Verwenden Sie „attest“ in einem Satz
attest Beispielsätze
1. That will attest how much you
2. Though none but the elves could attest to such a claim, for only in their lifespan would its radius noticeably expand
3. as my Bishop Guichard would attest if he were here
4. – and I can attest that he did not! As the Lord is my
5. They had always more disgusted her than frightened her, to which her mischievous brother Heron could amusingly attest
6. Nobody had ever returned from the afterlife to attest to that idea
7. Not many could attest to that fact and most would die never having had such an honour bestowed upon them
8. Another Law which many people can attest to is The Law of Resistance which basically states that - “What we resist, persists
9. Those who are adept in Astrology will attest to the significance of that date
10. His was the largest and most flamboyant of all the signatures attached to that document, as will attest anyone who has seen a copy of the Declaration
11. Latin, as I can attest, will expand your vocabulary exponentially
12. Having served on six aircraft carriers, I can personally attest to this
13. I guess your actions last night will attest to the notion that you won’t run off with my money, should you find it
14. He was the central figure in a paradigm shift that set Christianity on the road to material success, as his massive “church-planting” program would attest, although in that, he reflected, rather eerily, a vision of Solomon and his vast building program
15. But still, it is largely a learned experience, as any mother will attest as she watches her infant so quickly increase the efficiency of the suckling process
16. But constructions that can attest the dwelling of
17. But as President Obama’s last minute rescue of Obamacare, and his doggedly partisan 2010 State of the Union address attest, he is not giving up
18. Your trees touch heaven and attest to your devotion before God
19. were left to attest to their once having been civilization there
20. All who know me can attest to my skill at casting such Readings, and to my judgment of character, and to my record of honesty
21. As Johnnie Babcock can attest, although Pops had great confidence in Johnnie’s management skills, Pops never hesitated a minute to overreach him, intervene and take control of my supervising functions
22. So here I stand before you and I tell you, as this young man here can attest to on at least one occasion, that this Pharaoh has refused my earnest supplication nine times
23. So here I stand before you and I tell you, as this young man here can attest to on at least one
24. brought an eyewitness to attest to the truth of what I have declared to you! This man was one
25. By Freya, I attest that Yngvild does not lie and that everything she told you of her marriage is the truth!"
26. I, on the other hand was, with very few glorious exceptions, constantly broke; a professional hazard which anybody who writes short stories for a living will attest
27. He could already attest to the sharpness of the thorns in the undergrowth
28. many respects, and these problems attest to this
29. So for this wise, Folk Space is blessed, to this I do attest herein
30. His career at the State Department would attest to the fact
31. I’ll set up a test that will the truth attest
32. Any clinician can attest to the fact that, in couples or family therapy, it is typically the female partner who feels that the relationship is her responsibility, who feels that she has failed if the couple's relationship fails or if there are family problems
33. ) Many clinicians and even more women can attest that the very opposite
34. Now that you have seen it and can attest to the severity of the battle damage it has sustained, we will move it to a safer location where we can properly determine what can be done with the ship
35. and split custody of their son afterwards-Lippman can attest to
36. She can also attest to her son's
37. plucked a pigeon for whatever purpose can attest to the relative
38. In the Arab countries persons who are seniors can attest
39. attest to the fact that mothers get to this point way faster than
40. “(i have come To you) To aTTesT The law which was Before me and To
41. experimentation with isochronic tones and can not attest to their effectiveness,
42. Ethics don’t appear to be that important as various scandals in the business world and politics can attest to
43. The former has an awful reputation, which I can attest to from the feelings of others as well as from my own visits to their stores
44. As I did here and there in the previous chapters, I will color the text purple when a statement of rock hard truth is made that I could attest to in court, and face anyone on the planet in argument over it, and prevail, given fair listeners
45. Check out the photos and testimonials for Brink’s Body Building Revealed : our members can attest that buying Brink’s Musclebuilding System was one of the best
46. There are hundreds of missing hybrids that attest to that
47. Physiologists attest to the
48. As the victims of the Mongol savagery would attest, there are no words to adequately describe the terrible injustice in the cost of life and suffering that bought one man and his band of killers a life of indulgence and infamy
49. As for being a confirmed sinner, you could personally attest to that, I believe, as I practiced my sinful ways on you in the past
50. But without a body, no one could attest to the fact that any-
1. This fact is attested, not only by the accounts of Windsor market, but by the public fiars of all the different counties of Scotland, and by the accounts of several different markets in France, which have been collected with great diligence and fidelity by Mr Messance, and by Mr Dupré de St Maur
2. Even now two days later, frequent yawns attested to his underlying fatigue
3. I couldn’t help thinking what a good and fertile land this was and Frank told us that this was attested to by how many times it had been fought over
4. The lit windows of the neighbourhoods attested to something; the fact that everyone was busy with their own little lives
5. The strident chirp from the front wheels of the grey Honda sedan attested to the pressure he felt
