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    congregational example sentences


    1. So far as concerns congregational obligation, and expedient is that which is in harmony with the Scriptures, in which there is inherent advantage, and which may be

    2. This means we can find, in the scriptures, all the information needed to have congregational leadership which is pleasing to God!

    3. Congregational Church and lived by the Christian faith

    4. Captain Hawes was a member of the Congregational Church and

    5. leader in the Congregational Church, when home in New

    6. of the Congregational Church

    7. He forgot congregational worries and spiritual problems; the years slipped away from him; he was a young divinity student again and the roses of June were blooming red and fragrant on the dark, queenly head of his Cecilia

    8. This form of church governance is called congregational

    9. Sermons in the New England Congregational Churches were less inclined to embrace

    10. This refusal to accede to the Jerusalem decree was based on their contention of congregational autonomy rather than on sympathy with Jesus' cause

    11. IMAM: The man who leads the congregational prayer

    12. During congregational Prayers the Imam becomes the Sutra,

    13. some of the rows (during the congregational Prayer) then we

    14. (congregational Prayer) with Muhammad (PBUH) there, and he

    15. that the congregational Prayer time is soon

    16. stand and straighten up the lines for the congregational Prayer

    17. Would fifty congregational prayers in a twenty-four hour cycle leave any time ‘here’ for a Musalman to sire his progeny to carry the faith forward! Even if he were to scrape through on the procreative front, where was the time left for him for some gainful occupation needed for tending his family! Maybe, Muhammad missed the point as, any way, he was providing for the Musalmans with all that loot and ransom that the Quran ordained him to share with them

    18. Be that as it may, it was Moses’ concern for the Musalmans – “the congregational prayer is a weighty thing, and thy people are weak” - and his advice to Muhammad to bring some sense to that which saved the day for them all for all times to come

    19. Added to this was the Aryan complacency that the Muslim invaders too would eventually settle down in one of the caste corners of the pan Hindu fold for, after all, weren’t the alien intruders of yore neatly tucked into the native caste network at some stage? All this combined to make the Hindus in general and the Brahmans in particular to pay a deaf ear to the adhans of the muezzins from the masjids around, wanting the faithful to come over for the congregational prayers

    20. A narrow hallway took them to the main congregational hall, which

    21. He says: ﴾When you have finished the Salat (congregational communication), verily, remember God standing, sitting down and lying down on your sides, but when you are free from danger, perform communication verily communication is enjoined on the believers at fixed hours﴿Surah 4, An-Nisaa, verse 103

    22. during the compulsory congregational prayers when the Imam is leading the prayer)﴿Surah

    23. The revival that we have heard so much about these couple of days that accompanied Evan Roberts was denounced by a Congregational minister—Peter Price was his name—as a sham and a mockery

    24. If she was an unsaved person nothing about this congregational atmosphere of lackluster belief would convince her to step forward in conviction of faith

    25. Garland, a devout Congregational minister, after setting forth the theory of endless misery, as he understood and preach it—in the usual way—asked:

    26. Thompson, Chairman of the Congregational Union for 1875, that 'it is not by any fancied irradiation of the dark problems of Retribution that we shall commend God's character to the confidence of men

    27. The former Great George Street Congregational Church, on the edge of Chinatown, had been turned into an arts center, but funds were so scant that the building was still in some state of disrepair

    28. "Why," said I, "he's a member of the first Congregational Church

    29. "I don't know anything about Deacon Deuteronomy or his meeting," said I; "all I know is, that Queequeg here is a born member of the First Congregational Church

    30. Paul's Cathedral, the City Temple, and Stamford Hill Congregational Church for the use of those buildings for public services; (e) a letter of thanks to Her Majesty for permission to visit Windsor Castle; (f) and also a resolution of thanks to the Lord Mayor and Lady Mayoress, to Mr

    31. Morgan Gibbon, for their pulpit addresses before the Congress, and that they be requested to furnish copies of the same for publication; and also Stamford Hall Congregational Church for the use of those buildings for public services

    32. Paul's Cathedral, the City Temple, and Stamford Hill Congregational Church for the use of those buildings for public services

    33. This ore forms a narrow vein in the southwest part of the town, on land of Moses Smith, two miles from the Congregational meeting-house

    34. But the American Missionary Association of New York City, the almoner of funds received from the Congregational churches of the United States, has already, since the war, disbursed more money in the South for educational purposes than the entire gift of George Peabody, and is expending for the prosecution of the same work, every year, more than twice as much as the interest of the Peabody Fund

    35. Five were received to the First Congregational Church in Oakland at its last communion

    36. The South-western Conference is composed of fourteen Congregational churches, of which twelve were represented at our Annual Meeting

    37. The General Association of Congregational Churches, of Texas, at its seventh annual session, doffed its name, and hereafter will be known as the Southwest Texas Congregational Association

    38. Turner, member of West Texas General Conference, and pastor of the Congregational Church of Schulenburg, requested, with his church, to be received into the Association

    39. On Thursday night we had an exhibition in the Congregational Church

    40. One of our good teachers has kept up a Bible-reading in one of the poorer neighborhoods, and has thus reached a number whose ignorant prejudice renders them inaccessible to the Congregational minister

    41. Pond, pastor of the Bethel[A] Congregational Church Society, and members of the aforesaid society: We, the members of the Bernal Heights Club, having been informed that you, and the members of your society, are devoting your energies in the endeavor to teach and instruct Chinese in the English or our language, in order to Christianize them, and bring them up to our standard in all their requirements (a futile undertaking), knowing as we do that they consider their theory of spiritual economy and their doctrines concerning the soul’s immortality, and such things, far superior to our own, and they treat us and all our endeavors to bring them over to the theory and belief with absolute contempt, should convince us, without doubt, of the fallacy, we take this method of expressing our disapprobation of the course that you are pursuing, in encouraging Chinese in this country

    42. “Cougregational” changed to “Congregational” on page 156 (Room 21, Congregational House)

    43. They were held in the pretty Congregational Church, and were highly creditable

    44. On the same day, also, Wah Yin was baptized and received to the Congregational Church in Petaluma—the first-fruits, so far as church membership is concerned, of our mission there

    45. In Georgia, the "Empire State of the South," a Congregational Conference now exists

    46. But the Congregational church, with the "Lewis High School" in its basement, taught by two experienced lady teachers from New York, has gained the respect of the whole community by the steadiness of its members and the "sweet reasonableness" of its doctrines as handed down from past generations

    47. But our Congregational Association of Christian Chinese has the same authority to issue passes that the Six Companies have, and its passes are equally respected

    48. A young colored man, who had been a preacher in one of the old churches of the South and had become disgusted with its ignorance, superstition and immorality, presented his credentials and applied for admission into the Congregational Association of the State

    49. The Congregational Association of the State of Georgia met with the church at Macon, November 9th-14th

    50. The quiet forms of worship in our Congregational churches, and the intelligent preaching of the A

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    Synonyms for "congregational"

    congregational congregationalist

    "congregational" definitions

    relating to or conducted or participated in by a congregation

    of or pertaining to or characteristic of a Congregational church