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welfare примеры предложений
1. You made your choice, Dan, live with it! You abdicated any right you may have had to caring about my welfare …
2. ‘I’ve heard that company isn’t hot on staff welfare
3. Gilla snorts at him for putting that before my welfare
4. When Wiesse arrived, she’d been pathetically relieved to see him … handing over responsibility for my welfare to her brother gratefully
5. As a Catholic she's naturally concerned for the spiritual welfare of the whole family but just doesn't know when to horn out,' I was warming to the phrase
6. Our concern for the welfare
7. The idea that someone could be truly concerned with her welfare tugged at an emotion that she felt gone from her life
8. Neither had ever worked and as far as she could tell, neither saw it as a requirement for life, having been raised by their Mother on welfare – before coming to stay with their father
9. Such revolutions in the public welfare,
10. My only concern was for the welfare of my
11. Altruism is concerned with unselfishness and devotion to the welfare of others
12. after they known the welfare as a result the aids
13. “I have been appointed by the king to oversee the instruction and welfare of all these trainees
14. balancing the people's welfare with that of her personal obligations and responsibilities is a juggling act she can't always essay with grace!” Tei was beaming
15. Though the same capital never will maintain the same quantity of productive labour in a distant as in a near employment, yet a distant employment maybe as necessary for the welfare of the society as a near one; the goods which the distant employment deals in being necessary, perhaps, for carrying on many of the nearer employments
16. My acceptance of the responsibility for this girl’s welfare
17. Those concerning the government of the church, and the right of conferring ecclesiastical benefices, were perhaps the most interesting to the peace and welfare of civil society
18. when Jill’s welfare was at stake
19. She felt responsible for her niece's welfare and future
20. But my main concern now, is for Rose and her welfare
21. Probably the Social Welfare? But then wouldn't they be at school or in a home? Well he didn't want to go to the cops and he didn't want to approach the Social Welfare officer
22. surprising fact that, with the advent of the so-called „Great Society" in the mid sixties and its creation of unheard of welfare dependence, forcing many fathers out of their homes, crime skyrocketed
23. “The poor have been used as human shields behind which the expanding welfare state can advance
24. ‘Excuse me,’ he said, ‘but who gave you the authority to decide just whom I should speak to, especially when she is the girl I am in a relationship with, and is someone for whose welfare I care greatly
25. Every black community going back to 1784 had welfare based on morals
26. But I can tell you, as someone who knows L-Seven-Six better than then anyone, that his primary interest is in fresh input rather than the welfare of his recipients
27. The Welfare State has ‖succored‖ many an individual at the expense of that individual‘s Individuality by undermining that
28. You have to understand that South Africa was not and still is not a welfare state and if you lose your job for whatever reason you suffer tremendous hardship
29. Social Welfare agencies have assumed a life of their own that seeks to penetrate the viability and scope of their operations by carefully orchestrating and sustaining the ―needs‖ of the people entrusted to their care
30. President Clinton recently signed into law, quite reluctantly I might add, a Welfare Reform bill, much to the chagrin of his party‘s left-leaning radical base
31. Be that as it may, welfare reform is all well and good provided that it is supported by educational and economic opportunities
32. Many Republicans, especially Northeastern Republicans, generally favored New Deal programs, Welfare and Civil Rights reforms
33. The main difference separating America and Europe, however, is that centuries of War and unmanageable Welfare depleted the economic stamina of most European Nations unlike America; however it oftentimes appears confused over how to properly manage its ―manifest‖ calling historically pledged to support free and open societies
34. flaunt the laws of our land without fear of reprisal is of no immediate concern to some politicians entrusted with the welfare and security of its citizens
35. Whenever the priest would inquire about my wife’s welfare, I would answer, “May our Lord and His Messiah help her
36. With more than a little irony, Calley was invited as a guest of the Kiwanis Club of Columbus, Georgia, a charity known for its worldwide endeavors for justice and children's welfare
37. Seriously, this is what some churches taught, and one can see variations of this belief today every time there is a rant scapegoating those on welfare
38. …a strong central government that promotes the welfare of the nation without needlessly interfering with the private affairs of its citizens…
39. It is just a shame that instead so far all we have is corporate welfare for insurance companies, a plan designed by conservative Republicans
40. We need simply refer to the vast financial outlays (Corporate Welfare) being allocated for ―retraining‖ (reeducating!) purposes, as well as the dramatic rise in ―social costs‖ in order to appreciate the consequence(s) of our failing schools
41. ” For welfare, Reagan invented two notorious race baiting lies
42. The second was a speech about “young bucks” (a derogatory term for young Blacks) buying steaks on welfare
43. Clinton also took a leading role in cutting public assistance (welfare), adding to human misery
44. Nevertheless, we must endeavor to temper and control our passions and emotions that oftentimes occasion questionable ambitions incompatible with the interests and welfare of other people entrusted to our care
45. Why pay taxes to make spaces for poor people’s kids in daycare? The middle class hated, feared and loathed the poor; even as they condemned single moms on welfare for not trying to make some kind of better life for their children
46. Florida finally tried drug testing those on welfare in 2012
47. Not surprisingly, there have never been calls to drug test corporate executives who received corporate welfare, even though drugs like cocaine are largely used by the well to do
48. Every citizen, in one way or another, is expected to participate in a constructive manner that accrues to the mutual benefit of every citizen living in a free and open society; that each individual is obligated to lend his or her unqualified, excepting such conditions were that society has spiritually and morally corrupted itself, support in the cause of freedom; and that the general welfare of that society should take precedence over the private belief system of any individual who continues reaping the benefits of living in that society
49. He was concerned about her welfare but said he couldn’t
50. Reagan also created one of the most vicious stereotypes, the myth of the “welfare queen,” that Blacks on welfare cheated and lived well at government expense