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    homo sapiens

    1. “There would be no Homo Electronicus without Homo Sapiens

    2. ) One day when we were having an erudite-type conversation (he much more than I on the oozing stuff), he suddenly took off on a tangent and blurted out, “You do know that we Homo sapiens evolved from ape-like creatures over the course of millions of years, don’t you?”

    3. “Yeah, I got you on that, but you didn’t get me on this—those apes are hangin’ with the Big Band while us Homo sapiens are all into solo acts

    4. Furthermore, how about his hearing capabilities? Bob the Buho has an audible range similar to us Homo sapiens, but his “what’s-going-on?” sound mechanism is much more sensitive than ours to certain frequencies

    5. Homo sapiens wants to have its cake and eat it too

    6. In chapter 5, under the sub-heading The Rise of the Mammalian Order, (according to science) it was stated, “The latter of these two branches (hominid) made its appearance less than ten million years ago, with modern man, Homo sapiens, having been around less than one hundred thousand of those years

    7. Further history is clear war is a part of the yearly chronicle of Homo Sapiens existence

    8. We became Homo sapiens, as well as free from external leadership

    9. Keep in mind the Neanderthal, not Homo sapiens, seems to have been on earth from around 516,000

    10. The dominant theory is that modern Homo sapiens came out of Africa

    11. Homo sapiens began to fill in

    12. That means we guess she was not in direct line with Homo sapiens

    13. 800,000 Homo Species (unclassified) (Maybe Homo Antecessor) which is thought ( a guess) to be a predecessor of the Neanderthal found in Spain First findings of a Hominids which look more like Homo Sapiens

    14. The common thread in all of this may be that we are here and we respond to truth! The word “respond” indicates that homo sapiens are blessed with the ability to think and do

    15. I wish magic would grant us invulnerability, but all it takes is a clever Homo Sapiens, discovering a trusting Homo Sortiarius

    16. As some scientists have claimed, Homo sapiens sapiens was deliberately created by extraterrestrials through genetic alterations of a more primitive humanoid

    17. Homo sapiens sapiens is the term that scientists use for modern man,

    18. it is possible to transform homo sapiens into homo Persona, without having to

    19. the appearance of homo sapiens sapiens approximately 40,000 years ago,

    20. This is a necessary step for homo sapiens sapiens, that while it is very much

    21. probably the best definition of Homo sapiens sapiens

    22. to the intellectual capacity of Homo sapiens or higher) may

    23. Homo sapiens are the

    24. ‘I’m not a fan of Homo sapiens,’ he said bluntly

    25. Those wise and brave men entrusted us with ensuring Homo sapiens never again became top of the pecking order

    26. For the last thousand years every time it seemed as if there might be a resurgence of Homo sapiens in any area, we Men prevented it

    27. Roughly nine hundred years earlier, their forefathers had observed the arrival of a small group of Homo sapiens in gigantic motorised vehicles filled with scientific equipment, tools, earth moving machinery and every implement necessary to rebuild their former lives

    28. The result was Homo sapiens, human beings

    29. it’s over for Homo sapiens and all of the ‘naturally occurring

    30. almost all of my knowledge while in the Homo sapiens state

    31. to destroy any remnant of Homo sapiens

    32. Homo sapiens is the

    33. imprinted to the Homo sapiens; the naked primates

    34. the female Homo sapiens

    35. evolved into the amazing species we are now; that is Homo sapiens, or

    36. Man: Meaning Homo sapiens

    37. They were surprisingly human in appearance, apart from being a bit smaller but also much more robust and muscular than modern Homo Sapiens, adult males typically reaching heights of around 160 centimeters and a mass of eighty kilos

    38. His prominent eyebrow ridge and receding chin however left no doubt that he was not an Homo Sapiens, even though his expression was most human

    39. Homo erectus is thought by some to have migrated out of Africa to Eurasia more than a million years before Homo sapiens

    40. Could it be that Homo sapiens hunted their near-relatives the Neanderthals into extinction? Were they one of the most potent killing forces the world had ever seen? Or were there other explanations for numerous animal extinctions? Perhaps the Neanderthals inter-bred with Homo sapiens, or maybe they weren’t a separate species as has been claimed, or perhaps they succumbed to another killer, such as disease

    41. there is a species which is called 'homo sapiens' which

    42. fashioning of the first homo sapiens simply the

    43. homo sapiens is that he was a hunter-gatherer; he

    44. evolving into homo sapiens some 100,000–200,000 years ago, there is growing evidence that our first state of consciousness was quite different from the one we have today

    45. An expert could easily explain the steps leading to Homo sapiens, but could only speculate about Homo melioris

    46. “Sometimes a stupid animal proves itself to be clever-er than some Homo sapiens

    47. “I have already told you that it has existed as long as people have existed as Homo sapiens

    48. Buddah never knew that Homo Sapiens have minds

    49. Homo sapiens sapiens—“man, the wise” per the good old Encyclopedia Britannica—now that’s an oxymoron if there ever was one!

    50. Take just part of the time, energy and money you waste on gyms, diet pills and food supplements, put it into circulating this work, following its recommendations to live your life healthfully-- rightly-- & we'll finally deserve to be called homo sapiens-- a being that is "knowing," "sensible," "wise

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