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    Verwenden Sie „hillside“ in einem Satz

    hillside Beispielsätze


    1. This way they can grow on this hillside

    2. "The hillside they were cutting thru was made of them, I perfected this rig over about, let's see, maybe ten decades, maybe only four, but it was a length of time

    3. This cleft thru the hills cuts off over twenty miles on the route to henarDee, but it is cut into the sandy hillside up to two hundred seventy five feet, over a hundred feet most of the way

    4. The dragon took 5 paces and was soaring off the hillside

    5. downwards towards the hillside

    6. The kaht station is about a mile out of the town, set on a hillside, as a result, the journey down to the harbour is extremely nerve-wracking and uncomfortable as the wagon is not very well sprung and the gg’s hooves slip on the cobbles

    7. down onto the hillside by the bench

    8. Then he went for her, but she jumped him first; and they rolled down the hillside

    9. I look up to see him waving a hand in the direction of a hillside in front of us

    10. Parking garages and lots spilled down the hillside away from the cliffs

    11. As the companions followed the road further down the hillside,

    12. I sat on the hillside and cried while they buried him and for a while after they left

    13. The pub is a small and rather dirty place in the base of a hillside neighborhood that had been in the textile trade since the lash was grown here

    14. Desa was still thinking they could look for a good spot to live anywhere in Wescarp, maybe on a hillside closer to the valley, maybe over closer to Bostok

    15. Alan made her think of this song, for it told of a witch queen luring a guy from a distant star to a dark meeting house on some rain-soaked decaying waterfront, and from there pursuing him thru centuries and lifetimes to finally capture him on a windy hillside

    16. walls on the hillside

    17. The word soon spread and throngs collected at the theater on the hillside east of Polis

    18. What’s more, Hesper had been ordered to come outside and scan the hillside every hour

    19. Then again, Euredon was running down the hillside as he made it

    20. We didn’t stop until we reached a cleft in the hillside

    21. Nerissa followed a burbling sound around the hillside to a spring

    22. She gathered rocks and stashed them on the hillside

    23. The next morning on the hillside, Nerissa fashioned it into a sling

    24. She still had dozens more cached on the hillside

    25. Tragus rushed up the hillside

    26. but the only sounds there on the hillside were bird calls, the chirr of crickets, and an occasional bleat from one of the ewes

    27. On the hillside, his head turned at each motion of birds and butterflies and flowers swaying in the breeze

    28. These days, she only carried it when she had to climb the hillside

    29. It was still guarded by a sloping hillside

    30. This section of the trail hugged the hillside and with the tree limbs hanging, he had perfect cover

    31. He rounded a slight bend and spotted a small cove about four feet up the hillside

    32. He slowly stood up as a group of low flying crows could be seen in the grey light of the morning as they zipped by into trees above the hillside

    33. which has a wide sledding course that runs down the center of the hillside

    34. There were goats and sheep grazing on the hillside

    35. Instead the hillside imploded, and when it blew outwards everything appeared to be contained within a dome – a containment field

    36. “We were out on the hillside watching our sheep

    37. ” I picked up a blade of grass struggling to grow on the hillside and placed it in my mouth

    38. the scene below the hillside, where he and his ten thousand Red Blood Guard were mounted, was miles of patchwork farmland fields, brown, green, and yellow squares, with tens of thousands of demons covering those fields

    39. Whole walls started to collapse just as they passed them until they reached the path leading out of the gorge and onto a hillside, where they collapsed with exhaustion

    40. The Cubans and cavalry brigade made efficient outposts, and common-sense generalship would have mobilised the army first on the hillside near Siboney, where the men could have been easily fed, and the transport trains utilised to carry out supplies to an advanced base, protected by the cavalry

    41. It commanded the succeeding rows of trenches on the hillside and the strongly fortified and barricaded outskirts of the city, that rose like a wall along the next crest

    42. Despite the terrible fire raging from Santiago, the eager soldiers passed beyond San Juan, clinging to available coyer, and shooting with little fire discipline, at the trenches dug in the hillside leading up to the city

    43. The Red Cross, however, soon opened a relief depot, and finally many were housed in the coffee storehouses on the hillside, the residue existing as they might in the woods

    44. The mortars threw bombs, rather ineffectually, against the hillside leading to the city, and the field guns did little damage

    45. We could plainly see large shells from the “Brooklyn” dropping among the entrenchments on the hillside

    46. Tumbling back down the hillside, Broshee collapsed in a heap at the bottom, her limbs trembling so violently that even her teeth rattled

    47. It was during these occasional wakeful periods that Darkburst learnt how the Elders in Brightness's home sett had forced her mother to abandon her on an exposed hillside because she had been born with white fur

    48. But it wasn't to be and finally Brightness left the hillside for the last time, turning her back on her burrow with a heavy heart

    49. She concentrated on memories of her mother and the hillside that had been her playground for so long, but finally the air became so foul that she could scarcely breathe

    50. By now William had climbed up a hillside, which afforded him a view of the countryside for miles behind him

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    hillside grade pitch gradient bank embankment acclivity hill