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    Use "decoct" in a sentence

    decoct example sentences


    1. Most of these can be made into a decoction, strained and added to water to be sprayed

    2. Decoction: This is made by simmering the part of the plant (usually roots, twigs and bark) in a nonmetal container, in boiling water, for 1/2 hr or more depending on the material(s) and its use

    3. Make an infusion of the leaves or a decoction of the roots

    4. Each day cauldrons of soup were made, but distribution led to fierce riots, in which weak buffeted with strong in a struggle for the precious decoction that was exhausted before one-fiftieth of the crowd had been served

    5. "Oh, a strong decoction of seed vessels

    6. His fat, flabby, beardless face seemed dyed by a decoction of liquorice, and his white hair made even more vivid the keen brilliance of his small black eyes

    7. But that vile decoction which has ruined so many hearths and homes had cist its shadow over her childhood days

    8. Reassuringly, their place, where none could hear them talk, being secluded, reassured, the decocted beverages, allowing for subsolid residual sediment of a mechanical mixture, water plus sugar plus cream plus cocoa, having been consumed

    9. When a hole is blown in the fence, what becomes of the tree? Then, as if none of it had happened, he turned and set before me, in a white cup with a white saucer and a doll-sized spoon, a black decoction with a precise ring of caramel-colored foam

    10. Mallow: Decoction of leaves and flowers as poultice

    11. Marsh mallow: Decoction of root; infusion of flowers and leaves

    12. Willow: Decoction of bark

    13. Marsh mallow: Decoction of root; infusion of leaves and flowers

    14. Roses: Decoction of hips

    15. Marsh mallow: Infusion of leaves and flowers; decoction of root

    16. Rose: Decoction of hips

    17. Feverfew: Decoction of leaves and flowers

    18. A decoction of roots and leaves is laxative and restorative

    19. Use a decoction of the bark for diarrhoea and skin eruptions

    20. Lavender makes a decoction to clean the skin

    21. He had rubbed himself all over with vodka mixed with a secret, very strong decoction, had drunk what was left of the mixture while his wife repeated a “certain prayer” over him, after which he had gone to bed

    22. “Of what was that balsam, or, rather, decoction, made, which, as we learn from the preliminary inquiry, you used on that evening to rub your lumbago, in the hope of curing it?”

    23. That was at once observed and noted, for Semyon Ivanovitch would never lend any one his teapot, even for a moment; and that was the more unjust as he himself hardly ever drank tea, but when he wanted anything drank, as a rule, rather a pleasant decoction of wild flowers and certain medicinal herbs, of which he always had a considerable store

    24. But on dissolving a small quantity of the mineral in nitric acid, and adding a drop or two of the decoction of gallnut, no discolouring of the liquor was produced

    25. —A decoction of the whole plant, used as an emetic in cases of ague and fever

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    Synonyms for "decoct"

    essence extract distillation solution infusion