Use "ejection seat" in a sentence
ejection seat example sentences
ejection seat
1. The vision of the ejection seat exploding Donny Higgens into crushed oblivion fleeted behind Court's eyes
2. The rear canopy of the Trot 11 aircraft suddenly flew off and the backseater was rocketed out in his ejection seat
3. Her ejection seat’s rocket motor blasted her through the Plexiglas canopy and into the 400 knots relative speed air stream
4. Even without ramjet boost, the total thrust of her engines was close to the present loaded weight of her plane, pushing her and Ridley in their ejection seats under the acceleration
5. ‘’Hell! These things have ejection seats!’’ Said Ingrid, who then held her fire
6. As she watched the bomber pilot separate from his ejection seat and then open his parachute, she could only look at the surviving five Ar-234, who were now too fast for her to catch up and were fleeing at maximum speed towards the Southeast and France
7. Before running away from the wreck, she however took the time to recuperate their two M2A2 carbines, stowed besides their ejection seats
8. Giving the example, Gertrude Meserve quickly climbed the ladder laid against the side of her cockpit and sat in her ejection seat
9. A mechanic helped her at once to strap her harness, then removed the safety pins of her ejection seat, while another mechanic did the same with her radar officer, Captain Betty Smith