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    wander around Beispielsätze

    wander around

    1. wander around the earth with all of the jiberish leading you to destruction

    2. ‘You could wander around there for days without hitting civilisation

    3. They returned to the valley where the girls wanted to wander around the little white house, but her interest was still the big house so she simply dropped them off and continued on

    4. to wander around for years, hoping that they will

    5. are content to wander around aimlessly, hoping to

    6. This stupid hag thought she could wander around the world using her magic undetected, but every time she lit a candle or made a cup of tea with magic, I was alerted

    7. But no, she wouldn’t stop, just kept it up, carrying on how the whole thing from the beginning was his fault because ‘he’d let the whore wander around loose in the house

    8. In truth, I didn’t want to wander around the house by myself

    9. I wander around the room, looking at the artwork on the walls

    10. I was toying with the idea of building a separate smokehouse, but instead decided to wander around a bit and leave that project for the winter

    11. He would continue to wander around far to the south until they gave up on him

    12. I thought about spending the winter on one of the Taino islands, and then I thought I might instead go visit my sister Mathilde or maybe just wander around the south

    13. He left after the second campaign to wander around the Khakhanate for a few years, but in the end decided to return for another campaign

    14. No soul to wander around, no one to be held captive, the gates were wide open barely hanging in some tinges

    15. The Khakhan went on to suggest that after the campaign is over, I should wander around Europa a bit and report on what I see

    16. I wander around with my candle and eavesdrop on the stories about Katherine; some end with laughs, some with tears

    17. Most of the formalities were over, and he had time to wander around

    18. he was a kid, from a very young age, he would wander around, and

    19. you would be asked to wander around a landscape that is

    20. But you had to have a girlfriend to prove you weren’t a poofter, and to wander around the shops with on late-shopping nights

    21. They let him wander around the building as he pleased, probably thought he was a useless nuisance so they didn't bother with him

    22. "Why? For letting an alien sub wander around Canadian waters undetected?" "That, plus the fact politics, international relations, current Canadian trade and cultural agreements with the Soviets might have been hindered if we had intercepted the beast,"

    23. For a moment, I did let my eyes wander around the kitchen

    24. Even given that, we are sure that we would rather die here on the planet we call home than wander around the cosmos rootless and homeless as your people, the Jews, have done for thousands of years

    25. “Too risky to let them wander around alone

    26. “Do not wander around the terminal

    27. wander around without knowing exactly where I was or where I was

    28. 00am so he thought he would have a wander around the place and remember some of the good times he had enjoyed there over the years

    29. “Lord Loka, my brother, I stand with you unreservedly, I have only one cause for concern, I believe from my own observations that you do not have enough respect for your own safety, it is still too soon to wander around without adequate security, I also believe that with this new situation you will be in more danger than you will admit to, I would be derelict in my duty if I allowed this situation to continue, therefore from today I will personally be responsible for your security

    30. As soon as the shuttlecraft had landed and its rear access ramp was lowered, Count Raymond went out to wander around the ruins of the camp and the dead, rotting corpses

    31. “You have two anonymous Englishmen armed to the teeth, who have been staying for over three months in a room near here and doing nothing but stay in that room or wander around the palace

    32. Glacia and I take the rest of the afternoon to wander around the Embassy, but we hardly cover two of its nine sectors before nightfall

    33. I leant back in my seat, letting my eyes wander around the room

    34. Even so, Homer shows us Hercules as another shadow among the shadows that wander around in Hades

    35. Generally she preferred being in a big library full of old, dusty books where she could wander around to let herself be tempted by whichever book took her fanc y and get herself absorbed in the whole new world some writer would open up for her

    36. He recovers his wits a few minutes later, and we wander around the show some more

    37. Read and wander around

    38. It was a dream come true to wander around the ruined buildings and monuments that had once represented the political, religious and cultural achievements of the ancient Athenians

    39. We wander around the vicinity of the station trying to find the site of the hotel

    40. Designated areas where sacred cows wander around untouched, while kept out of other designated areas like freeways, because the sacred traditions of India are not supposed to impede the modern progress of automobiles

    41. You wander around, no ties, no money, a head full of ideas and no sense in any of it

    42. “If we wander around here for a while, I suppose we’ll see all of your dad’s carbon copies,” Trent said, gesturing with his hands

    43. We wander around the hospital while she tells me about each room, and usually some kind of story that goes along with it, until we come to a room with 'Restricted' written in red letters across the door

    44. Always go shopping with a list in hand and don’t wander around the aisles idly picking up stuff

    45. He has left the security rope to step inside the Hilton and wander around the lobby

    46. We had recently got some pets – three white chickens and a white rabbit that one of Khushal’s friends had given him and which we let wander around the house

    47. The prioress did not wander around the town making social calls without a

    48. I don’t have to wander around exploring it

    49. That is an exceptionally good idea! I won’t have to wander around looking for the thing

    50. “Then give me a minute to find my running shoes, too,” he says, “’cause you’re right, things could get a lot worse out there, and I’m damn sure not letting you wander around in it alone

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