Use "effete" in a sentence
effete example sentences
1. Aggressive behavior, contrary to violent or destructive behavior, is a natural (masculine) expression that should be encouraged, within proper limits, lest our society give way to effete young men
2. Heathcote “Peter” Wales, being then (not now with his Wyoming ranch) an effete easterner, and a snob—aren’t they synonymous?—introduced us to weird concoctions of Guinness stout with both champagne and various ales
3. Bahkælt scorned the idea that these effete southrons would dare show the initiative to do us injury
4. At this very day, when men tell us that Christianity is an effete and worn-out thing, we may safely challenge them to show us anything better
5. I was having a most cheerful dream in which I tried hard to remember the exact words Herbert Spencer uses about effete beliefs that, in the stole, still cling about the necks of priests, and, in gaiters, linger round the legs of bishops, and was repeating the words about the bishops in a rapture of enjoyment--and indeed it is a lovely sentence--when a sudden pause of fear came into my dream, and I felt that some one beside myself was in the room
6. A spoiled, effete, dry, ironic, removed, abstract, mental curiosity… stinking of mental arrogance and indifference
7. He spent his entire life doing nothing but enjoying effete music and drinking wine, and living his entire life as an inebriated drunken sot
8. What could have induced such a sound Teuton to entrust his offspring to the unhealthy influences of that effete, corrupt, rotten and criminal country I cannot imagine
9. They may be of the stature of demi-gods for all I know, but at that great distance from the shores of effete Europe and in the presence of so many guileless dead, their size seems diminished from this side
10. Also, without being actually positive, it struck him a great field was to be opened up in the line of opening up new routes to keep pace with the times apropos of the Fishguard-Rosslare route which, it was mooted, was once more on the tapis in the circumlocution departments with the usual quantity of red tape and dillydallying of effete fogeydom and dunderheads generally
11. The colonel was a native of Rollings Province, born in the foothills of the Black Hill Mountains, and he’d always done his best to discharge his God-given duty to sneer at the effete citizens of such balmy provinces as Glacierheart, where snow accumulations were measured in mere yards
12. "Up he jumped with a bottle in his hand, but he remembered that he was under the flag of the effete Old Country, where law and order run, and Tammany has no pull
13. In Thailand, my dear,” Monserrat answered with a smile and an effete wave of the hand
14. In one way or another all men of our day in their inner consciousness condemn the existing effete pagan order, and admit, often unconsciously and while regarding themselves as hostile to Christianity, that our salvation is only to be found in the application of the Christian doctrine, or parts of it, in its true significance to our daily life