Use "glide path" in a sentence
glide path example sentences
glide path
1. He swooped up and over a power line, then settled again into his glide path
2. "You are on glide slope, you are on glide path," GCA said
3. � Durling felt sweat on his forehead as the parachutist approached on a controled glide path
4. � Checking briefly the altimeter attached to her oxygen pack, Nancy calculated her descent rate and the glide path needed, then positioned her arms and legs in a double rearward V, picking forward speed towards her objective
5. � Nancy immediately took off her oxygen mask and her goggles to have a better vision, then roughly aligned her glide path using the beacon lights as a reference line
6. Using her steering lines, she altered somewhat her glide path in order to pass by the west side of the outpost, then veered again, this time directly towards the center of the French positions, where there was no visible fighting
7. The two snipers in the cabin had to wait a tense minute before their glide path put
8. Without the thrust from the propeller the Raven lurches earthward, but after a couple of seconds it settles into a glide path