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    Use "firmly established" in a sentence

    firmly established example sentences

    firmly established

    1. The world is firmly established, it

    2. course even now that she was firmly established with Tragus, she could never ask him if she

    3. In some countries, as in Scotland, where the government was weak, unpopular, and not very firmly established, the reformation was strong enough to overturn, not only the church, but the state likewise, for attempting to support the church

    4. That needed correcting and it also needed to be firmly established, before he learned of what she had in mind, with him that Caroline was never to learn of anything of it

    5. When the Mick had departed Boston abruptly to live in Costa Rica, it was Kevin’s reputation for brutal strength that held the gang together and kept intact the chain of authority, with Mike on top but with himself firmly established as number one in Boston

    6. We didn‘t hear much from them for some time, but with Adam and Susan‘s history of screwing up now firmly established we knew that it would only be a matter of time before the phone would ring, and it would be Adam on the end of the line demanding we help him out

    7. laws, and evil affected to our state, working all the mischief they can that our kingdom may not be firmly established:

    8. affection and your mind will be firmly established in the

    9. Those therefore who repent completely and with the whole heart will become young and firmly established

    10. I made sure that the cone was firmly established in a special

    11. As soon as we were firmly established inside the giant

    12. Once your house rules were firmly established you would need to put them in a

    13. You are as firmly established, as invulnerable as she, indeed a thousand times firmer and more invulnerable

    14. “Well, it seems that we have now firmly established who is in charge around here

    15. When you approach God with all your senses and direct your heart towards Him so that this immaterial link between your spirit and its Creator becomes firmly established, a share of perfection will be imprinted on your spirit in order to color it

    16. Certainly, when a family is united, with a firm relationship based on love and respect among its members, and the deep emotional ties which the husband and wife commit to during the marriage ceremony, the structure of society will be firmly established and unassailable

    17. When the spiritual tie is firmly established between husband and wife through the early months of their marriage, a happy life, filled with love and cordiality, will prevail over their house and family forever and it will be impossible for any serious argument, or feelings of aversion, or desire for divorce to come between them

    18. Paul’s Cathedral, London, says: “Every educated man knows that the main facts of organic evolution are firmly established, and that they are quite different from the legends borrowed by the ancient Hebrews from the Babylonians

    19. moment! Only when you are firmly established in Samadhi, when you have

    20. Herr Dremmel during these years had trained his parish to be unobtrusive in return for his own unobtrusiveness, and in spite of occasional restiveness on the part of Baron Glambeck, who continued from time to time, on the ground that the parish was becoming heathen and displaying the smug contentment characteristic of that condition, to endeavour to persuade the authorities to remove him somewhere else, was more firmly established than ever in the heart of a flock that only wanted to be left alone; and as for his wife and children, he regarded them benevolently as the necessary foundation of his existence, the airy cellars that kept the fabric above sweet and dry

    21. The system under which a majority party assumed power would no doubt be representative and as a direct consequence the authority of the government would be firmly established

    22. Being on my own was a firmly established habit, anyway

    23. While you are getting firmly established in this faith,

    24. The Earth was firmly established and wel on its way to recovery

    25. The habit of positive thinking, when firmly established, becomes a

    26. mind is very reluctant to change large, firmly established pieces of the main puzzle

    27. first few years of your life, your Positive Self Image (or lack of it), became firmly established in the subconscious mind; it became, (along with many other things), one of the central pieces of

    28. Caleb was firmly established and blessed by God for his faithfulness to Him

    29. because eating habits are so firmly established with most patients, and because dietary

    30. It firmly established the roots of Islam till the day of resurrection or the

    31. Singh optimally wielded the vast network she had firmly established dispersing the campaign most effectively and efficiently

    32. Then, too, my father is not a person whose orders may be infringed with impunity; protected as he is by his high position and firmly established reputation for talent and unswerving integrity, no one could oppose him; he is all-powerful even with the king; he would crush you at a word

    33. By 1940, when Rosemary enrolled at Saint Gertrude’s, the school’s integration with the Child Center was firmly established

    34. Again Leni Riefenstahl—now thirty-three and firmly established as Hitler’s favorite filmmaker—was there to document the spectacle, though the only footage that would ever emerge was a short film documenting the war games Hitler staged at the rally to dramatize Germany’s defiance of the Treaty of Versailles’s ban on German rearmament

    35. When all this was so firmly established, Kitty began to be very much bored, especially as the prince went away

    36. In both cases the conditions of agriculture are firmly established; but among us now, when everything has been turned upside down and is only just taking shape, the question what form these conditions will take is the one question of importance in Russia,’ thought Levin

    37. The idea, however, seemed to take root in his mind; by the time we spoke of the matter again it was firmly established

    38. (My wife was adept in achieving such small advantages, first impressing the impressionable with her chic and my celebrity and, superiority once firmly established, changing quickly to a pose of almost flirtatious affability

    39. These differed from the old-time bank-stock purchases in the one vital respect that the buyer did not determine that they were worth the price paid by the application of firmly established standards of value

    40. On the basis of this presentation the practical value of the Dow theory would have appeared firmly established; the doubt, if any, would apply to the dependability of this published “record” as a picture of what a Dow theorist would actually have done in the market

    41. But whether because stupidity was just what was needed to run such a salon, or because those who were deceived found pleasure in the deception, at any rate it remained unexposed and Helene Bezukhova’s reputation as a lovely and clever woman became so firmly established that she could say the into raptures over every word of hers and look for a profound meaning in it of which she herself had no conception

    42. The decades of the Great Moderation followed, although inflation scares (1984, 1987, 1990, 1994) did still occur until the Fed’s anti-inflation credibility was firmly established

    43. As his persona of success was beginning to be firmly established, Buffett closed the partnership to new accounts

    44. For our type of investing, which involves buying big stakes in companies and investing for the long term, we need transparency and a firmly established rule of law

    45. My ideal is firmly established: a ft

    46. When all this was so firmly established, Kitty began to be very much bored, especially as the prince went away to Carlsbad and she was left alone with her mother

    47. In both cases the conditions of agriculture are firmly established; but among us now, when everything has been turned upside down and is only just taking shape, the question what form these conditions will take is the one question of importance in Russia," thought Levin

    48. Even more powerful was jealousy of the dead man's saintliness, so firmly established during his lifetime that it was almost a forbidden thing to question it

    49. What's more, I believe they would have been mortified if his guilt had not been so firmly established, as that would have lessened the effect of the closing scene of the criminal's acquittal

    50. It must be admitted that the convicts, as a body, were self-contained and full of dignity; the only ones who got enthusiastic at Baklouchin's tirades were the young ones, who had no false shame, or those who were much looked up to, and whose authority was so firmly established that they were not afraid to commit themselves

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