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    vital Beispielsätze


    1. Chewing food well in the mouth is vital to generate saliva, which in turn stimulates the production of digestive enzymes in the stomach

    2. ~ Studies have also shown that the nutrients missed by skipping breakfast cannot be compensated for in other meals, as the body is unable to process the vital nutrients optimally if consumed all at once

    3. The greater the biodiversity the greater the assimilation of the vital energies

    4. of pipe and slippers, but in capturing my heart she restored the vital flow to me in so

    5. the electronic equipment which controlled his vital rates

    6. She’d been amazed by the overabundance of cleaning materials that she had correctly guessed would be stored in the cupboard under the sink – some things defy cultural differences! Kneeling on the floor, all the better to examine the various spray containers and bottles piled in there, her amazement turned into confusion … there were plastic spray bottles for limescale removal, disinfecting the worktops … apparently killing 99% of all known germs - though that did raise the question of what danger the remaining 1% presented if it was so vital to get rid of the things … bottles of cream for cleaning the sink and another, lavender scented, for polishing wood, a big bottle of bleach that at least smelt familiar, and noxious substances for cleaning the oven that had signs warning of danger plastered all over them … it was an education

    7. This in turn leads to a lecture from Wiesse on how important this waterway is as an artery to the West Country, stressing how vital it is for local commerce and going into incredible and extremely boring detail about how it is maintained and how much it costs

    8. It is easy and bracing and is a vital first blow in our battle against bad posture

    9. It is vital to clear this out to ensure a complete renovation of air and Yoga’s unique method of doing this is this exercise

    10. In the case of exercises for asthma, bronchitis, and allied complaints mentioned in this chapter, this is a vital necessity

    11. All that had been so clear for that vital second was now clouded in the fog of doubt and confusion

    12. ‘But we do use those concepts which fit our lifestyle … glasshouses are vital for us, especially now with the disruption to normal crops

    13. He gave encouragement to the young man, and made him feel he was a vital part of the Hold defense system

    14. It had been over a month hadn't it? He was busy with research, but that made it more vital to back up regularly so he didn't forget what he'd learned if he had to be restored

    15. It is vital that these trapped emotions be removed

    16. And Gujarat is vital to our party

    17. I believe that removing trapped emotions is vital to

    18. clear for that vital second was now clouded in the fog of doubt and

    19. It is vital to allow this

    20. vital to create positive experiences and ultimate contentment within all

    21. This was the most satisfying union he’d had with Ava yet, this was almost as vital as it had been with Tdeshi

    22. He'll love the Mediterranean weather but no grease ball surgeon is going to poke around near Jock's vital organs

    23. The news reader cuts from the lead report on Exeter City's vital game chasing promotion from the Conference to the story about the girls in the nightclub

    24. or those with a highly technical content, it was vital to provide an

    25. In the last days it will be even more vital to have greater revelation and prophecy, so let us go on to mature and grow in him

    26. It is vital that we as God’s people never let our

    27. The supply line is vital

    28. Important: Your Referrer’s ID is vital to the process of rebranding this product with your information

    29. He insists a lot on the élan vital, or vital force,

    30. to keep Earth alive; otherwise the vital functions of the

    31. hasten to correct the error for it is vital to this story

    32. vital part of one’s stay at IIT and has devoted his life to it and it

    33. “It is vital,” added the doctor

    34. It’s not fair on the reader to leave out vital information

    35. Keep it as brief as you can, while covering all the vital information

    36. who is self motivated and has the internal stamina to keep at it, is vital

    37. “Treachery is vital here

    38. The fragment of Arimayr obviously wasn't a star at all, but a remnant of a crystallized accumulation of, what the voices in her head called simply, the Tears of the Enthilesté---a substance so imbued with the vital power of the cosmos that it had a life of sorts all its own

    39. I heal almost instantaneously; my vital organs have back-ups, my skin is impenetrable except by my own hand

    40. Tei quickly outlined to the Elf the regimen of training she was about to begin under the masterful direction of Tohm and Kate personally---with some vital firsthand input from the other First Water as well, “

    41. Tohm stepped up and graciously added, “What it means in practical terms is that we are vital to the administration of the Orchards

    42. Ru and Misha reminded her, “Your tail is not just for getting the guys to look at you; it's a vital part of your balance, and an extra hand

    43. most vital areas of the opponent

    44. are focused towards the most vital areas of an opponent

    45. In her present condition, Great Britain resembles one of those unwholesome bodies in which some of the vital parts are overgrown, and which, upon that account, are liable to many dangerous disorders, scarce incident to those in which all the parts are more properly proportioned

    46. The 21st century is seeing humanity unite on a global basis and the channelers are playing their vital roles to help with this momentous movement

    47. Rehearsal is a vital part of preparation

    48. She had had too many experiences where, she was certain, luck had played a vital role in her obtaining sexual gratification, a thing fondly to be wished for, strived for at all costs

    49. Across the river Kurt saw the once vital town of Connellsville

    50. When our rescue arrives it will stop them having to search the planet for us, and if we have to wait months for a rescue to come then we should be able to get vital supplies back to this section of the ship

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    Synonyme für "vital"

    vital lively life-sustaining critical vigourous energetic active animated essential important indispensable requisite