Use "dear" in a sentence
dear example sentences
1. Believe me Dear Reader; I was already struggling to hold on the modern world without this kind of thing happening!
2. Answer: Dear John, What is that special soil you are talking about? I would be interested in testing it for you and seeing for myself
3. He spoke to his dear the angel Kerubiel who reflected His light through the leaves
4. The relevance of what I have said suddenly hits me – dear God, how could I have missed that?
5. Please return my dear, with all comfortable haste
6. “Forgive me my dear, but I need to spend
7. I have seen too many dear friends leave this world too soon; before they understood the great freedom that comes with aging
8. Oh dear, whatever can have happened? ‘How was Liz?’
9. Johnny waited for a moment or two to see if the old dear needed time to
10. “You’ve had a bit of a restless night, dear
11. "And the whales solve it with song, my dear," he answered Glenelle
12. dear Father! i ask you to fill me with the Holy Spirit! Fill me with the
13. dear sanctuary, but in that instant when Lucy felt that she might regain control of her
14. ‘Oh dear … I’ll come and have a look, shall I?’
15. Dr Wright sighs heavily and his kindly eyes become steely for an instant, ‘Oh … Kate … oh dear
16. ’ as I gaze damply round the room at these very dear people
17. I held on for dear life, twisting his foot so that he lost his balance, more out of surprise than through the force of my sudden retaliation
18. This was the instant of doubt, the point where the prey loses its fear of those mesmerising eyes and runs for dear sanctuary, but in that instant when Lucy felt that she might regain control of her legs and speed back towards the light of town, the wolf slid the hood from his head
19. and that my dear is what judges others… the negative energy
20. Dear one… it’s ok! That’s all just material stuff-‐n-‐things… the
21. dear sister-in-law and brother she had quickly decided to
22. Poltu while the rickshawala held on to his dear life and
23. She was a spitting image of her dear niece
24. You my dear teach Me how to travel
25. Always Remember dear that you'll be able to
26. Love u Dear with all my being
27. “Really, dear lady, I hurt all over, and my head is about to burst, but other than that I’m ok
28. She sighs deeply before replying – oh dear, like that is it? I’m not terribly surprised though
29. “Actually my dear, you feel pretty good,” he gave her his best WC Fields imitation
30. “Oh dear, well that settles it then
31. To the woman who complained that riches hadn't made her happy, the Master said, "You speak as if luxury and comfort were ingredients of happiness; whereas all you need to be really happy, my dear, is something to be enthusiastic about
32. He stretched out his hand and found another root and held on for dear life
33. My dear aunt, so wretched and forlorn, so defeated in her grief, I dared not make a sound
34. Dear Auntie had decided to go ahead with it rather than cause disappointment, although I'm sure she would rather have taken some time to be alone
35. “It is the male who takes the female my dear,” he told her forcefully, “with her permission of course!”
36. Dear Irene and my Pantelis were like brother and sister, even went to the same school
37. “No, dear, I’m not
38. “They disappeared into the population my dear,” Thom said, there was still an interstellar channel open with the Brazilian expedition at 61 Cygni and Gordon’s Lamp was able to monitor all the traffic on it
39. Oh dear God, this situation is ridiculous …
40. “You’re trying to pick a fight aren’t you my dear?” he said as mildly as he could
41. Your dragon is to be my Queen, my dear Lady and she will arrive sometime tomorrow
42. 'Oh dear, the stresses and strains of modern goat herding,' teased Alessandra
43. I look at this man, so very dear and familiar, standing there waiting for me to determine his fate
44. When he hears that Alastair is in the garden trying to mend a mower, he groans, ‘Jo, you haven’t let him loose on something mechanical, have you? Dear God!’ …
45. And this was, as our dear and wise old Queen knew very well, the whole point
46. "Yes dear," he said, and got up and left her
47. Think about it! With modern technology and a few million Euros this place could knock every other playground into a black hole and my dear little Kaliantikos Foundation will provide the bungs
48. Eventually he returned home, being both very tired and very sad, for he did want to find his princess so very much, and it was then that the young man’s dear old mother came up with a very cunning plan
49. Every morning the young man’s mother delivered a lovely tray of tea and toast to his bedroom and as the exhausted but glowing couple lay in the king size love nest that had been especially arranged for them, the young man’s dear old mother asked each young lady in turn if she would give her a hand with the laundry
50. Have you any idea how much is at stake, my dear uncharismatic ex? Looting is an old, long-established activity but looters these days have better technology and better networks than anyone