Use "dependence" in a sentence
dependence example sentences
1. Hammaker says the only way to stop the glaciers from knocking down our back doors within this generation or next, is to reduce our dependence on fossil fuels, reforest the cities and the country side
2. prosperity without dependence on money; to boundless health and a
3. It is easy to bustle around and to lose full dependence on the
4. The partial bind had led to a state of dependence which Ginger thought was simply deplorable
5. All attention is paid to dependence of strength on the external loading, they set reasons on which it is possible to judge about beginning of material destruction at the tense state, if the behavior at simple tension, compression or shear is known
6. Pawers presented this dependence in the form of the formula: R
7. On the one hand he realized the passion of people who cherished their personal independence and their dependence on nature
8. It must give them public encouragement in order to their subsistence; and it must provide against that negligence to which they will naturally be subject, either by annexing particular ho0nours to profession, by establishing a long subordination of ranks, and a strict dependence, or by some other expedient
9. surprising fact that, with the advent of the so-called „Great Society" in the mid sixties and its creation of unheard of welfare dependence, forcing many fathers out of their homes, crime skyrocketed
10. The problem with this country – as with many Euro states – was its dependence on the tourist trade
11. A society that has grown comfortable with largess may consider private enterprise a threat to popular dependence
12. Although this highly sophisticated and financially prohibitive and ―impractical‖ venture may appear ‖implausible‖ to some, the reduction in stress-related travel, increased quality time, higher productivity at the workplace and the system‘s ameliorating impact on our environment (already) under enormous stress, not to mention our nation‘s increasing dependence on foreign sources of oil, may very well offset the cost(s) associated with this awesome undertaking
13. The recent surge in energy costs has once again ―fueled‖ public debate over the need for a comprehensive energy program that will gradually reduce our nation‘s dependence on foreign oil
14. “It’s a strange one, with controversial implications, and a hyper-sensitive dependence on existing conditions
15. This pattern if established can lead to a kind of dependence on sugar
16. Planet” which is a much different objective than reducing our oil dependence
17. dependence on oil and the threat of a changing climate
18. Its relation is of total dependence, it has to follow drastic and unjust orientations to generate commercial superavit, obtainment of loans or rolling of the debt, even it has to sell its wealth at banana price
19. Generation of Income for Totality of the People, Organizations and Countries definitive way the problems because everything that they receive from resources spends to fulfill noble social role in eternal dependence of fundraisings and State’ actions
20. With this, the nonprofit organizations will have the economic and political power to solve the problems with efficacy, being liberated of the eternal dependence of the fundraising
21. As there are billion of those familiar units that act separately, the people end up being easy victims of the economic system that offers them leftovers on behalf of the economic or social production stabilization, condemning them to the eternal state of dependence of the help that not even it arrives on time of saving them
22. In consequence, the Third Sector (nonprofit organizations) it stays in the eternal dependence of resources to help, even with the force of million of voluntary people XUSING Project: Beta Version in English - 2005
23. It solves the question of the income so much for the individuals as for the corporations with profit or non-profit, as well as for the State, without there is need of the indebtedness or vinculum to the work, without there are the slave work and the financial dependence
24. Therefore, the beneficiary won’t stay in the dependence exclusive or physical of the organization that registered it to enjoy the benefits
25. This new systematics eliminates the capital lack for who wishes to produce and it liberates the producers of the financial dependence
26. With this, it eliminates the relation of economic dependence among them
27. This hot money deceives countries and international monetary organisms with the utopia of the economic growth; it also causes rapid financial dependence when this capital enters in the country and it produces the total destruction when quickly it goes out
28. The results will be expressive as: generation of trillion dollars in potential GDP; abundance of products and services; end of the misery, hunger and of the social abandonment; obtainment of international prestige and citizenship; liberation of the financial dependence; personal development; immense surplus of money for the State; environment protection; and high gain with elimination of the waste, country cost and of the bureaucracy
29. Also, it liberates the countries of the economic and financial dependence internationally, without indebtedness internal or external
30. This eliminates the constant search for the accumulation of monetary reserves, besides satisfying creditor and debtor, it also finishes the rolling of the debt and financial dependence among countries
31. It liberates the countries of the monetary prison in national and international level and it puts an end to the dependence of loans in international currency to honoring external financial commitment
32. Also, it liberates the companies of the dependence of financial loans to pay wages, to levy taxes, to compose working capital, to do investment and to pay its suppliers
33. developed in Thailand, the dependence of it is not as high as
34. dependence and loyalty is built between the corporation and the
35. dependence on the internet and therefore we cannot give a
36. Wood: Life; temporary; flesh; the human part of the Lord; dependence on the flesh; fleshly appetite; eternal with respect to a living tree
37. (Why is dependence upon government worse? Because only government can force you to do things by showing up with guns and handcuffs when they claim you are breaking one of their laws and because it has been proven over and over that people are nearly guaranteed to remain poor when they use taxpayer dollars for food, housing, medical care etc because government programs specifically use disincentives that provide negative consequences for those that begin to slightly prosper to the point that the only way to rise above needing taxpayer dollars is to earn a much larger amount of income than most people do
38. dependence with Christ, like He depended on the
39. dependence to the life within
40. They reveal dependence on fantasy over fact
41. ter and teaches dependence and hate
42. relation of mutual dependence is the reflection of their absolute
43. that memory, connection and dependence would become
44. All dependence on another is futile, for what others can give
45. Ring’s contention that “…because of the economic blockade imposed on Cuba by the United States, an economic dependence on Moscow has been created which has caused trade debts, and has consequently subjected Cuba to political dependence on the Soviet Union as well”
46. economic blockade of Cuba has caused Castro’s trade debts and dependence on Moscow is to ignore historical facts
47. We can not ‘trust’ the federal government --- we need to bring control of our nation’s future back into the hands of the States!! Its time for the States to reevaluate the powers religuished and reduce their dependence on a central government that fails to achieve ‘acceptable results’ at an excessively high cost; and thereby reduce the massive expenses associated with ‘federal government overhead’
48. dependence on oil and the threat of a changing climate‖
49. We know they are doing nothing to reduce our dependence on foreign oil
50. They want to keep our gasoline prices high and increase our dependence on foreign oil