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    allied forces

    1. they joined with English and French allied forces

    2. General Dwight Eisenhower, former commander of all Allied forces in Europe in World War II, was a very popular president from 1952-60, a conservative (though not by today's standards) but not fanatic, anti Communist but also somewhat against McCarthyism

    3. Some other boys that they knew were talking of the Werewolf fighters, and the need to resist the Allied forces

    4. That resolve was unprecedented in military history and supplied contemporaneous Allied forces in Europe as well

    5. bombings, have been few and accidental, for, unlike the terrorists, the allied forces intentionally try to avoid attacks on civilians

    6. It is a top-down movement, consistent with the elitism of the Jewish Left and its allied forces

    7. As the third tribesman clumped his way past Conan to his death, the Cimmerian, his veins bulging in his temples with his efforts to break past the unseen barrier that held him, was suddenly aware of allied forces, unseen, but waking into life about him

    8. Because of this, they defeat Russia, South Korea, China, and other Asian Countries, which are not members of their allied forces

    9. Jeeps roared through the woods on the side of the thinning allied forces, scattering them to make way for the mechanical beasts let loose upon the unsuspecting

    10. This precious cargo had resulted in him being chased through the French countryside by a Nazi soldier, who was subsequently apprehended by Allied forces near the field hospital

    11. The combined Allied forces in Europe, mostly spurred on by Prime Minister Churchill, had been secretly preparing for an invasion of Denmark for months, in order to gain a firm toehold in Continental Europe

    12. � According to my history, the Japanese succeeded at first in their war of conquest around the Pacific because the allied forces were poorly prepared, poorly equipped and poorly led

    13. But, in the event that they resisted, Allied forces would have to overwhelm and defeat them

    14. The grand illusion of a short and victorious war was effectively over, and Mussolini pleaded with Hitler to transfer Axis troops from Russia to North Africa with the object of inflicting a major defeat on the allied forces

    15. The result was that the Germans had no real concept of the strength of Allied forces, to the extent that Hitler even considered transferring troops from the West to the Eastern front

    16. Once Allied forces had secured a beach head they would inevitably break out

    17. Reinforcing the South of France landings, Operation Dragoon in mid-August would have been the most appealing option, perhaps this was the only way to get the Allied forces into France

    18. The Allied forces still intact in Britain remained a threat

    19. German resistance blocked the Allied attacks, and the Allied forces had come up against the strong German fortifications of the Gustav Line, centered on Cassino

    20. In addition to the direct deterrents erected by the Germans, offshore minefields and strong coastal defences at suitable landing sites, the Allied forces lacked sufficient troops and ships for a substantial amphibious venture

    21. Eisenhower astonished almost everyone by issuing orders for major Allied forces to be swung south away from Berlin towards Munich to counter this imaginary threat

    22. By the winter of 1944 most of the SAS units had linked up with the advancing Allied forces

    23. But, in less than a year he escaped Elba and returned to France, only to raise another army and be defeated again by allied forces at Waterloo in Belgium

    24. was beginning to show and remnants of the Imperial Navy, including the mighty, but ineffective, Yamato, were flung at the Allied Forces fighting for control of Okinawa in what has been called a suicide mission

    25. After over one hour of acrimonious discussion, the American side won the argument, with General Eisenhower named as supreme commander for the allied forces that would invade Europe, with Air Marshall Tedder as his deputy and with a mixed Anglo-American staff

    26. The attack up the Northern Adriatic, if made alone with all forces available, would have been acceptable in her eyes, but dividing the Allied forces in two axis as widely separated as those was for her a losing proposition

    27. Instead, they ended up being butchered by the superior firepower of Allied forces

    28. ‘’Are the Polish forces, along with other allied forces, able to stop the Soviet invasion without using nuclear weapons, Mister President?’’

    29. The allied forces told us

    30. Both the cannon and laser fire of the ships, as well as the squadron of dragons at their disposal, made short work of the monstrous legions of flying demons that threatened the allied forces

    31. Instead, he rounded them up and sent them to ‘prison camps’… where they were so incredibly pampered and well-looked after and taken care of: it is incredible to think the same man who ranted against the evils of the Jew and the Jewish culture could be the same man who saved this chosen race of evildoers from the carpet bombings of the Allied forces and the genocidal obliteration of german cities and the mass murder of 10 million Germans

    32. It was known as a fact that the Most Serene Don John of Austria, natural brother of our good king Don Philip, was coming as commander-in-chief of the allied forces, and rumours were abroad of the vast warlike preparations which were being made, all which stirred my heart and filled me with a longing to take part in the campaign which was expected; and though I had reason to believe, and almost certain promises, that on the first opportunity that presented itself I should be promoted to be captain, I preferred to leave all and betake myself, as I did, to Italy; and it was my good fortune that Don John had just arrived at Genoa, and was going on to Naples to join the Venetian fleet, as he afterwards did at Messina

    33. Pringle that “the Japanese have orders no prisoners are to be recaptured by Allied forces

    34. There was, in fact, a very large wall of worry building, and O’Neil, having seen the market rally sharply in January 1991 when allied forces launched the attack that ejected invading Iraqi military forces from Kuwait in the Persian Gulf War, saw a similar potentiality evolving as U

    35. Allied forces land at Anzio, south of Rome

    36. D-Day: Allied forces land on the beaches at Normandy, beginning the invasion of France

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