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    us congress Beispielsätze

    us congress

    1. A US congressional investigation concluded that responsibility went all the way up to Secretary of War Elihu Root, and Root should have faced charges

    2. The US Congress, which was informed of the attacks from the beginning

    3. A member of the Kuwaiti royal family, posing as a nurse, told the tearful lie on the floor of the US Congress

    4. Sixteen Blacks were elected to US Congress, some of them former slaves who had taught themselves to read only a few years before

    5. The Church Committee of the US Congress concluded the CIA was not directly involved in the coup itself

    6. A Native Hawaiian counterrevolution failed, and their petition to the US Congress failed to get US troops to restore the Queen

    7. Four years later more terrorists broke onto the floor of the US Capital and tried to kill US Congressmen

    8. They explained that financing the resistance in Nicaragua required a great deal of money, much more than would be forthcoming from a reluctant US Congress

    9. For safety’s sake, Gordon moved all records to an aunt’s house and, with travel arrangements and luggage close at hand, watched the live broadcasts of the US congressional hearings

    10. Warren"s dead, but his idea is still alive, and in tribute, we"d like to present him with a posthumous Congressional Medal Of Honor

    11. There is constant bickering in the US Congress and Senate for financing the government

    12. They could break the record of the previous Congress

    13. This day has a historic importance as it was on this day in 1962, when the Bill for Consumer Rights was moved in the US Congress

    14. Haughty priests focus excessively on ceremony and elitist tradition thereby precluding the dynamism of earnest religious congress

    15. That was why the bickering rich planters formed their precious congress

    16. "His father”—I pause—“our father, was a US Congressman running for a Senate seat when he met my mother

    17. IN MARCH OF 1993, I moved to a new house—not far from where I had been living in Providence, but far enough that I became a resident of the First Congressional District, where some felt there was a vulnerable seat in the US Congress

    18. NOT LONG AFTER THE WEDDING, my dad held a fund-raiser for my campaign for the US Congress at his house in McLean

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