Use "foxy" in a sentence
foxy example sentences
1. Could it be my foxy old aunt had cornered me into a decision? But just as I was about to put her off, she floored me with a question, 'So why don't you consider moving here?'
2. In their professional capacities they had both heard about a foxy old publicist who spent his summers on this very same Caribbean paradise isle, a wily old dog of a man who was held in the highest esteem by stars and celebrities the world over
3. In their professional capacities they had both heard about a foxy
4. A foxy black chick in a business suit sat behind a desk
5. I smiled like a kid in a candy store and said, “I’m glad you did, you’re looking tall sexy! Foxy even, Fow show!” Then I told her how I used to rock out with roller skates too; I talked about trick skating, spaghetti legs, and crazy legs but I could tell I was losing her, she wasn’t really into all of the trick skating talk
6. If anybody can pull it off, it is Tomi Kern: she is one foxy lady
7. The corners of her mouth turned up in a foxy smile
8. A foxy brunette in a red dress winked
9. suddenly the door swung open and a foxy brunet with long
10. Before the third man put his hand in his pocket and got caught in the hands of this wily thief, as had happened with his friends, and before the magician continued his round of all those present one by one, in accordance with the foxy deal which they had all have agreed upon, Mr
11. In his foxy eyes, I was probably a softie, raised with a silver spoon in my mouth who found everything ready on a platter
12. “Oh yes it is! Come on foxy lady we’ez need to find another chicken coop to throw you into!”
13. There's a bloody big foxy thief beyond by the garrison church at the corner of Chicken lane—old Troy was just giving me a wrinkle about him—lifted any God's quantity of tea and sugar to pay three bob a week said he had a farm in the county Down off a hop-of-my-thumb by the name of Moses Herzog over there near Heytesbury street
14. (He assumes the avine head, foxy moustache and proboscidal eloquence of Seymour Bushe
15. The sky seemed as close as the tops of the trees, covered with still When Moneywort had gone, Bigwig sat in the mouth of the hole and sniffed cloud and flushed on the morning side with a lurid, foxy glow
16. Holmes had already wired to Forbes, and we found him waiting to receive us—a small, foxy man with a sharp but by no means amiable expression
17. He would make that foxy old courtier feel that the responsibility for all the calamities that would follow the abandonment of the city and the ruin of Russia (as
18. There was a foxy look in the open eyes; the mouth smiled terribly
19. And it was just at this most important moment, when Velchaninoff's intellect was all on the qui vive to catch up the slightest hints of what he wished to get at, while the foxy old councillor (aware of the fact) was doing his best to reveal nothing, that the former, taking his eyes from his companion's face for one instant, beheld the gentleman of the crape hatband walking along the other side of the road, and looking at him—nay, watching him, evidently—and apparently smiling!
20. He would make that foxy old courtier feel that the responsibility for all the calamities that would follow the abandonment of the city and the ruin of Russia (as Rostopchín regarded it) would fall upon his doting old head