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man of the cloth Beispielsätze
man of the cloth
1. That may have been appropriate in so many instances, since this man of the cloth was discovered to be cheating on his wife
2. The suspicion was always there as well, even though he was a man of the cloth; they often believed that he too shared in the profits personally and that the corruption spread as far as the Church itself
3. “Is that liquor I smell on you, Preacher?” Terence asked with a smile and amusement in his voice at the thought of having caught a man of the cloth in an indiscretion
4. This reverend, in his tranquil country setting, was free of those pains and trials; he would have difficulty in relating to those conditions and the endurance such an experience invoked in a man of the cloth, for if ever he doubted the ways of the Lord, his experiences had reiterated his faith in His guidance
5. it would surely result in an embarrassing set of consequences for a man of the cloth
6. Reverend Mason’s eyes widened at such a damning accusation to a man of the cloth
7. Well, sir, I was so consumed by righteous indignation that I nearly lost my temper with him, but I am a man of the cloth so I forgave him and told him I would pray for him and his sinning soul
8. Preacher Cooper felt humbled by these words of encouragement that also seemed to serve as a blessing from this most revered man of the cloth who was far more devout than he
9. doubt, a jury and even the most skeptical judge would unquestioningly accept the word of a man of the cloth, regardless of their own religious denomination; here in the South, all holy men, whether liked or not by other congregations, were revered as pious, honest, and devout men whose sense of duty to the Master they served would never permit them to subvert the truth
10. Feltus found it quite curious that this humble man of the cloth should be so obviously annoyed and disturbed by the necessity to answer a few simple questions; furthermore, his edginess when first approached suggested he was extremely reluctant to become involved with the authorities
11. His internal strife was evident only in his twitching hand and inability to look directly at Feltus but was perfectly clear to the detective who waited patiently for a response from the man of the cloth torn between a desire to avenge the death of the young woman with his knowledgeable testimony that would incriminate the worthless husband and his dedication to his faith that would ultimately prevail over all by punishing the guilty for their deadly sins
12. There was also the question of his apparent ability to convict with his testimony, though this could merely be attributed to his reputation as a man of the cloth, but remained out of the ordinary when placed in perspective to his reaction to the entire affair
13. How could such an obviously honest, genuine, morally upright, and devout man of the cloth be suspected of anything so foul as a desecration of one of the Lord’s commandments?
14. Seeing this humble but vociferously emotional man of the cloth in such a state was in itself an overwhelming event, but Feltus decided that it would still be beneficial to learn more about this man and his personality from his cousin in Aiken
15. Preacher Cooper looked as though he had been slapped by the comment that questioned his integrity and the ideals he cherished as a man of the cloth
16. “Not quite the personality you would expect from a man of the cloth
17. Yes, it was just as he had suspected, Feltus realized; this noble and virtuous man of the cloth was so devout and obsessed with his duty in serving the holy cause that he was capable of doing anything in the name of Him, extending the possibility to murder
18. His entire impression changed dramatically from one of a defensive, fanatical murder suspect to the humblest, most harmless and devout man of the cloth he had originally seemed
19. Feltus listened closely as he pondered each option given with respect to Preacher Cooper’s good fortunes and found each possibility quite interesting given the man of the cloth’s demeanour and mysterious personality
20. The final solution, as Buster had remarked, seemed the most logical in light of the reverend’s self-professed missionary work in the battlefields of France; spying for the United States government would be ideal, considering even the Nazis would probably place this meek man of the cloth above suspicion in such politically savvy games
21. The vehemence with which he had described the emotions attached to the tragedy were all too real and very personal for having known a family only a short time, even if he was a benevolent man of the cloth
22. Even a man of the cloth would surely find that blood was thicker than water, but would it inspire him to abandon all that he held sacred and that for which he had crusaded, having devoted his entire life to the cause, in order to avenge the wrong that had been done to his family?
23. Would this man of the cloth, this holy and pious man, presume to break with his cherished ideals as a servant of God and take it upon himself to deliver justice? Would he rob the Lord of His vengeance so eloquently outlined in the Scriptures? Even though Feltus could testify that Preacher Cooper’s fanaticism in that he had readily admitted he would do that which God instructed him to do and even if he and the participants at the inquest could testify that he had lied about the French family, these debatable questions would surely override the entire defense that would center on this morally upright man’s character and assiduousness as a champion of righteousness
24. And you, Preacher Cooper,” she shook her finger condescendingly at the man of the cloth, “you may be skeptical and you may protest loudly, but deep down inside you believe in what we’re doing; otherwise, you wouldn’t conduct funeral services or pray for the deceased’s immortal soul
25. Lady Jane initially looked intently into the frightened but bitter eyes of the man of the cloth then, as if sensing there was something more sinister and more discrete to the accusation, studied her husband’s profile curiously
26. Preacher Cooper glanced at Feltus with a hateful sneer that indicated contempt and anger, two characteristics quite untypical of a man of the cloth
27. His dad had been a man of the cloth who had never concealed his disapproval when his son had desisted from his following of the scriptures to become a policeman
28. You are a man of the cloth and as you admit, there is something very odd about your Kirk
29. Why should they? Would a man of the cloth lie? More honestly, I had come to believe that the more outlandish the accusations were, the easier people believed it