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    right wing

    1. He purred for a moment, and Lancelot took off and flew to Jake and landed on his right wing

    2. He was also a racist and far right wing member who decided to kill innocent black people for publicity or something

    3. * For my overseas readers: A couple of hundred far right wing members "invaded" or "withdrew through" - there are different versions - the "independent State of Bophuthatswana" for reasons which I still don't understand or even wish to discuss being plain silly

    4. A shoot-out occurred between them and the Bophuthatswana Police (mostly black policemen), who then also executed three right wingers in cold blood as they lay wounded on the ground

    5. Obviously, the black policemen won the fire-fight which was even worse news for the far right wing who sincerely believed that would never happen

    6. Did that cause a general rise of right wing insurgency in America? Of course not! It was an utter failure and soon forgotten

    7. Among the few not harmed by Plan Colombia: right wing paramilitaries like AUC that deal drugs as much as FARC

    8. Finally, right wing terrorism has been a serious problem since the early 1980s, with many bombings and hundreds dead

    9. Compare the efforts to end their at times ludicrous attempts at terrorism to that of right wing terrorists, and it is clear much of the media has an ideological bias that is right wing, not leftist

    10. The best examples are O'Reilly and Malkin leading their campaign to stop investigation of right wing terrorism

    11. nor Clinton can claim much success against right wing terrorists either

    12. ) Clinton worsened right wing terrorism by his incompetence

    13. Why did these presidents ignore the threat of right wing terrorism? None of the presidents from Reagan to the present even remotely supported any of these groups

    14. Argentina's series of military dictatorships began under Juan Peron, who led a populist movement with elements of both left wing unionism and right wing fascism

    15. The US supported the new leadership, but they were pushed out by the right wing

    16. Kirkpatrick argued that right wing and military dictatorships were fine as long as they were anti-Communist since they would eventually become democratic, while Communist countries would never become democratic and always remain fanatic dictatorships

    17. In part this is a treaty that exists to placate the right wing on a problem that did not exist, except as an excuse to punish Iran

    18. Though the treaty is a landmark and benefits Israel more than anyone, the Israeli right wing and its US supporters complain, believe it or not, that the treaty prevents the war they want

    19. Independent Puerto Rico likely would be much like its neighbor the Dominican Republic, right wing dictatorships backed by the US alternating with leftist populist governments

    20. These vandals are prosecuted and sentenced far out of proportion to their crimes, while actual terrorists on the right wing are at times not even seriously investigated until after the fact

    21. Wallace, without any hesitation at all; simply put his right wing up vertical, and pulled hard around on their tail

    22. I rolled it so that the right wing was vertical, pointed at the stars, several of which were clearly visible

    23. He was by now prying out the piece with a screwdriver, perched on the right wingtip, over a vast black void filled with nameless stars

    24. The Right Wing believe in the Constitution—“Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness

    25. 7 living creature; But God appointed this bird thereto; And he expanded his wings, and I saw on his right wing very large letters, as

    26. 12 As for Bacchides, he was in the right wing, so the host drew near on

    27. to the mount Azotus; 16 But when they of the left wing saw that they of the right wing were discomfited, they followed onto Judas

    28. Jaden makes the right wing extend upwards as if he is waving at the bird

    29. When such as Hillary Clinton raise the specter of a “vast right wing conspiracy” against America, it is to conceal their own plan to rule and regulate their fellow Americans in every way possible

    30. Liberal revolutionaries vow to end talk radio, which they see as part of their feared “vast right wing conspiracy

    31. on her right wing and she turned with it, letting the hot swirling air

    32. This party was divided between a militant revolutionary left wing, an orthodox center that held to the classical Marxist doctrine of economic determinism, and a right wing moving toward a position of open reformism

    33. The right wing had as its most renowned

    34. several very right wing, intolerant groups have taken over the

    35. For if he were not receiving them the human race would not be preserved nor any other 7 living creature; But God appointed this bird thereto; And he expanded his wings and I saw on his right wing very large letters as large as the space of a threshing floor the size of about four 8 thousand modii; and the letters were of gold; And the angel said to me Read them; And I read 9 and they ran so: Neither Earth nor Heaven bring me out but wings of fire bring me out; And I said Lord what is this bird and what is his name? And the angel said to me His name is called 11 Phoenix

    36. 12 As for Bacchides he was in the right wing so the host drew near on the two parts and sounded their trumpets

    37. 14 Now when Judas perceived that Bacchides and the strength of his army were on the right side he took with him all the hardy men 15 Who discomfited the right wing and pursued them to the mount Azotus; 16 But when they of the left wing saw that they of the right wing were discomfited they followed onto Judas and those who were with him hard at the heels from behind; 17 Upon which there was a sore battle insomuch as many were killed on both parts

    38. Bender maneuvered into a position just off its right wing

    39. When the bird landed, his bright wings settling against his back like mist melting into a deeper haze, Simon raised the mind-cane and brushed it lightly across the raven’s great beak

    40. '" He looked out to see a camouflaged F-105 flying close formation on the right wing

    41. When they were tucked in, he gently pulled his plane up and, lowering the right wing, rolled easily about the horizon and let the nose fall through until they were inverted over the earth with the sun shining on the flat underside of their planes like a spotlight on ballet dancers

    42. The soldiers could see The Forum and Hollywood Park off the right wing

    43. Three, four times, they circle the travellers, bright wings dipping as if to draw them upwards into their world of air and song

    44. The cloth gave way, and he managed to force his right wing through the opening

    45. “The Yakuza Right has people who see themselves as part of the right wing as well as the Japanese mafia, the Yakuza

    46. However, in reality, they are mainly interested in deriving economic benefits by claiming to be the right wing

    47. "He couldn't have survived," the mother swan slid her head behind her right wing

    48. Hospital was located three stories above the morgue, on the right wing of the building

    49. This had attracted the attention of right wing groups who came by the coach load to confront the AMA and give them a bloody nose

    50. After all, they were dealing an active member of a right wing fascist group, possibly a terrorist, and people had been killed

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