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    Use "may day" in a sentence

    may day example sentences

    may day

    1. The result? Naught! All men seem to be enchanted by Mandy, especially Themis! As about me, at a moment someone speaks up and says he remembers me from elementary school - so, my age is revealed before everybody! Later on, Themis suggests our going on an excursion on May Day and all the married hens (who, as usual, have formed a ring around him) hasten to enter themselves for it

    2. “Where I said he would be large as life and wearing more foliage than a bloody May Day Queen, it was hard for me to spot him at first now do quieten down and let me concentrate

    3. We may daydream, but that is a conscious

    4. 'It will be May Day soon,' Simon observed

    5. He does it on May Day and encourages the young people to engage in practices that are too shameful to describe

    6. In the past, he'd ignored the vicar's remonstrations about the evils of the May Day festivities

    7. Easter had been early this year, so Whitsun would come soon after May Day

    8. On a May day in 2008, a car pulled to a stop before Pete’s house in San Clemente, and Louie stepped out

    9. To this day, May Day is celebrated as labor’s official holiday around the globe

    10. The higher classes see the unions, the strikes, the May Day Celebrations, and feel the calamity that is threatening them, and their terror passes into an instinct of self-defense and hatred

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