -I need Leonardo with me! – I said - His sorceress’s talent is exceptional and his healing hands are the God's prodigy that relieves all my pains

    15. fades out of the sky, while the multitude relieves itself in shouts of joy and

    16. It minimizes distracting, negative thoughts and relieves stress

    17. ' The law of the elders thus relieves such crafty children of their responsibility, notwithstanding that the children subsequently use all such monies for their own comfort

    18. The relaxation of worship, or spiritual communion as practiced by the Master, relieves tension, removes conflicts, and mightily augments the total resources of the personality

    19. Hurrying into the bathroom she relieves herself with a contented sigh, as she stands she hears the ringing of the doorbell

    20. rotation of the arms relieves the parents who do not like full

    21. straight surface with his tail up and relieves urine

    22. Suppose the inside perpetrator goes to room 666, relieves his junior conspirator, writes down the trigger codes for each package, takes off the outer wrapper, and then places the bombs in conventional shipping cartons with the address of a different federal installation and a hand carry instruction with a code for each, but no explosives warning, and delivers them on a push cart to the mail room

    23. Therefore, the food coming from these animals relieves a great deal of anxiety from the consumer and preserves his good health

    24. But as for the Islamic way of slaughter, it indeed relieves the slaughtered animal as the pressure decreases from /14/ to /0/, then the blood is released out of the animal by the body’s contractions until no drop remains inside it, then the slaughtered animal looks in its known rosy color

    25. sense, because it relieves us of the stigma that has grown up around

    26. ” Kevin relieves me of the bricks

    27. Frugal comforts excessive force relieves

    28. “This relieves me so very much, Brother

    29. In this verse, the couches are meant to be the pleasant things which man reclines upon in order to draw nearer to Al’lah, and there he gives a glad eye, that is he rejoices at witnessing that Godly manifestation which relieves the spirit of all grief and troubles

    30. Wright, supplementing with betaine HCl (a compound that contains hydrochloric acid) often relieves the symptoms of heartburn and improves digestion, at

    31. Caraway, like chamomile and fennel, relieves intestinal cramping and, in this way, may ease symptoms of colic

    32. For this reason, God says: ((Oh, My obedient followers! Contemplate the rain and how it pours over the land and obviously relieves you

    33. Keeping the legs elevated relieves pain

    34. We are taught as children that sharing is not only a fair thing, the right thing, but that it also relieves negative tension between individuals and creates a more harmonious environment

    35. 'Oh, that relieves me

    36. and relieves him of burdens

    37. that incorporates massage therapy, which addresses both the fatigue and relieves

    38. relieves stress and anxiety

    39. She felt he was using her like a toilet where one relieves oneself then flushes the water and it's all over

    40. She walks over to the Necro by the door and relieves him of his weapon

    41. It relieves me to hear you say what you just did

    42. Or, who answers the one in need when he prays to Him, and relieves adversity, and makes you successors on earth? Is there another god with God? How hardly you pay attention

    43. While those who believe, and work righteousness, and believe in what was sent down to Muhammad-and it is the truth from their Lord-He remits their sins, and relieves their concerns

    44. The holy Qur’an also relieves these

    45. the ban) –a confession that in symbolic form relieves one from pangs

    46. That relieves swollen nasal passages and congestion

    47. The bandit's laws are positive; a young girl belongs first to him who carries her off, then the rest draw lots for her, and she is abandoned to their brutality until death relieves her sufferings

    48. After all, they’ve done a wonderful fucking job this far, haven’t they? Maybe it’s time the Inquisition relieves them of their onerous responsibilities before they lose the rest of the Jihad!”

    49. The impersonal character of the securities market relieves this procedure of any ethical stigma, and it is considered merely as establishing a proper premium for shrewdness and a deserved penalty for lack of care

    50. thatched roofs, the tilled fields pass by, and the way in which the landscape, broken at every turn of the road, vanished; this is a sort of contemplation which sometimes suffices to the soul, and almost relieves it from thought

    1. relieving the poor unfortunates of any necessity

    2. Your new calmness of mind will make it unnecessary for you to turn to food for comfort or as a means of relieving tension or boredom

    3. For the busy housewife and mother who has little time to spare, these movements act as a time-saving beauty treatment, a toning up of nerves and muscles, and above all a means of relieving her internal disorders

    4. It has the effect of relaxing the nerves and relieving eyestrain, but it can also be used for the purpose of practicing concentration

    5. Alex pauses and then hears the sound of a man relieving himself unsteadily in the bathroom

    6. Standing knee deep in water, Alec was casually relieving himself in the fountain

    7. The price of corn, though at all times liable to variation varies most in those turbulent and disorderly societies, in which the interruption of all commerce and communication hinders the plenty of one part of the country from relieving the scarcity of another

    8. In the midst of this clamour and distress, a new bank was established in Scotland, for the express purpose of relieving the distress of the country

