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    Use "“fair" in a sentence

    “fair example sentences


    1. “Fairly soon yea, I regret to say

    2. “Fair enough, I suppose

    3. use - other than for “fair use” as brief quotations

    4. Kwonowski nodded his head and said, “Fair enough

    5. We call this method “Fair Play To You And Your Teeth” because both you and your teeth get what you want! It is fair and even-handed

    6. More evil still is any attitude that inflicts pain without remorse on all who may be seen as “fair game

    7. “Fair enough,” he says, “but why were the Abnegation so concerned with finding the Divergent? It wasn’t to help Jeanine, was it?”

    8. Its “fair and balanced” nature came into question

    9. At his head, nandina (my favourite) was planted – “fairy bush,” we'd always called it

    10. This time Bisdah would not hear of any “fair” attack but ordered us to wipe them out with arrows

    11. “Fairlady-Z,” said Sachie, grinning

    12. “Fair enough,” he says

    13. ” In typical doublespeak this is to be done by reviving the “fairness doctrine

    14. I smiled “Fair enough” I said and she smiled too

    15. “Fair points made by both of you, and that’s what we’re talking about people, different interpretations from different perspectives

    16. So, I have a “fairness” streak in me, not liberalism, just equality

    17. Herb Fenster and Stan Dees, I was regarded by all of them as having been unfailingly “reasonable” and “fair” whenever the Contractor had merit to his case! This was evidenced repeatedly after Stu Platt, my first ACO, became Deputy Chief of the now defunct Naval Material Command (NAVMAT) and delegated settlement authority of less than $100k on builders’ risk insurance claims to “field counsel

    18. In a market system, such as the private sector, in which a physician can set his fee, the result is roughly the same, but whereas in the first instance the payment is called a ‘bribe,” in the second it is “fair market value

    19. The question of whether or not the law is “fair” or

    20. If the private sector doesn’t pay a “fair premium” then legislation and court decisions will become so onerous that all of the profits from various industries will be swept away

    21. “fairness” because of the recent tax cuts awarded to those who do pay income taxes

    22. “Fair enough,” she said and turned to leave

    23. “Fair enough, and all that stuff

    24. “Fair Aurial, didst not thou say this very morn, ‘the Queen Loves me?’ This is the Truth, a precious gift, a knowing meant for thee to keep

    25. “Fair Aurial, what seest thou?”

    26. Jarred from this scene as Mother called, “Fair Aurial, come back to me,” I realized I left Her twice!

    27. Said He to Us as We returned, “Fair hail to Ye, oh gentle Ones

    28. “Fair hail, indeed,” I did reply as I was struck by Who He was

    29. If you are continually being rejected for sex and you can honestly say that you’ve tried all of the communication ideas suggested above then try again to tell your partner how her continual rejections make you feel, this time include a suggestion something along the lines of “fair enough, not now, but can we agree a date and time that works for us both when we'll try again?” If this worked for you both then you could build on this and ask her to initiate sex with you once a month

    30. “Fair enough, but that’s what I will be doing from now on” he conceded

    31. “Fair enough, stay right there and I’ll run you over with pleasure!” Shouted Jags, she made her way towards the van, but was physically held back by Gulab and Rani

    32. The neo-Conservative was very upset, but willingly handed his $20 to Bob, saying, “Fair’s fair

    33. “Fairly well, Herr General, but not as well as I should have

    34. regulation of this cycle were the minimum wage and the tax rate at the high end to stabilize the government and the rich/poor income distribution to a “fair” and sustainable level

    35. “Fair point Sam” Max admitted reluctantly, “but what can we do? We have to uncover the reason why the ships sank, when we go down in the US1

    36. “Fairly,” Graisco replied with a nod of his head, satisfied that his knowledge of the neighboring county and city was adequate

    37. obtain the “fair value” of a stock

    38. comparisons between companies, and not to extrapolate the “fair value” of a stock

    39. that is referred to as “fair” value or “intrinsic” value

    40. “Fairly stable,” Garcia said, not sure what she meant

    41. “Fair dos! Now where’s that dolmus?”

    42. “Fair enough,” Tammas said

    43. After doing some research I established what was a “fair market price” and I put up a For Sale advert in the local harbour where the boat sat on a pontoon mooring

    44. The businesses were also asked how they felt about their current business performance and almost half of the entrepreneurs felt their business was performing “fair

    45. What was interesting for the enumerators was that when asked how they expect their business to perform over the next six months, a third felt their business was “fair” and more than 60% felt it would be “good” to “very good”

    46. “Fair?” she smiled “This is all becoming clear, the reason you didn’t want me to confess to being Alex is because you were secretly still enjoying the perks associated with my name

    47. “Fairly, but it is a bit odd

    48. in an economically “fair” society, no one would care about

    49. “Fair lady,” he said, using the nickname I had not heard in a while, “would you like to dance?”

    50. “Fairly wel , yes

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