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    Use "government's" in a sentence

    government's example sentences


    1. They bound the finished documents in real red leatherette and hand embossed the government's coat of arms on each cover

    2. In Chile's case, AT&T played a large role in the government's overthrow since it feared losing profits should the phone company become government run

    3. The Dutch government's copyright website notes that one can help

    4. Changes in a government's monetary or fiscal policies are bound to generate changes in the economy, and these will be reflected in the exchange rates

    5. The forty-eight states suffer the ravages of war only when the federal government's sovereignty is in some way jeopardized

    6. The government's only involvement with the formally illegal drugs was to monitor for quality as it did for any other consumer product, and to provide information to consumers as to potential harmful effects or dangers

    7. Self-government had been the trend for many years and today the government's influence was sharply reduced

    8. It also suggests real efforts to realize the government's long-standing ambition to gain the confidence of, and parity with, the British and French governments

    9. He insisted on involvement around the table and in the field, not only to establish his government's credibility in the eyes of the Allies but also for the sake of Polish support at home and abroad

    10. Whatever illusions he may have had over the extent of Britain's influence over Polish fate he showed his statesmanship in appreciating his government's dependence, which inevitably characterized the Anglo-Polish alliance as it had developed, into the basis of a working relationship

    11. However, challenging our government's relationship with the Saudi royals

    12. than the Government's, reportedly have been imprisoned and faced other

    13. become and government's role in it? The Bhutan

    14. Steyn's ideas about bureaucratic government's

    15. It turns out the the Government's CyberPolice

    16. the last ten years the government's role on Mars had continued to diminish

    17. For instance, the American Media paints a picture designed to make Americans overly paranoid and fearful of terrorists and criminals so that they will support the government's actions to bomb more countries and take away more of our rights and privacy

    18. Hold! you do not know that in prison one can earn only seven sous a day; it is not the government's fault, but seven sous is one's earnings; and just fancy, I must pay one hundred francs, or my little girl will be sent to me

    19. happen and no one was to be punished! Jean Valjean, stronger than the whole social order, was to remain at liberty, and he, Javert, was to go on eating the government's bread!

    20. government's debt level and what happens if interest rates increase

    21. Just like this man, as though having plotted together, act other men in various parts of Russia, and in all those cases the mode of the government's action is as timid, indefinite, and secretive

    22. Even now a few such men who have refused are sitting in prisons, not for the essential point in the case, the rejection of the legality of the government's action, but for the non-fulfilment of the private demands of the government

    23. Or there lives a head of a department, or some civil, clerical, military servant of the state, who serves for the purpose of satisfying his ambition or love of power, or, what is most common, for the purpose of receiving a salary, which is collected from the masses that are emaciated and exhausted with labour (taxes, no matter from whom they come, always originate in labour, that is, in the labouring people), and if he, which is extremely rare, does not directly steal the government's money in some unusual manner, he considers himself and is considered by others like him to be a most useful and virtuous member of society

    24. said if the non-importation act should be repealed or suspended in part, agreeable to the letter of the Secretary of the Treasury, and we are to have a trading war, we shall have a revenue sufficient to answer all our purposes, without increasing our duties at all, as we can disband our army and reduce our expenses, as the difference of expense between a trading and a fighting war will be so great that the present rate of duties will answer all our purposes; but, if the non-importation act should not be repealed or suspended, we shall have no importations of importance for the double duties to operate upon; for, if you double your duties under such circumstances, by which you raise one million of dollars, what is the operation upon the consumer? Allowing, which is certainly the fact, that the whole amount of goods in the country at this time is equal to one year's importation, which would have given the Government a revenue of at least fifteen millions of dollars, the present holder of the goods in this country will immediately add the double duties to his present price, which will be increased in consequence of the war; so that the consumers will have to pay the present holders of the goods now in this country at least fifteen millions of dollars, of which the Government's obtaining one million of dollars on future importations, you compel the consumer to pay at least sixteen

    25. It is this belief of our Government's leaning to France, that has carried that Ministry so triumphantly through the late elections to Parliament

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