6. The place was perhaps a tad more deserted than usual this morning, a few bleary-eyed coffee-drinkers in the food court and several other ritual strollers attested to the normality of the day
7. The absence of any other family or personal snapshots attested to Cousin Jerry’s solitary existence
8. The agitation that this caused is attested to by an occasional reference in the writings of the Apostles, especially in those writings of Paul and John of Revelation, concerning the anti-Christian attitude of the Jewish leadership in various places and times
9. And also, there were the wars that had been encouraged by the weakness that followed the many cripplings as attested to in the following:
10. The Exodus According to G also tells how this might have been at least partly aided by a natural catastrophe as attested to by geological and archaeological discoveries
11. that could not have been attested in the excavations or that were not mentioned by the
12. So the next morning, our grandmother ordered a dig straight away and it seemed rather unusually that although Charlotte Polidori had strongly attested that she had dug much deeper, it appeared that the books were pushing themselves up to the surface, as if they themselves were praying to be discovered”
13. “botillo”, not only in winter, but even in summer, as can be attested with an occurrence that involved him, Héctor Blanco Terán and wife Charo in a well known regional restaurant
14. I did have a facility with numbers, as attested to by my eventually earning a night school MS in Management from RPI (really an MBA when combining USM and RPI courses)
15. That attested to both its difficulty and the large number of unaccredited, night law schools in the state whose “graduates” were allowed to sit for the exam
16. government behind the scenes has been attested to by many
17. It attested to the huge size of the chore that Moshe had taken onto himself
18. It attested to the huge size of the chore that Moshe had taken onto
19. The use of “spirit” in the sense of “wrath” is well attested in Judges 8:3; Ecclesiastes 10:4; and Isaiah 33:11
20. been described and attested to by persons of unquestionable integrity Pope
21. “We did not win it freely, My Friend,” the Sentinel attested
22. Both Alistair’s and Bob’s comments attested to their culpability in a conspiracy to illegally export munitions, murder and attempted murder---as in my case
23. His normally serene face had become pinched, a nervous tic twitched at his left cheek, dark skin around his eyes attested to insufficient sleep, and lassitude infected his being
24. We have studied your CV very comprehensively and are most impressed by the fact that you attained Senior Officer rank comparatively early, during your period of compulsory Military service, during the Apartheid years… as attested by the glowing Letter of Reference which specifically mentions your flair for organising and leadership, from the then Chief of the Army - I see that he wanted you to join the Permanent Force? - well, his loss is our gain!……we’re inviting you to become a member of the “Inner Circle Group”…
25. They had inherited extensive vineyards and olive orchards in this vicinity, and that they were wealthy was further attested by the fact that they could afford a private burial tomb on their own premises
26. occur as attested by physicians
27. Brown’s death certificate, attested to by consuls and foreign ministers which bore witness that on June ninth last he had been run over by a fire engine in Chicago
28. The trouble is that Laplante is not married and certainly never had children, something attested by her military medical records
29. And this was attested to by Dmitri and our auditory
30. With his mouth moving in unison with the pastor as he read from the familiar Scriptures and with his clerical attire that made him seem quite fitting to the occasion, Preacher Cooper stood with his hands folded gently before him next to the grieving family of the deceased, but strangely he never made any effort to make eye contact with them or to offer any small gesture of consolation in their time of great anguish, which perhaps attested to his traditional Southern upbringing and the ideologies instilled in him
31. His sandy hair and thin face were highly familiar to anyone who had seen his picture in magazines and newspapers on several occasions that attested to his exploits in Hollywood and, most recently, aviation
32. The once-grand fountain intricately carved in marble was covered with vines and broken in several places, long devoid of water that had once added a soft, relaxing sound to the setting and attested to the family’s wealth
33. The tuxedoed valets attended to the numerous Jaguars, BMWs, Lexuses, Lincolns, and Mercedeses among other luxury cars that lined the parking lot and further attested to the type of clientele who frequented the establishment
34. Regarding the actual tangible, Biblically attested power of God
35. Jazz attested that had she been more attuned to her duties rather than the comforts of a hot bath and a bottle of wine Yvonne Barns would have been alive today
36. She had attested
37. eron had attested to the fact that they were both down there
38. Nanny could have attested to its effectiveness had she survived it
39. His scarred fists attested to the fact
40. Running is one of the best ways of losing weight, as attested to by many
41. Once the children become aware of the importance of our family philosophies as attested by their level of understanding, appreciation and the willingness to comply and really take active part in the implementation, then we can be assured that they are prepared for higher learning insights leading to becoming productive, self-reliant individuals with their own goals and vision of what needs to be done
42. Anne’s stomach fell when she attested the mean-tempered grin crawl across the fatty mouth once
43. The only betrayal of his beauty, and of his traumatic past, a three-inch scar down the side of his face that he attested to be the result of a boating accident
44. She knew without a doubt that she easily could; the strength of her feeling attested to that
45. She did not know what this meant, but she assumed it attested to his great experience
