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    griffith example sentences


    1. The Princes (par nobile fratrum!) had serious thoughts, when in London, of bringing an action for slander against Governor Griffith and Sir Francis Scott, for stating that Prempeh indulged in the mild dissipation of occasional head-chopping; and thereby casting a reflection on the character and the integrity of the Ashanti Embassy then in London

    2. We moved on to the pictures of the sun; the interplanetary movies in the Auditorium; and the documentary about how the Griffith came to be

    3. 16 Robert Griffith, The Politics of Fear (Amherst, MA: University of Massachusetts

    4. She had grown up in Griffith where her father had a sizable farm

    5. Sex was no problem, the boys in Griffith had taught her most of the things she needed to know and she had lost her virginity at the age of fourteen

    6. Natalie having decided to return to Griffith and to make peace with her family found that she was welcomed with open arms

    7. In the secret location of Mammoth, forty feet underneath Griffith Observatory in Los Angeles, Dan Heath used his mouse to click the play button on his computer

    8. But Griffith Observatory had been around since before its opening to the public on May 14, 1935

    9. Dan sat on the wall of the upper level of Griffith Observatory

    10. I will try to find Wing Commander Griffith in the meantime, to liaise with him

    11. manager of the stage office, Lewis Griffith, a middle-aged man with a

    12. ’’ Replied Griffith, sounding sincere

    13. Ingrid gave Griffith a sober look, appreciating his frankness

    14. Griffith opened his mouth wide on hearing this

    15. It looked peaceful from orbit and the song “From a Distance,” originally sung by Nancy Griffith began to play in his head

    16. From A Distance, by Nancy Griffith

    17. My mother was sitting with Mrs Griffith an american missionary she was a nurse

    18. He has one immediate problem, and that is how he will drive out of Griffith Park

    19. Darren had fought this casting — certainly the most ludicrous decision since Verhoven had cast Melanie Griffith as Elizabeth I ("I have the mind of a king and a bod made for sin") as vehemently as he dared

    20. “Before you trade me in for Andy Griffith?”

    21. They then cut to a scene from the movie Griffith was

    22. The advice Andy Griffith was given as a young actor is advice I want to give to us: When you know what you want, all you really have to do is think it and feel it

    23. Griffith" is six-count swing, by the way, to help you see the

    24. Griffith, of Eastbourne

    25. Of Ireland, the Dalcassians, of hopes, conspiracies, of Arthur Griffith now, A E, pimander, good shepherd of men

    26. Arthur Griffith is a squareheaded fellow but he has no go in him for the mob

    27. —Is that by Griffith? says John Wyse

    28. They exchange in amity the pass of knights of the red cross and fight duels with cavalry sabres: Wolfe Tone against Henry Grattan, Smith O'Brien against Daniel O'Connell, Michael Davitt against Isaac Butt, Justin M'Carthy against Parnell, Arthur Griffith against John Redmond, John O'Leary against Lear O'Johnny, Lord Edward Fitzgerald against Lord Gerald Fitzedward, The O'Donoghue of the Glens against The Glens of The O'Donoghue

    29. “And lucky she was,” said Mother Griffith, dishing out more Soup for us all

    30. “Not true at all,” said Mother Griffith, contradicting Mother White like a cantankerous old Husband who doth not agree with his wife’s Conversation

    31. Whereupon the last Line echo’d in my Ears as if spoken by the strong Voice of Joan Griffith herself: “By your own strong Heart will the Devil be stay’d!” ’Twas hopeful, hopeful indeed! I might become strong if only I could believe myself so! I might prosper if only I could conquer my Terrors! I might save Lancelot if only I could save myself!

    32. Griffith, for ’twas not the Custom of that Time, nor is it now, for Mothers of Noble Birth to nurse their own Progeny, suckling being consider’d a low and bestial Pursuit…

    33. Lord Bellars had no Wish to have his Sleep interrupted by a squalling Babe—for no Rake nor Man of Fashion would endure such Distractions; thus the Infant was sent to Griffith upon her Birth and left for near three Years

    34. LOCATED IN GRIFFITH PARK, a four-thousand-acre stretch of land featuring three golf courses, the Gene Autry Museum, and the Hollywood sign, the Los Angeles Zoo and Botanical Gardens is more of a run-down tourist attraction than a wildlife conservation facility

    35. The two lions spring over the turnstiles and skirt the parking lot for the nearest cluster of Griffith Park’s oak and walnut trees

    36. What makes this exchange so comical is that the immediate week before the weekend when this email exchange took place I had told my trader and Director of Trading Bill Griffith that the move in solars was significant, and that we were in the middle of a perfect window of opportunity to make some decent profits going into year-end

    37. Given my experience and the fact that I know the market always tries to buck you off your positions, I told my trader, Bill Griffith, that we would have one “hairy pullback” before these things launched and that we must do everything we could do to hold our positions in solar stocks given some basic parameters that gave the stocks room for a shakeout

    38. Griffith, the great director, took over a small village in California with the rather pretty name of Hollywood to shoot his films in

    39. Griffith was astonishingly prolific: Between 1908 and 1913, he shot some 450 films

    40. Griffith then experimented with longer films, including his controversial 1914 masterpiece Birth of a Nation, a hymn to national unity set in the American Civil War, which had a strong plot line and epic battle scenes

    41. Many stars felt restricted by the studios’ demands and in 1919 Griffith joined up with three of them, the comic Charlie Chaplin, the dashing hero Douglas Fairbanks, Jr

    42. In terms of history the film’s bunkum, but it’s an undoubted technical feat: Griffith was particularly skilful at recreating the panoramic battle scenes

    43. “I helped Griffith

    44. Pete Horn took the copter home over the smooth rolling greens of Griffith

    45. It Is Never Too Late to Mend (1856); The Cloister and the Hearth (1861); Hard Cash (1863); Griffith Gaunt, or Jealousy (1867); A Terrible Temptation (1871); etc

    46. Griffith (Academy, Jan

    47. Griffith has proved to belong to the time of the X dynasty

    48. Griffith, Mary, on the halo which surrounds all bodies, xxxviii, 22

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    d. w. griffith david lewelyn wark griffith griffith

    "griffith" definitions

    United States film maker who was the first to use flashbacks and fade-outs (1875-1948)