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    fairy example sentences


    1. also wept because he knew that there was no such thing as a fairy god mother, no

    2. appeared quite fantastical to him, reminding him of childhood fairy tales, and, he

    3. Her alien boyfriend swallows her up with a view to reshaping her; a little later, when he vomits her, she becomes an ethereal fairy

    4. However, this truth is usually revealed to the advanced disciples only; the rest of us delude ourselves with the fairy tale of self-improvement – and we never get anywhere

    5. She was exactly what he pictured a beautiful Elf woman to look like when he was a child reading fairy tales

    6. It was also plain that she was fairly educated and intelligent in spite of her fairy tales

    7. Alan's fairy tale, not Luray's

    8. Once upon the fairy tale of softly focused memory,

    9. The truth was that she was more than just an old professional; she was, in the vaguest sense, Archibald's Fairy Godmother, having promised his father that she would look after the boy when he most needed it

    10. Mister Cameron is blessed with the sort of fortune that, in fables and fairy stories at least, has only ever been granted to mere mortals in return for a lien on their soul

    11. ‘Thanks, Sally, it feels like a fairy story, it’s all very unreal at the moment

    12. 'How can you say that? There's no proof,' he was full of these fairy stories

    13. time to the pages of fairy stories like this one, which is where, as I

    14. quietly beautiful as that of the fairest fairy tale princess

    15. just like a fairy tale prince, but as she approached him the battered

    16. Fairy Godmother, having promised his father that she would look

    17. fortune that, in fables and fairy stories at least, has only ever been

    18. making machines in a great hall lit by a thousand fairy lights"

    19. any way this isn't a fairy story in the accepted meaning of the term

    20. Only in fairy tales does 'a whole village fall in love with its new favorite son, and live happily ever-after

    21. … a sort of fairy tale thing … doesn’t happen to real people … but it’s happening to me … there, I said it

    22. They say it lies far to the east and is the home of many fairy ladies

    23. And there it all was—the palace reaching to the sky, the beautiful gardens, the lovely fairy ladies

    24. “The brocade of Sun Palace! Well, that wind was sent by the fairy ladies of the palace itself

    25. Sitting there at looms were dozens of fairy ladies, who turned to stare at him, then whispered to each other excitedly

    26. What good fortune brings you here?” The fairy was so beautiful that for a moment Chen could only stare

    27. The palace was as large as Chen himself had seen it, and standing on the steps was the fairy lady Li-en

    28. Chloe pointed excitedly out towards the sea, “Ooh, look!” There through the late mists rising from the bay, rose what appeared to be the turrets and spires of a fairy tale castle

    29. There was at least an inch of powdered snow this week that was just beginning to fall off the white fairy wonderland dawn had been in the trees

    30. In a way it is easier now that we know what the situation is, but, I for one had been expecting a happy outcome … I remind myself this is real life, not a fairy story

    31. Then, Justice appeared above them, following them like a fairy

    32. Glenelle drifted back from logging readings, her personification the little zero-gee fairy with goldfish fins on her feet instead of wings

    33. Her little fairy body was far too shapely for political advantage, but Glenelle didn't care about that at all

    34. He was born when the legions of Dempala first entered the Lumpral basin, a time that only history scholars know, long before the times that gave birth to legends and fairy tales

    35. The Fairy Tales of the Brothers Grimm

    36. His Blue Fairy Book (1889) was a beautifully produced and illustrated edition of fairy tales that has become a classic

    37. This was followed by many other collections of fairy tales, collectively known as Andrew Lang's Fairy Books

    38. "We can go back and get the fairy tale decor," Desa told him, "But we can't get the fairy tale

    39. The fairy tale wasn't the mountains and forests, it was the belief that I could depend on you

    40. I am quoting Céline Dion as an example, not because she is a pop star but because she represents the keenest of evidence that fairy tales are sometimes made true

    41. Fairy lore abounds with tales of travelers who were led into whole kingdoms that they believed to be fully real

    42. “The tooth fairy will still visit you, don't worry

    43. tooth fairy out there that pays for baby teeth? Is there

    44. To see a tooth fairy in your dream indicates that you will be rewarded or recognized for your current hardships and difficulties

    45. I just haven't wrapped my head around the fact that there are such entities---in reality; not fairy tales---that are as far above us,” and she waved a hand to the bridge officers around them, “as we are to the plants in my garden!”

    46. It was a world of the fairy princess, fancy cars, chauf-

    47. Her memory of a rose covered cottage nestling on the edge of a mountain valley was a child's fantasy, something that her mind had mixed up with some other place in a fairy tale

    48. But nothing! Had Rosemary made it all up? Did her aunt exist at all? Was the cottage in the country with the resident Witch a Fairy Tale in Rosemary's imagination

    49. and of course the Lios, is not really a Ring Fort as some would have it, or a Fairy Ring, it's actually a

    50. Frank continued to educate Jack on the difference between a Lios', Ring Forts, Cairns, Fairy Rings and related a story about his father, who claimed he had fallen asleep one night in a Fairy Ring and woken up in the morning with a little footprint on his back

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    Synonyms for "fairy"

    faerie faery fairy fay sprite fag faggot fagot nance pansy poof poove pouf queen queer witch warlock vampire ghoul poltergeist devil elfin brownie spirit pixie enchantress leprechaun

    "fairy" definitions

    a small being, human in form, playful and having magical powers

    offensive term for a homosexual man