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    Используйте «snail's pace» в предложении

    snail's pace примеры предложений

    snail's pace

    1. I can't move my hands with my thought, watching and guiding every movement any faster than at a snail's pace

    2. The world felt like it had slowed to a snail's pace

    3. forward, wheeled it around and continued to move at a snail's pace

    4. snail's pace and Vinny could tell by the front grill that it was

    5. Eventually I walked at a snail's pace along the path which took me back to the front of the monastery buildings and the place were I was quietly meditating when Si first magically appeared in the stillness of the early morning

    6. earlier, if the check-in clerk hadn't been working at a snail's pace, if they had printed the information clearly on the boarding pass, if the man at the information desk had gone to relieve himself two minutes later… then I would now be on that plane

    7. And on to the western desert at a snail's pace due to Corina's playfulness and good humor

    8. Progress, my word! creeps at a snail's pace

    9. However, I am no hand at talking; I came here with communications, and so I beg all the honourable company not to vote, but simply and directly to state which you prefer: walking at a snail's pace in the marsh, or putting on full steam to get across it?"

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