    9. The operations of this bank, therefore, instead of relieving, in reality aggravated in the long-run the distress which those projectors had brought both upon themselves and upon their country

    10. There was rain again that night, relieving their thirst, but it also made Nerissa shiver hard

    11. In years of scarcity, though the bounty is frequently suspended, yet the great exportation which it occasions in years of plenty, must frequently hinder, more or less, the plenty of one year from relieving the scarcity of another

    12. “You! What is this?! Who are you and where are you taking me?!” It was only after she yelled out her question that she noticed the uniforms on the small group of men, the somewhat relieving red and brown

    13. In years of plenty, the bounty necessarily occasioned a greater exportation than would otherwise have taken place ; and by hindering the plenty of the one year from relieving the scarcity of another, it occasioned in years of scarcity a greater importation than would otherwise have been necessary

    14. It increased the business of the corn merchant in both; and in the years of scarcity, it not only enabled him to import a greater quantity, but to sell it for a better price, and consequently with a greater profit, than he could otherwise have made, if the plenty of one year had not been more or less hindered from relieving the scarcity of another

    15. His Prussian majesty had probably, upon that account, thought it reasonable that it should contribute a good deal more towards relieving the exigencies of the state

    16. That evening orders arrived for the Battalion and we were gathered together and told that we would be relieving a Welsh Battalion and taking over their section of trenches tomorrow while they went into reserve

    17. In the morning after the hate and before the Welsh mob we were relieving left they started to clean up the trenches and we gave them a hand

    18. We went back to the same trench system and once again moved into the trench system relieving the Battalion that was manning them who made their way into the reserve trenches

    19. I kept on going until I cane to a quite part of the battlefield and there I was rewarded I looked through my sight as a flare shot up in the distance and I saw the two of them bending down and relieving corpses of their belongings and shoving them in small packs

    20. An excellent herb for relieving tension and stress without causing drowsiness

    21. I came very close to relieving myself right about then

    22. Castillo moved his Cubans forward to El Pozo, where, under De Coro and Gonzales, they did efficient outpost work a mile beyond the American lines, thus relieving the soldiers from much arduous guard duty

    23. Thanks to the Cubans, daily reports of the relieving column from Manzanillo reached headquarters

    24. Entering the ally, Adams undid his trousers and spread his hands on the wall, relieving himself with a satisfied groan of pleasure

    25. For centuries mint leaves have been used as an aid to digestion as well as relieving

    26. Staring intently at the lighter patch of water ahead, he paddled his feet through the cold liquid, relieving the, pressure in his lungs by trickling small bubbles of air from his mouth

    27. right? And the person they’re relieving gives them a blast of shit

    28. He began pacing, both with the intent of relieving his boredom and having some exercise

    29. Camomile: This herb is good for relieving Stress, Calming Tension and Promoting peaceful

    30. 14 For the relieving of your father shall not be forgotten, and instead of sins it shall be added to build you up

    31. “Are you sure you want Cory relieving me at 5:00?” he asked

    32. A relieving feeling passes around Jaden’s body

    33. This would occur by relieving businesses of onerous health care obligations

    34. Q: Still, you are in favour of relieving suffering, even through

    35. The reason for relieving Ouellette of his duties was an allegation that he had an

    36. million dollar life insurance policy, and papers relieving the show of

    37. we will be relieving you of all you have

    38. the rush of relieving it because of the pleasure you feel when this

    39. By learning, the methods of relieving the body of stress,

    40. There was nothing he could do to alter or control the situation, a thought he found strangely relieving

    41. She threw everything she had into this new shield, relieving Mark of the strain of their defense, and he attacked with Lightning

    42. The dozen humans are instantly incinerated, relieving their futile attack against Lady Equemev, and that is when Mark casts Concussion with a quick glance at the gnome attacking Lady Povon

    43. “There is a subtitle at the top of the last page that reads; The Seventeenth Birthday Celebrations of Prince Markhan Reginus Longstrider, thus identifying the chapter!” Mark whooped, relieving the puzzlement of the gathering

    44. You are there drying my tears, Relieving my pain

    45. When they finished he had a very bad headache that lasted only a couple of minutes and soon he was much improved, relieving our anxiety

    46. The only comfort I had in relieving my anxiety was that surely

    47. After relieving me of a flask of urine and a test-tube of blood to be screened for diseases unable to be otherwise diagnosed, I was released

    48. Thus it was a surprise to be warmly greeted by both Alger and Begum when they arrived to view and test the Mainframe and terminals, and sign acceptance forms relieving the engineers of further responsibility

    49. If the ruptured disc does not begin to heal with rest and pain relieving


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    Синонимы для "relieve"

    alleviate assuage palliate relieve remedy lighten excuse exempt let off unbosom allay ease still take over salvage salve save free mollify abate lessen assist help succour support sustain discharge release