46. Attested copies of the photograph of the blind person
47. miracles which had attested the truth of their doctrine
48. “Jesus of Nazareth, a man attested to you by God with mighty works and wonders and signs which God did through Him in your midst
49. This is consistently and invariably attested to in the wisdom texts of the Old Testament, Dead Sea Scrolls, and in Gnostic, Hermetic, and eastern philosophies
50. This is clearly attested to by Egyptian stories of “Thoth”
1. All were visibly covered with bubbles of sweat, attesting to the high pixel resolution of Nick’s camera
2. One of the walls in the reception displayed a wealth of certificates attesting to board certifications and course attendance
3. experience is nearly universal, attesting to the intense influence the experiences carry over to the
4. Pigeon egg rain drops plopped around like water filled balloons, attesting to the ferocity of the storm just northeast of them
5. addition, I had to sign a document attesting to the time, place
6. The vast evidence attesting to the lack of wisdom in specializing in violence as an evolutionary vehicle was everywhere
7. command, attesting to his experience as a military leader in the war; his cheerfulness had been replaced by this severe façade, as though the entire proceedings irritated him to no end, yet when he glanced up after apparently giving up on his pocket watch, he smiled affably at Feltus
8. Several veins protruded from the side of his neck and his forehead, attesting to the strain that could perhaps prove too much for a man of his age and in his condition
9. The path to his right seemed more elaborate and decorated with ornate monuments than the others, perhaps attesting to the various degrees of social order, so he leisurely strolled in that direction if nothing more than to admire the decorative artwork that memorialized the dead
10. When he reached the top of the stairs, he paused to take several deep breaths for he noticed that he was suddenly wheezing, further attesting that he 56
11. With no sign on the truck attesting to its cargo, he could’ve
12. each element of the course was completed so certificates were issued attesting to
13. In places, the fur had worn away down to the skin, attesting to the rug’s age
14. documents attesting to my official collaboration with FSB
15. Rex Washer came out from under the deck, attesting he had heard everything Flash had said
16. millions of mostly black porous rocks everywhere attesting to that
17. With no sign on the truck attesting to its cargo, he could’ve been hauling anything
18. It is a certification attesting that an individual has actually studied in a variety of useful fields
19. But numerous fires had been kindled on the beach, attesting that the natives had no thoughts of leaving it
20. They also signed affidavits attesting to their client’s mental stability
21. John Long, "noblemen and gentlemen" attesting his extraction of a fluid like mercury from the temples of a patient
22. On entering the magnificently appointed apartments of the house owned by the lawyer himself, with its huge plants, remarkable curtains and other evidences of luxury, attesting easily earned wealth, Nekhludoff found in the reception-room a number of people sitting dejectedly around tables on which lay illustrated journals intended for their diversion
1. His wide variety of clients - including in the past, such celebrities as Olivia Newton-John and Mark Harmon, attests to his effectiveness in connecting with people who share his motto (“happy, healthy, holy”) when it comes to living and interacting with the natural surroundings
2. It is also possible, as the Bible attests,
3. Oakland, California, to bring in male students attests to the importance of this
4. predestination even though the Word of God attests to its validity
5. The end result attests to
6. The true faith is the sure knowledge that the spirit receives and a certain testimony that it attests to by itself which it then retains so that it becomes embedded within the spirit
7. the natural world attests to the qualities and charac-
8. a Magistrate attests the thumb impression affixed on the account opening form
9. My paunch attests to this
10. Did you realize she was afraid of you? If you did not, it attests to a measure of insensitivity on your part
11. The doctrine that our eternal life is in the Christ will, as the experience of many now attests, corroborate that faith which 'conquers the world’—a faith which, rooted in stable conviction, will not forsake men in difficulties, will seem not less true when beset with temptation than when the heart is 'lifted up in the ways of the Lord;’ not less true when we look upon the thoughtless crowds of great cities, or the brazen face of apostate Christendom, than when we muse in secret, or gaze on the sweet countenance of Nature
12. Bill O’Neil himself attests to this by writing in his book, The Successful Investor, that “Our internal money management group operating from our Data Analysis holding company produced a 1356 percent net return in the five-year period ending June 2003
13. His $50 billion net worth certainly attests to it
14. Not a hundred years ago, the cess-pool, Mercier attests the fact, was abandoned to itself, and fared as best it might
15. [Not in the least; the history of arts attests to their constant mutability
16. All history attests the danger of yielding essential principles to State necessities; to temporary pressure and impulses; such precedents become infinitely mischievous in society
17. So deeply impressed was President Washington with the importance of a navy, and so true to his duty and just claims of commerce for protection, that he could not consent to quit his high station in the public councils without placing on record his sentiments for the good of his country—this he did in his speech to the fourth Congress (second session) in language that well attests his wisdom and paternal care and solicitude for his country
18. There have been some very successful colored missionaries in Africa, whom the Christian world has known and honored, and the letters I have received joyfully refer to them, and mention others not yet widely known, but whose work attests their wisdom, piety and usefulness