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    Use "“grow" in a sentence

    “grow example sentences


    1. “Growing in age, Liam felt incredibly awkward

    2. They built upon Horace’s belief that “growth

    3. “Growth and impact are more important

    4. Repeat the same questions for “Grow the Company

    5. “outgrow” the problem in many cases, many children your child would consider “grown up” still face the same problem

    6. just need to “grow’ from the “inside’ without any substance

    7. showered on this man to reflect and “grow” whilst he is still

    8. “Growing up with those two for parents must have been an adventure

    9. “Growing up the youngest in this family does have its advantages,” Timothy said

    10. There are more models for coaching than just the “Grow” model

    11. addition, “Grow” is a model, which allows for self-coaching as it

    12. “value” investing and “growth’ investing, can observe that both methods are part of the

    13. They are put into the position of “grow or fail” quite

    14. “growth” investing that has been ongoing since the days of Philip Fisher and Benjamin

    15. real gain in economic profit, but earnings are touted as “growing”, it may be time to look

    16. using the “growth trend” technique

    17. On a more positive “growth” note, if “17” were the current year, I could use the

    18. Hollande was elected on a left-wing agenda that included an earlier than planned withdrawal from Afghanistan and some new thinking on “growing” France out of the Euro-crisis

    19. It’s almost possible to believe that someone, sometime, didn’t want us to know very much about certain things, so came up with the brilliant idea of convincing us we have to “grow up

    20. There’s no hope for the victims, nor for all yet to be violated, until the “grown-ups” who run things can say the ugly words for those ugly deeds out loud

    21. Jacob knew that he was acting as “grown up” as he would ever

    22. And please stop what I call “growing in You

    23. “Growing up in Alaska, losing my parents and having to take care of Callder—I had no choice in my career

    24. “Grow old along with me!

    25. Then we discover a place of acceptance within a “tit-for-tat” environment, where spiritual fruitfulness is “growled” at, and fleshly desires prevail

    26. When the fragmented Self-Consciousness of one UU-VVU-copy starts to “grow” energy-informationally (simultaneously in all possible Directions) to the dynamics of any UU-VVU-conglomerate, which include many common resopasons with other Formo-copies, the principle of multipolarity immediately becomes active and provides the complex arrangement of all the Information simultaneously received by fragmented Self-Consciousnesses of all Formo-copies of this UU-VVU-conglomerate; many self-conscious Elements (Thoughts, Feelings) become “polarized” (arranged in a complex configuration) to each other, creating a certain continuous action, which I define as a set of inductively, reductively and imperceptibly interacting waves

    27. “Not now,” Chalmers said, “grow a pair of testicles, we have work to do

    28. “Appreciated,” he repeated, “grow a pair of balls for god’s sake Thompson

    29. were referring to this as “alchemic transformation” or “growing up one’s

    30. “Growth is the only evidence of life

    31. She had to lie there on the wet balcony last night in excruciating pain for what seemed like hours while Celeste screamed that awful, endless scream, and Bonnie sobbed, and Nathan swore and Jane lay on her side with blood on her face and Renata yelled at the fighting Year 5 dads to “grow up, for God’s sake!”

    32. A failure of a trade-union representative from the Norwegian newspaper Kveldsbladet had remarked spitefully that Serner’s parties “grow more lavish the more people you sack”, and made a bit of scene which resulted in Levin getting red wine on his tailor-made jacket

    33. For a related conversation with Buffett, on the topic of his having won “the ovarian lottery”—he is a son of Warren Buffett—see Dubner, “Growing Up Buffett,” May 13, 2011

    34. IT WAS LESS than a hundred steps from the front door of the new building to the wrought-iron gate of the Pierrepont Street playground—so the broker had said, and so Cate had verified the afternoon of the move, making her steps slightly larger than usual, “grown-up sized,” she’d explained to Regan as she scrupulously counted them off

    35. Keith hated the way she said “grown-ups

    36. The term “growth stock investing” was relatively new (and in its absence, there was no need for the contrasting term “value investing”)

    37. In considering this statement critically, we must start with the emphatic but rather obvious assertion that the investor who can successfully identify such “growth companies” when their shares are available at reasonable prices is certain to do superlatively well with his capital

    38. Actually the problem falls into three parts: First, what is meant by a “growth company”? Second, can the investor identify such concerns with reasonable accuracy? Third, to what extent does the price paid for such stocks affect the success of the program?

    39. The minority that did so stand out from the rest, and it is these which are now given the complimentary title of “growth companies

    40. So it is that the financial media frequently label market participants as “value,” “growth,” or “momentum” investors

    41. Purchase of “growth stocks” at generous prices

    42. In particular, it would ban virtually the entire category of “growth stocks,” which have for some years past been the favorites of both speculators and institutional investors

    43. The term “growth stock” is applied to one which has increased its per-share earnings in the past at well above the rate for common stocks generally and is expected to continue to do so in the future

    44. The authoritative manual entitled Investment Companies, published annually by Arthur Wiesenberger & Company, members of the New York Stock Exchange, computes the annual performance of some 120 such “growth funds” over a period of years

    45. 3 In the two years 1969 and 1970 the majority of the 126 “growth funds” did worse than either index

    46. )* Another is by their objectives, as their primary aim is for income, price stability, or capital appreciation (“growth”)

    47. Many of the companies that state their primary aim is for capital gains concentrate on the purchase of the so-called “growth stocks,” and they often have the word “growth” in their name

    48. a sharp and unexpected change in strategy, such as a “value” fund loading up on technology stocks in 1999 or a “growth” fund buying tons of insurance stocks in 2002;

    49. A company with an ordinary record cannot, without confusing the term, be called a growth company or a “growth stock” merely because its proponent expects it to do better than the average in the future

    50. This wishful thinking persists today; among mutual funds, “growth” portfolios describe their holdings as companies with “above-average growth potential” or “favorable prospects for earnings growth

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