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    mister Beispielsätze


    1. “Two can play that game, Mister!” She told him feigning anger

    2. “When you’re finished, we’re going to have a long talk mister,” Daniel was demanding

    3. Mister Cameron is blessed with the sort of fortune that, in fables and fairy stories at least, has only ever been granted to mere mortals in return for a lien on their soul

    4. “Euk! Mister bloaty or what?” she bellowed

    5. I mean, where would Alice be without the Reverend Dodgson or Peter Pan without dear old Mister Barrie?”

    6. They kept a cat just long enough to form a deep, surrogate attachment to the creature’s aloof singularity, before Eileen watched Mister Tibbles play a one sided game of tag with the postal service van one rainy May morning

    7. Mister Cameron is blessed with the sort of

    8. “Euk! Mister bloaty or what?” she

    9. Mister Cascarino wants to see me

    10. Not around here, Mister Petrov

    11. What's that saying, 'Don't put your daughter on the stage Mister Whitlow'

    12. The boy scratched his head, ‘Most folk go to Mister

    13. only as Mister Giles, who must have had a military background in

    14. "Mister Whitlow", one of them begins but Billy cuts him off

    15. That's good, Mister Whitlow

    16. "Not at all, Mister Whitlow

    17. "It's impossible to say, Mister Whitlow

    18. him, ‘Oh, it’s you, Mister Grinly

    19. ambush, ‘We almost had them that time, Mister

    20. Seems your Mister Cascarino has a few connections up here

    21. Mister Whitlow doesn’t ring true

    22. I'm not Mister Whitlow's cousin, either, but I do have some information for him, something that might help, you know, with the police

    23. Mister Whitlow it is

    24. I'm not the press, Mister Whitlow

    25. "Not here, Mister Whitlow

    26. "Jesus, cut the Mister shit

    27. "Not relevant Mister Line

    28. "Oh, I care, Mister Line, more than you know

    29. Jock Cascarino, Mister Line, tell me about Jock Cascarino

    30. As I told you yesterday, the club, Ted, everything points to your Mister Cascarino and my old friend, Doctor Jasari

    31. “Now look here, mister!” Monica said in the best attempt of an aggressive voice that she could muster, “This is immoral, unethical, and it’s not very nice either!”

    32. "What did you think we were doing?" Her voice was full of spirit, that rattled of don't mess with me mister

    33. ‘No need to beg, mister, it’s just embarrassing,’ said Hogan as he lent forward

    34. " 'Scuse me mister" called a frail little lady in a dull turquoise coat, "I have a tea service here but the spout is dented and the inside is stained, I can hardly get my old fingers inside to clean it properly now

    35. They had almost made the wall when the day was saved by, of all people, the ninety four year old mister Sturgeon

    36. By now the confusion of gunfire and the screams of the wounded had sent mister Sturgeon spiraling back in time to the Second World War

    37. ‘I think, mister Hogan, that you are a good man

    38. Mister Clarkson here will show you to your quarters and issue you with the necessaries

    39. ‘Shouldn’t worry about that, mister Hogan

    40. But what you do not know, mister Hogan, is those were only a part of the community

    41. ‘Forgive me for not being receptive to your theory, Mister Lyndau, but you proffer no evidence

    42. ‘There will be time to answer your questions, Mister Alendry

    43. They will not protect you, Mister Alendry

    44. “You can put that down, Mister

    45. The man facing him gave a look that suggested he had a bad odour under his nose, but eventually nodded his head and said, ‘Very well, Mister Chanley

    46. “Not another word out of you mister get out of my pub and don’t ever come back we don’t need the likes of you using the Intack Inn so just crawl back into which ever sewer you came from

    47. ‘Yes and before you ask I use Mister Wiggly to hang onto

    48. Mister Wiggly was stiff in his pants as he thought of how much

    49. down the actress’s thighs as Melanie started to suck Mister Wiggly

    50. So, now I’ve told you about me, I think it’s time I heard about you, mister

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    mister mr mr. signor man Herr monsieur master husband